Copyright 1995-2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
window by numeric index, by name, before/after another element, satisfying a test
POP account by numeric index, satisfying a test
IMAP account by numeric index, satisfying a test
Hotmail account by numeric index, satisfying a test
LDAP server by numeric index, by name, before/after another element, satisfying a test
address book by numeric index, satisfying a test
folder by numeric index, satisfying a test
address by numeric index, by name, before/after another element, satisfying a test
contact by numeric index, by name, before/after another element, satisfying a test
group by numeric index, by name, before/after another element, satisfying a test
news server by numeric index, by name, before/after another element, satisfying a test
news group by numeric index, by name, before/after another element, satisfying a test
event by numeric index, by name, before/after another element, satisfying a test
schedule by numeric index, by name, before/after another element, satisfying a test
signature by numeric index, by name, before/after another element, satisfying a test
mailing list by numeric index, by name, before/after another element, satisfying a test
category by numeric index, by name, before/after another element, satisfying a test
custom view by numeric index, by name, before/after another element, satisfying a test
task by numeric index, by name, before/after another element, satisfying a test
note by numeric index, by name, before/after another element, satisfying a test
frontmost boolean [r/o] -- Is this the frontmost application?
name string [r/o] -- The name of the application.
selection anything -- The selection visible to the user.
version version [r/o] -- The version of the application.
main window reference [r/o] -- to the main window. open main window will open the main window.
progress window reference [r/o] -- to the progress window. open progress window will open the progress window.
connection in progress boolean [r/o] -- Are there any network connections in progress?
working offline boolean -- Is Entourage working offline (not connected to the internet)?
default mail account reference -- to the default mail account
default news server reference -- to the default news server
default LDAP server reference -- to the default LDAP server
me contact reference -- to the contact that represents the user
in box folder reference [r/o] -- to the inbox
out box folder reference [r/o] -- to the outbox
sent mail folder reference [r/o] -- to the sent mail folder
deleted mail folder reference [r/o] -- to the deleted mail folder
drafts folder reference [r/o] -- to the drafts folder
current messages a list of reference [r/o] -- the current messaged depending on context, including message currently being filtered
current identity reference -- the current identity. Set to change identities.
path to MUD alias [r/o] -- alias to the Microsoft User Data folder
class type class [r/o] -- the type of window
bounds bounding rectangle -- the boundary rectangle for the window
closeable boolean [r/o] -- does the window have a close box?
titled boolean [r/o] -- does the window have a title bar?
index integer -- the index of the window (frontmost is 1, etc.)
floating boolean [r/o] -- does the window float?
modal boolean [r/o] -- is the window modal?
resizable boolean [r/o] -- is the window resizable?
zoomable boolean [r/o] -- is the window zoomable?
zoomed boolean -- is the window zoomed?
name string [r/o] -- the title of the window
visible boolean [r/o] -- is the window visible?
position point [r/o] -- upper left coordinates of window
displayed message reference [r/o] -- to the message being displayed, if there is one
displayed feature reference -- to the feature (folder, server, etc) being displayed, if there is one
content Unicode text -- body of displayed message, if there is one
close reference -- the object to close
[saving yes/no/ask] -- specifies whether changes should be saved before closing
[saving in alias] -- the file in which to save the object
count reference -- the object whose elements are to be counted
each type class -- the class of the elements to be counted.
Result: integer -- the number of elements
data size reference -- the object whose data size is to be returned
[as type class] -- the data type for which the size is calculated
Result: integer -- the size of the object in bytes
delete reference -- the element to delete
duplicate reference -- the object(s) to duplicate
[to location reference] -- the new location for the object(s)
Result: reference -- to the duplicated object(s)
exists reference -- the object in question
Result: boolean -- true if it exists, false if not
get reference -- the object whose data is to be returned
as a list of type class -- the desired types for the data, in order of preference
Result: anything -- the data from the object
new type class -- the class of the new element.
at anything -- the location at which to insert the element
[with data anything] -- the initial data for the element
[with properties record] -- the initial values for the properties of the element
Result: reference -- to the new object(s)
move reference -- the object(s) to move
to location reference -- the new location for the object(s)
Result: reference -- to the object(s) after they have been moved
open reference -- the object(s) to open
print reference -- the object(s) to print
[saving yes/no/ask] -- Specifies whether or not to save currently open documents
save reference -- the object to save
[in string] -- the file in which to save the object
[as type class] -- the file type of the document in which to save the data
set reference -- the object to change
to anything -- the new value
Hotmail accounts
folder by numeric index, satisfying a test
name Unicode text -- the name of the account
ID integer [r/o] -- the account's unique ID
full name Unicode text -- the full name of the user
email address string -- the e-mail address of the account
Hotmail ID string -- the Hotmail account ID
password string -- the password used to access the Hotmail account
include in send and receive all boolean -- true to include this account with Send & Receive All
save in server sent items boolean -- true to save sent items on the server instead of lacally
additional headers string -- additional headers to add to outgoing messages
default signature type none/random/other -- the default type of signature to be used for new messages
default signature choice reference -- to the signature, if default signature type is other
IMAP accounts
folder by numeric index, satisfying a test
name Unicode text -- the name of the account
ID integer [r/o] -- the account's unique ID
full name Unicode text -- the full name of the user
email address string -- the e-mail address of the account
SMTP server string -- the SMTP server used to send mail with the account
IMAP server string -- the IMAP server used to retrieve mail
IMAP ID string -- the account ID on the IMAP server
password string -- the password used to access the IMAP server
include in send and receive all boolean -- true to include this account with Send & Receive All
send secure password boolean -- true to always send the password securely
IMAP requires SSL boolean -- true if an SSL connection is needed for the IMAP server
IMAP port integer -- the port to use when connecting to the IMAP server
SMTP requires SSL boolean -- true if an SSL connection is needed for the SMTP server
SMTP port integer -- the port to use when connecting to the SMTP server
SMTP requires authentication boolean -- true if authentication is required for the SMTP server
SMTP uses account settings boolean -- true if the SMTP server uses the same account ID and password as the incoming server
SMTP account ID string -- the account ID for SMTP server, if SMTP requires authentication is true, and SMTP uses account settings is false
SMTP password string -- the password used to access the SMTP server, if SMTP requires authentication is true, and SMTP uses account settings is false
additional headers string -- additional headers to add to outgoing messages
root folder path string -- the path to IMAP's root folder
default signature type none/random/other -- the default type of signature to be used for new messages
default signature choice reference -- to the signature, if default signature type is other
send commands to IMAP server simultaneously boolean -- false to work better with some error prone servers
download complete messages in IMAP Inbox boolean -- true to download entire message only in the Inbox
partially retrieve messages boolean -- true to download messages less than or equal to maximum size
partially retrieve messages size unsigned integer -- value of maximum size for Imap message downloads
IMAP live sync boolean -- true to enable Live Sync
IMAP live sync only connect to inbox boolean -- true to always Live Sync only to Inbox
IMAP live sync connect on launch boolean -- true to have Live Sync immediately connect on Launch
enable IMAP live sync timeout boolean -- true to have Live Sync quit after a period of inactivity
IMAP live sync timeout small integer -- number of minutes for Live Sync to stay connected before timing out
check for unread messages in subscribed IMAP folders boolean -- true to check number of unread messages in subscribed folders
IMAP inbox folder reference [r/o] -- path to INBOX folder
store messages in IMAP sent items folder boolean -- true to move sent messages to Sent Items folder
IMAP sent items folder reference -- folder to store sent messages in
store messages in IMAP drafts folder boolean -- true to store unsent messages in Drafts folder
IMAP drafts folder reference -- folder to store unsent messages in
move messages to the IMAP deleted items folder boolean -- true to moved deleted messages to Deleted Items folder
IMAP deleted items folder reference -- folder to move deleted messages to
empty IMAP deleted items folder on quit boolean -- true to delete messages from deleted items folder when quitting
delete expired IMAP messages on quit boolean -- true to delete messages older than x days when quitting
delete expired IMAP messages on quit after small integer -- number of days after which to delete messages on quit if delete on quit pref is set
delete all expired IMAP messages on quit boolean -- true to delete all messages from deleted items folder when quitting
LDAP servers
name Unicode text -- the name of the server
ID integer [r/o] -- the server's unique ID
LDAP server string -- the address of the LDAP server
requires authentication boolean -- true if the server requires a user name and password
user name string -- the user name used to access the NNTP server, if required
password string -- the password used to access the NNTP server, if required
LDAP requires SSL boolean -- true if an SSL connection is needed for the LDAP server
LDAP port integer -- the port to use when connecting to the LDAP server
maximum entries integer -- the maximum number of entries to return
search duration integer -- the number of seconds to wait before timing out
search base string -- the search base
use simple search boolean -- true if the server should use simplified search string
POP accounts
name Unicode text -- the name of the account
ID integer [r/o] -- the account's unique ID
full name Unicode text -- the full name of the user
email address string -- the e-mail address of the account
SMTP server string -- the SMTP server used to send mail with the account
POP server string -- the POP server used to retrieve mail
POP ID string -- the account ID on the POP server
password string -- the password used to access the POP server
allow online access boolean -- true to allow online access to the account (and show it in the folder list)
include in send and receive all boolean -- true to include this account with Send & Receive All
leave on server boolean -- true to leave a copy of read mail on the server
send secure password boolean -- true to always send the password securely
POP requires SSL boolean -- true if an SSL connection is needed for the POP server
POP port integer -- the port to use when connecting to the POP server
SMTP requires SSL boolean -- true if an SSL connection is needed for the SMTP server
SMTP port integer -- the port to use when connecting to the SMTP server
SMTP requires authentication boolean -- true if authentication is required for the SMTP server
SMTP uses account settings boolean -- true if the SMTP server uses the same account ID and password as the incoming server
SMTP account ID string -- the account ID for SMTP server, if SMTP requires authentication is true, and SMTP uses account settings is false
SMTP password string -- the password used to access the SMTP server, if SMTP requires authentication is true, and SMTP uses account settings is false
additional headers string -- additional headers to add to outgoing messages
default signature type none/random/other -- the default type of signature to be used for new messages
default signature choice reference -- to the signature, if default signature type is other
maximum message size integer -- the maximum size in KB of messages you want to receive
delete messages from server after integer -- delete messages from the server after number of days
delete messages from server when deleted from computer boolean -- delete messages from the server when they are deleted from computer
display name Unicode text -- the name used for display
address string -- the e-mail address
name Unicode text [r/o] -- the name of the attachment
file type type class [r/o] -- the type of file
file creator type class [r/o] -- the creator of file
encoding no encoding/7bit encoding/8bit encoding/binhex/base64/uuencode/AppleSingle/AppleDouble/quoted printable/unknown encoding [r/o] -- the MIME encoding of the data
file alias [r/o] -- alias to the associated file (if there is one)
content string [r/o] -- the encoded content (if it has been encoded)
properties record -- property that allows setting a list of properties
browser windows
<Inheritance> window [r/o] -- subclass of item
displayed area mail area/address book area/calendar area/tasks area/notes area/custom views area -- the functional area displayed in the window
name Unicode text -- the name of the category
ID integer [r/o] -- the category's unique ID
color RGB color -- the color of the category
custom views
name Unicode text -- the name of the custom view
ID integer [r/o] -- the custom view's unique ID
draft news windows
attachment by numeric index, satisfying a test
<Inheritance> window [r/o] -- subclass of item
subject Unicode text -- Subject of the message
content Unicode text -- Content of message
account reference -- Account associated with the message
priority lowest/low/normal/high/highest -- The priority of the message
news group recipients Unicode text -- The newsgroups the message will be posted to
CC recipients Unicode text -- The “CC” recipients of the message as text
signature type none/random/other -- Type of signature to be used for the message
other signature choice reference -- to the signature, if signature type is other
encoding binhex/base64/uuencode/AppleDouble -- the encoding of the attachments
compression type no compression/stuffit compression -- the compression setting for attachments
send attachments to cc recipients boolean -- Should the attachments be sent to CC and BCC recipients?
use Windows file names boolean -- Should attachments be sent with Windows file names?
draft windows
attachment by numeric index, satisfying a test
recipient by numeric index, satisfying a test
<Inheritance> window [r/o] -- subclass of item
subject Unicode text -- Subject of the message
content Unicode text -- Content of message
account reference -- Account associated with the message
priority lowest/low/normal/high/highest -- The priority of the message
to recipients Unicode text -- The “to” recipients of the message as text
CC recipients Unicode text -- The “CC” recipients of the message as text
BCC recipients Unicode text -- The “BCC” recipients of the message as text
signature type none/random/other -- Type of signature to be used for the message
other signature choice reference -- to the signature, if signature type is other
encoding binhex/base64/uuencode/AppleDouble -- the encoding of the attachments
compression type no compression/stuffit compression -- the compression setting for attachments
send attachments to cc recipients boolean -- Should the attachments be sent to CC and BCC recipients?
use Windows file names boolean -- Should attachments be sent with Windows file names?
ID integer [r/o] -- the event's unique ID
subject Unicode text -- subject of the event
location Unicode text -- location of the event
content Unicode text -- description of the event
start time date -- time at which the event starts
end time date -- time at which the event ends
all day event boolean [r/o] -- is the event an all day event?
recurring boolean [r/o] -- is the event recurring?
recurrence string -- the iCal recurrence rule
category a list of reference -- the list of categories
links a list of reference [r/o] -- the list of linked items
properties record -- property that allows setting a list of properties
remind time integer -- time in minutes from the start time
folder by numeric index, satisfying a test
message by numeric index, by ID, satisfying a test
incoming message by numeric index, by ID, satisfying a test
outgoing message by numeric index, by ID, satisfying a test
name Unicode text -- the name of the folder
ID integer [r/o] -- the folder's unique ID
parent reference [r/o] -- to the folder that contains the folder, or the application if it's a top level folder
unread message count integer [r/o] -- the number of unread messages in the folder
category a list of reference -- the list of categories
name string [r/o] -- the name of the identity
incoming messages
attachment by numeric index, satisfying a test
recipient by numeric index, satisfying a test
<Inheritance> message [r/o] -- subclass of item
mailing lists
name Unicode text -- the name of the mailing list
ID integer [r/o] -- the mailing list's unique ID
enabled boolean -- is the mailing list enabled?
storage reference -- the folder to which mailing list message will be filed
file outgoing boolean -- if true, file outgoing messages that I send to the list in the folder specified
list address string -- the list address of the mailing list
notes Unicode text -- notes about the mailing list
alternate address string -- the alternate address of the mailing list
administrative address string -- the address of the administrator of the mailing list
server address string -- the address of the list server of the mailing list
mark as read boolean -- if true, mark messages in this mailing list as read
change color boolean -- if true, change the color of this message
color RGB color -- the color of mailing list messages
add prefix boolean -- if true, add prefix to mailing list messages
prefix Unicode text -- the list address of the mailing list
delete my mail boolean -- if true, delete copies of incoming messages that I sent to the list
delete duplicate boolean -- if true, delete duplicates of messages sent to both me and the list
burst message boolean -- if true, burst digests into individual messages
delete original boolean -- if true, delete original after bursting
override boolean -- if true, override the default reply behavior (if override, default is always send to list address)
always send to list address boolean -- used only if override is true:
if this is true, always send to list address
if this is false, always send to the sender
attachment by numeric index, satisfying a test
recipient by numeric index, satisfying a test
part by numeric index, satisfying a test
ID integer [r/o] -- the message's unique ID
subject Unicode text -- subject of the message
content Unicode text -- content of message
time received date -- time at which the message was received
time sent date -- time at which the message was sent
storage reference -- to the folder that contains the message
sender address -- sender of the message
priority lowest/low/normal/high/highest -- the priority of the message
account reference -- account associated with the message
headers string [r/o] -- the message headers
source string [r/o] -- the raw source text of the message
character set string -- the character set used by the message
color RGB color -- the color of the message when displayed in lists
has html boolean [r/o] -- does the message have html text?
online status not on server/headers only/partially downloaded/fully downloaded [r/o] -- the online status of the message
connection action keep on server/download at next connection/remove at next connection -- what will be done with the message at the next connection?
read status untouched/read -- has the message been read?
replied to boolean -- has the message been replied to?
forwarded boolean -- has the message been forwarded?
redirected boolean -- has the message been redirected?
flagged boolean -- has the message been flagged for followup?
edited boolean [r/o] -- has the message been edited?
category a list of reference -- the list of categories
links a list of reference [r/o] -- the list of linked items
properties record -- property that allows setting a list of properties
<Inheritance> window [r/o] -- subclass of item
news groups
message by numeric index, by ID
incoming message by numeric index, by ID
name Unicode text [r/o] -- the name of the news group
ID integer [r/o] -- the group's unique ID
news server reference [r/o] -- to the server that the group belongs to
unread message count integer [r/o] -- the number of unread messages in the group
news servers
news group by numeric index, by name, satisfying a test
name Unicode text -- the name of the server
ID integer [r/o] -- the server's unique ID
NNTP server string -- the address of the NNTP server
organization Unicode text -- the user's organization
requires authentication boolean -- true if the server requires a user name and password
user name string -- the user name used to access the NNTP server, if required
password string -- the password used to access the NNTP server, if required
NNTP requires SSL boolean -- true if an SSL connection is needed for the NNTP server
NNTP port integer -- the port to use when connecting to the NNTP server
additional headers string -- additional headers to add to outgoing messages
sending account reference -- the mail account to use for sending
default signature type none/random/other -- the default type of signature to be used for new messages
default signature choice reference -- to the signature, if default signature type is other
number headers to get integer -- the number of headers to download at a time
name Unicode text -- the name of the note
ID integer [r/o] -- the note's unique ID
content Unicode text -- the text of the note
category a list of reference -- the list of categories
links a list of reference [r/o] -- the list of linked items
due date date [r/o] -- the date the note was created
outgoing messages
attachment by numeric index, satisfying a test
recipient by numeric index, satisfying a test
<Inheritance> message [r/o] -- subclass of item
delivery status unsent/sent -- Has the message been sent?
resent boolean -- Has the message been resent?
encoding binhex/base64/uuencode/AppleDouble -- the encoding of the attachments
compression type no compression/stuffit compression -- the compression setting for attachments
send attachments to cc recipients boolean -- Should the attachments be sent to CC and BCC recipients?
use Windows file names boolean -- Should attachments be sent with Windows file name extensions?
part by numeric index, satisfying a test
type string [r/o] -- the MIME type of the data
subtype string [r/o] -- the MIME subtype of the data
encoding no encoding/7bit encoding/8bit encoding/binhex/base64/uuencode/AppleSingle/AppleDouble/quoted printable/unknown encoding [r/o] -- the MIME encoding of the data
character set string [r/o] -- the character set of the data
headers string [r/o] -- The part headers
content string [r/o] -- the contents of the part
properties record -- property that allows setting a list of properties
address address -- the recipient's address
recipient type to recipient/cc recipient/bcc recipient/newsgroup recipient -- the type of recipient
name Unicode text -- the name of the schedule
ID integer [r/o] -- the schedule's unique ID
enabled boolean -- is the schedule enabled?
name Unicode text -- the name of the signature
ID integer [r/o] -- the signature's unique ID
content Unicode text -- the text of the signature
include in random boolean -- is the signature included in the random list?
name Unicode text -- the name of the task
ID integer [r/o] -- the task's unique ID
completed boolean -- is the task marked as completed?
content Unicode text -- the content (note) of the task
recurring boolean [r/o] -- is the task marked as recurring?
due date date -- the date the task is due
remind date and time date -- the date and time to remind of a due date
priority lowest/low/normal/high/highest -- the priority of the task
category a list of reference -- the list of categories
links a list of reference [r/o] -- the list of linked items
burst message -- the message to burst
[to location reference] -- the folder to burst into (defaults to the same folder as the message)
Result: a list of reference -- to the bursted messages
connect to a list of reference -- the account(s) to connect to
convert anything -- the text to convert as a string or unicode text
[from string] -- The name of the source character set, or leave out if source is Unicode.
[to string] -- The name of the destination character set, or leave out to return Unicode.
Result: anything -- the converted text as a string or unicode text
download a list of message -- the message to download
execute reference -- the schedule to run
forward message -- the message to forward
[to Unicode text] -- recipients of new message (as text)
[opening window boolean] -- Should it create a window or a message? (Default is to create window)
[html text boolean] -- Should the forward be HTML?
Result: reference -- to the resulting message or window
import anything -- the item to import
[to reference] -- where to import the data
Result: reference
link reference -- the item to link
[to reference] -- the item to link it to
redirect message -- the message to redirect
[to Unicode text] -- recipients of new message (as text)
[opening window boolean] -- Should it create a window or a message? (Default is to create window)
Result: reference -- to the resulting message or window
refresh reference -- the object(s) to refresh
reply to message -- the message to reply to
[opening window boolean] -- Should it create a window or a message? (Default is to create window)
[attribution style no attribution/internet attribution/short attribution] -- attribution style to use
[reply to all boolean] -- Should the reply to go to all recipients of the message?
[place insertion point on top boolean] -- Should the insertion point be placed at the top the message? (only applies to internet-style attribution)
[html text boolean] -- Should the reply be HTML?
[quote entire message boolean] -- Should the entire message be quoted?
Result: reference -- to the resulting message or window
resend message -- the message to resend
[opening window boolean] -- Should it create a window or a message? (Default is to create window)
Result: reference -- to the resulting message or window
send a list of message -- the message(s) to send, or none to send all queued messages
[sending later boolean] -- Should the message just be queued to be sent later (defaults to false)?
unlink reference -- the item to remove a link from
[from reference] -- the item to which it is currently linked
address books
custom phone number one name Unicode text -- the name of the first custom phone number
custom phone number two name Unicode text -- the name of the second custom phone number
custom phone number three name Unicode text -- the name of the third custom phone number
custom phone number four name Unicode text -- the name of the fourth custom phone number
custom field one name Unicode text -- the name of the first custom field
custom field two name Unicode text -- the name of the second custom field
custom field three name Unicode text -- the name of the third custom field
custom field four name Unicode text -- the name of the fourth custom field
custom field five name Unicode text -- the name of the fifth custom field
custom field six name Unicode text -- the name of the sixth custom field
custom field seven name Unicode text -- the name of the seventh custom field
custom field eight name Unicode text -- the name of the eighth custom field
custom date field one name Unicode text -- the name of the first custom date field
custom date field two name Unicode text -- the name of the second custom date field
email address by numeric index, satisfying a test
<Inheritance> address [r/o] -- subclass of item
ID integer [r/o] -- the contact's unique ID
category a list of reference -- the list of categories
links a list of reference [r/o] -- the list of linked items
vcard data Unicode text [r/o] -- information about the contact in vCard format. Can be used to create a contact from vCard data.
first name Unicode text -- the contact's first (given) name
first name furigana Unicode text -- the furigana for the contact's first name (Japanese format contacts only)
last name Unicode text -- the contact's last (sur) name
last name furigana Unicode text -- the furigana for the contact's last name (Japanese format contacts only)
title Unicode text -- the contact's title
suffix Unicode text -- the contact's name suffix
nickname Unicode text -- the contact's nickname
company Unicode text -- the contact's company
company furigana Unicode text -- the furigana for the contact's company name (Japanese format contacts only)
job title Unicode text -- the contact's job title
department Unicode text -- the contact's department
default email address reference -- reference to the contact's default email address
description Unicode text -- a text note for the contact
default postal address home/work -- which postal address is the default
home address postal address -- the contact's home postal address
business address postal address -- the contact's business postal address
home web page Unicode text -- the contact's home web page
business web page Unicode text -- the contact's business web page
home phone number Unicode text -- the contact's home phone number
other home phone number Unicode text -- the contact's other home phone number
home fax phone number Unicode text -- the contact's home fax phone number
business phone number Unicode text -- the contact's business phone number
other business phone number Unicode text -- the contact's other business phone number
business fax phone number Unicode text -- the contact's business fax phone number
pager phone number Unicode text -- the contact's pager phone number
mobile phone number Unicode text -- the contact's mobile phone number
main phone number Unicode text -- the contact's main phone number
assistant phone number Unicode text -- the contact's assistant's phone number
custom phone number one Unicode text -- the contact's first custom phone number
custom phone number two Unicode text -- the contact's second custom phone number
custom phone number three Unicode text -- the contact's third custom phone number
custom phone number four Unicode text -- the contact's fourth custom phone number
custom field one Unicode text -- the contact's first custom field
custom field two Unicode text -- the contact's second custom field
custom field three Unicode text -- the contact's third custom field
custom field four Unicode text -- the contact's fourth custom field
custom field five Unicode text -- the contact's fifth custom field
custom field six Unicode text -- the contact's sixth custom field
custom field seven Unicode text -- the contact's seventh custom field
custom field eight Unicode text -- the contact's eighth custom field
age Unicode text -- the contact's age
astrology sign Unicode text -- the contact's astrology sign
spouse Unicode text -- the contact's spouse
spouse furigana Unicode text -- the furigana for the contact's spouse's name (Japanese format contacts only)
interests Unicode text -- the contact's interests
blood type Unicode text -- the contact's blood type (Japanese format contacts only)
children a list of string -- the contact's children as a list
custom date field one Unicode text -- the contact's first custom date field
custom date field two Unicode text -- the contact's second custom date field
birthday Unicode text -- the contact's birthday
anniversary Unicode text -- the contact's anniversary
sync with palm boolean -- should the contact be synced with the Palm?
flagged boolean -- has the contact been flagged?
Japanese format boolean -- does the contact use the Japanese format?
modification date date [r/o] -- when the contact was last modified
last sent date date [r/o] -- when you last sent mail to this contact
last received date date [r/o] -- when you last received mail from this contact
email addresses
contents string -- the address
group entry by numeric index, by ID, satisfying a test
name Unicode text -- the name of the group
show only name in messages boolean -- if true, only the name of the group is shown in sent messages
category a list of reference -- the list of categories
links a list of reference [r/o] -- the list of linked items
group entries
content address [r/o] -- address of entry
postal addresses
name string [r/o] -- which address (business, home, other)
street address Unicode text -- the street address
city Unicode text -- the city
state Unicode text -- the state
zip Unicode text -- the zip code
country Unicode text -- the country/region
find string -- the e-mail address to find
Result: a list of reference -- the matching contacts
lookup jpostalcode string -- the postal code to look up
Result: a list of string -- the prefecture and city
handle URL string -- a news, nntp, or mailto URL
[attaching a list of file specification] -- list of files to attach
|| url:
|| created: 7-Aug-03, 12:49 PM; updated: 7-Aug-03, 12:49 PM
|| size: 169707 bytes