The FooDoo Lounge

Dialog Director 0.7 Dictionary

Copyright © 1996-1998 Christopher E. Hyde. All rights reserved.


  1. Dialog Director Suite

Dialog Director Suite: Copyright © 1996-1998 Christopher E. Hyde.
All rights reserved.


Class check box: a checkbox item


inherits dialog item

name international text -- title of item

value boolean -- is checked initially?

Class color picker: a colour picking item


inherits dialog item

value RGB color -- initial colour

flags integer -- color picker flags

Class dialog: record used to create a dialog


dialog item by numeric index


size point -- size of window

bounds rectangle -- bounds of window

style standard window/standard dialog/movable dialog/plain dialog/shadowed dialog/standard palette/sideways palette -- window kind

closeable boolean -- does the window have a close box?

name international text -- title of window

help international text -- help string

timeout after integer -- seconds after which window closes automatically

default item integer -- index of default item

contents a list of dialog item -- the dialog items

Class dialog item: a dialog item

Plural form:

dialog items


class type class -- class of this item

bounds rectangle -- bounds of this item

font integer -- the index of this item’s font

help international text -- help string

enabled boolean -- is this item enabled?

Class dummy: a dummy dialog item


inherits dialog item

Class font spec: a text font specification


name international text -- the name of the font

size integer -- the font size in points

style a list of scrap styles -- the text style(s)

color RGB color -- the colour of the text

Class gauge: a barber pole or progress bar


inherits dialog item

value integer -- initial value

max value integer -- maximum value of gauge

Class generic control: a generic control


inherits dialog item

name international text -- title of item

style integer -- proc ID of control

value integer -- initial value

min value integer -- minimum value of gauge

max value integer -- maximum value of gauge

flags integer -- initial refCon value

Class group box: an optionally labelled group box/frame item


inherits dialog item

name international text -- group label

style primary group/secondary group/tertiary group -- style of frame

Class icon: an icon item


inherits dialog item

contents anything -- colour or b&w icon or id of 'cicn' or 'ICON' resource

Class icon list box: a scrolling, labeled, icon list


inherits list box

Class icon push button: a push button with an icon & a bevelled edge


inherits dialog item

style integer -- button appearance style

contents integer -- family id of icon resources

Class icon radio button: a radio button with an icon & a bevelled edge


inherits icon push button

value boolean -- is on initially?

Class icon sticky button: a sticky button with an icon & a bevelled edge


inherits icon push button

value boolean -- is on initially?

Class icon toggle button: a toggle button with an icon & a bevelled edge


inherits icon push button

value boolean -- is on initially?

Class list box: a scrolling, text list


inherits dialog item

value integer -- initial selection

flags integer -- selection flags

action integer -- value returned when double-clicked

column widths a list of integer -- widths of the tab columns

contents a list of international text -- the list items

Class movie controller: a QuickTime movie controller


inherits dialog item

contents alias -- the movie file

flags integer -- movie controller flags

Class password field: an opaque editable text item


inherits text field

Class pict: a picture item


inherits dialog item

contents anything -- Quickdraw picture or id of 'PICT' resource

Class poly push button: a clickable polygon area


inherits dialog item

contents a list of integer -- the coordinates of the vertices

Class poly radio button: an exclusive polygon area


inherits poly push button

value boolean -- is on initially?

Class poly sticky button: a sticky polygon area


inherits poly push button

value boolean -- is on initially?

Class poly toggle button: a toggling polygon area


inherits poly push button

value boolean -- is on initially?

Class pop up: a pop-up menu item


inherits dialog item

name international text -- title of item

name width integer -- width of title

value integer -- initial selection

text field integer -- type-in field index

contents a list of international text -- the menu items

Class push button: a push button item


inherits dialog item

name international text -- title of item

action anything -- button action when pressed

Class radio button: a single radio button item


inherits dialog item

name international text -- title of item

value boolean -- is on initially?

Class radio group: a group of radio buttons


inherits dialog item

value integer -- initial on button

button offset point -- offset of next button

max down integer -- maximum buttons in vertical direction

contents a list of international text -- the button list

Class static text: a static text item


inherits dialog item

contents international text -- text of item

justification flush default/left/center/right -- justification of the text

Class text field: an optionally labelled editable text item


inherits dialog item

name international text -- title of item

name bounds rectangle -- bounds of title

value international text -- initial text of item


dd auto dialog: Create, display and interact with a dialog window

dd auto dialog record -- the dialog description

[with fonts list] -- global font table

[grayscale boolean] -- Apple greyscale appearance(ish)

[float above app] -- the application above which windows should float

Result: list -- the final item values

dd calc dialog bounds: Calculate the bounding rectangle of a dialog window

dd calc dialog bounds point -- the dialog size

Result: rectangle -- the calculated rectangle

dd count dialogs: Return the number of open dialogs

dd count dialogs

Result: integer -- the number of dialogs

dd delete: Delete the specified objects

dd delete reference -- the dialog or dialog items to delete

dd get: Retrieve properties from objects

dd get reference -- the property to be returned

Result: anything -- the data from the object(s)

dd install: Create and initialise the Dialog Director environment

dd install

[with fonts list] -- global font table

[grayscale boolean] -- Apple greyscale appearance(ish)

[float above app] -- the application above which windows should float

dd interact with user: Interact with the front dialog window

dd interact with user

[for max ticks integer] -- maximum ticks before returning

Result: anything -- the index of the dialog item clicked or null

dd make: Create one or more dialog items

dd make a list of dialog item -- the dialog item record(s)

at location reference -- the location at which to insert the item(s)

dd make dialog: Create and display a dialog window

dd make dialog record -- the dialog description

Result: reference -- reference to the new dialog

dd set: Set properties of objects

dd set reference -- the property and objects to change

to anything -- the new property value(s)

dd uninstall: Clean up and remove the Dialog Director environment

dd uninstall


|| url:
|| created: 4-Aug-03, 9:48 PM; updated: 4-Aug-03, 2:48 PM
|| size: 44625 bytes