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iTunes 4.5 Dictionary

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  1. Standard Suite
  2. iTunes Suite
  3. Internet suite

Standard Suite: Common terms for most applications


Class print settings:


copies integer [r/o] -- the number of copies of a document to be printed

collating boolean [r/o] -- Should printed copies be collated?

starting page integer [r/o] -- the first page of the document to be printed

ending page integer [r/o] -- the last page of the document to be printed

pages across integer [r/o] -- number of logical pages laid across a physical page

pages down integer [r/o] -- number of logical pages laid out down a physical page

error handling standard/detailed [r/o] -- how errors are handled

requested print time date [r/o] -- the time at which the desktop printer should print the document

printer features list [r/o] -- printer specific options

fax number string [r/o] -- for fax number

target printer string [r/o] -- for target printer


close: Close an object

close reference -- the object to close

count: Return the number of elements of a particular class within an object

count reference -- the object whose elements are to be counted

each type class -- the class of the elements to be counted. Keyword 'each' is optional in AppleScript

Result: integer -- the number of elements

delete: Delete an element from an object

delete reference -- the element to delete

duplicate: Duplicate one or more object(s)

duplicate reference -- the object(s) to duplicate

[to location reference] -- the new location for the object(s)

Result: reference -- to the duplicated object(s)

exists: Verify if an object exists

exists reference -- the object in question

Result: boolean -- true if it exists, false if not

make: Make a new element


new type class -- the class of the new element. Keyword 'new' is optional in AppleScript

[at location reference] -- the location at which to insert the element

[with properties record] -- the initial values for the properties of the element

Result: reference -- to the new object(s)

open: open the specified object(s)

open reference -- list of objects to open

print: Print the specified object(s)

print reference -- list of objects to print

[print dialog boolean] -- Should the application show the print dialog

[with properties print settings] -- the print settings

[kind track listing/album listing/cd insert] -- the kind of printout desired

[theme Unicode text] -- name of theme to use for formatting the printout

quit: quit iTunes


run: run iTunes



set reference

to anything

iTunes Suite: The event suite specific to iTunes


Class EQ preset: equalizer preset configuration

Plural form:

EQ presets


<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- inherits some of its properties from the item class

band 1 small real -- the equalizer 32 Hz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)

band 2 small real -- the equalizer 64 Hz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)

band 3 small real -- the equalizer 125 Hz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)

band 4 small real -- the equalizer 250 Hz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)

band 5 small real -- the equalizer 500 Hz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)

band 6 small real -- the equalizer 1 kHz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)

band 7 small real -- the equalizer 2 kHz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)

band 8 small real -- the equalizer 4 kHz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)

band 9 small real -- the equalizer 8 kHz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)

band 10 small real -- the equalizer 16 kHz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)

modifiable boolean [r/o] -- can this preset be modified?

preamp small real -- the equalizer preamp level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)

Class EQ window: the iTunes equalizer window

Plural form:

EQ windows


<Inheritance> window [r/o] -- inherits some of its properties from the window class

minimized boolean -- is the small EQ window visible?

Class URL track: a track representing a network stream

Plural form:

URL tracks


<Inheritance> track [r/o] -- inherits some of its properties from the track class

address Unicode text -- the URL for this track

Class application: The application program


browser window by numeric index, by name, by ID

encoder by numeric index, by name, by ID

EQ preset by numeric index, by name, by ID

EQ window by numeric index, by name, by ID

playlist window by numeric index, by name, by ID

source by numeric index, by name, by ID

visual by numeric index, by name, by ID

window by numeric index, by name, by ID


current encoder encoder -- the currently selected encoder (MP3, AIFF, WAV, etc.)

current EQ preset EQ preset -- the currently selected equalizer preset

current playlist playlist [r/o] -- the playlist containing the currently targeted track

current stream title Unicode text [r/o] -- the name of the current song in the playing stream (provided by streaming server)

current stream URL Unicode text [r/o] -- the URL of the playing stream or streaming web site (provided by streaming server)

current track track [r/o] -- the current targeted track

current visual visual -- the currently selected visual plug-in

EQ enabled boolean -- is the equalizer enabled?

fixed indexing boolean -- true if all AppleScript track indices should be independent of the play order of the owning playlist.

frontmost boolean -- is iTunes the frontmost application?

full screen boolean -- are visuals displayed using the entire screen?

name Unicode text [r/o] -- the name of the application

mute boolean -- has the sound output been muted?

player position integer -- the player’s position within the currently playing track in seconds.

player state stopped/playing/paused/fast forwarding/rewinding [r/o] -- is iTunes stopped, paused, or playing?

selection reference [r/o] -- the selection visible to the user

sound volume integer -- the sound output volume (0 = minimum, 100 = maximum)

version version [r/o] -- the version of iTunes

visuals enabled boolean -- are visuals currently being displayed?

visual size small/medium/large -- the size of the displayed visual

Class artwork: a piece of art within a track

Plural form:



<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- inherits some of its properties from the item class

format type class [r/o] -- the data format for this piece of artwork

data picture -- data for this artwork, in the form of a picture

kind integer -- kind or purpose of this piece of artwork

Class audio CD playlist: a playlist representing an audio CD

Plural form:

audio CD playlists


audio CD track by numeric index, by name, by ID


<Inheritance> playlist [r/o] -- inherits some of its properties from the playlist class

artist Unicode text -- the artist of the CD

compilation boolean -- is this CD a compilation album?

composer Unicode text -- the composer of the CD

disc count integer -- the total number of discs in this CD’s album

disc number integer -- the index of this CD disc in the source album

genre Unicode text -- the genre of the CD

year integer -- the year the album was recorded/released

Class audio CD track: a track on an audio CD

Plural form:

audio CD tracks


<Inheritance> track [r/o] -- inherits some of its properties from the playlist class

location alias [r/o] -- the location of the file represented by this track

Class browser window: the main iTunes window

Plural form:

browser windows


<Inheritance> window [r/o] -- inherits some of its properties from the window class

minimized boolean -- is the small player visible?

selection reference [r/o] -- the selected songs

view playlist -- the playlist currently displayed in the window

Class device playlist: a playlist representing the contents of a portable device

Plural form:

device playlists


device track by numeric index, by name, by ID


<Inheritance> playlist [r/o] -- inherits some of its properties from the playlist class

Class device track: a track residing on a protable music player

Plural form:

device tracks


<Inheritance> track [r/o] -- inherits some of its properties from the track class

Class encoder: converts a track to a specific file format

Plural form:



<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- inherits some of its properties from the item class

format Unicode text [r/o] -- the data format created by the encoder

Class file track: a track representing an audio file (MP3, AIFF, etc.)

Plural form:

file tracks


<Inheritance> track [r/o] -- inherits some of its properties from the track class

location alias [r/o] -- the location of the file represented by this track

Class item: an item

Plural form:



container reference [r/o] -- the container of the item

name Unicode text -- the name of the item

Class library playlist: the master music library playlist

Plural form:

library playlists


file track by numeric index, by name, by ID

URL track by numeric index, by name, by ID

shared track


<Inheritance> playlist [r/o] -- inherits some of its properties from the playlist class

Class playlist: a list of songs/streams

Plural form:



track by numeric index, by name, by ID


<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- inherits some of its properties from the item class

duration integer [r/o] -- the total length of all songs (in seconds)

index integer [r/o] -- the index of the playlist in internal application order

name Unicode text -- the name of the playlist

shuffle boolean -- play the songs in this playlist in random order?

size double integer [r/o] -- the total size of all songs (in bytes)

song repeat off/one/all -- playback repeat mode

time Unicode text [r/o] -- the length of all songs in MM:SS format

visible boolean [r/o] -- is this playlist visible in the Source list?

Class playlist window: a sub-window showing a single playlist

Plural form:

playlist windows


<Inheritance> window [r/o] -- inherits some of its properties from the window class

selection reference [r/o] -- the selected songs

view playlist [r/o] -- the playlist displayed in the window

Class radio tuner playlist: the radio tuner playlist

Plural form:

radio tuner playlists


URL track by numeric index, by name, by ID


<Inheritance> playlist [r/o] -- inherits some of its properties from the playlist class

Class shared track: a track residing in a shared library

Plural form:

shared tracks


<Inheritance> track [r/o] -- inherits some of its properties from the track class

Class source: a music source (music library, CD, device, etc.)

Plural form:



audio CD playlist by numeric index, by name, by ID

device playlist by numeric index, by name, by ID

library playlist by numeric index, by name, by ID

playlist by numeric index, by name, by ID

radio tuner playlist by numeric index, by name, by ID

user playlist by numeric index, by name, by ID


<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- inherits some of its properties from the item class

capacity double integer [r/o] -- the total size of the source if it has a fixed size

free space double integer [r/o] -- the free space on the source if it has a fixed size

kind library/iPod/audio CD/MP3 CD/device/radio tuner/shared library/unknown [r/o]

Class track: playable audio source

Plural form:



<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- inherits some of its properties from the item class

album Unicode text -- the album containing the track

artist Unicode text -- the artist/source of the track

bit rate integer [r/o] -- the bit rate of the track (in kbps)

bpm integer -- the tempo of this track in beats per minute

comment Unicode text -- freeform notes about the track

compilation boolean -- is this track from a compilation album?

composer Unicode text -- the composer of the track

database ID integer [r/o] -- the common, unique ID for this track. If two tracks in different playlists have the same database ID, they are sharing the same data.

date added date [r/o] -- the date the track was added to the playlist

disc count integer -- the total number of discs in the source album

disc number integer -- the index of the disc containing this track on the source album

duration integer [r/o] -- the length of the track in seconds

enabled boolean -- is this track checked for playback?

EQ Unicode text -- the name of the EQ preset of the track

finish integer -- the stop time of the track in seconds

genre Unicode text -- the music/audio genre (category) of the track

grouping Unicode text -- the grouping (piece) of the track. Generally used to denote movements within a classical work.

kind Unicode text [r/o] -- a text description of the track

modification date date [r/o] -- the modification date of the content of this track

played count integer -- number of times this track has been played

played date date -- the date and time this track was last played

rating integer -- the user rating of this track (0 to 100)

sample rate integer [r/o] -- the sample rate of the track (in Hz)

size integer [r/o] -- the size of the track (in bytes)

start integer -- the start time of the track in seconds

time Unicode text [r/o] -- the length of the track in MM:SS format

track count integer -- the total number of tracks on the source album

track number integer -- the index of the track on the source album

volume adjustment integer -- relative volume adjustment of the track (-100% to 100%)

year integer -- the year the track was recorded/released

Class user playlist: custom playlists created by the user

Plural form:

user playlists


file track by numeric index, by name, by ID

URL track by numeric index, by name, by ID

shared track


<Inheritance> playlist [r/o] -- inherits some of its properties from the playlist class

shared boolean

smart boolean [r/o] -- is this a Smart Playlist?

Class visual: a visual plug-in

Plural form:



<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- inherits some of its properties from the item class

Class window: any window

Plural form:



<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- inherits some of its properties from the item class

bounds bounding rectangle -- the boundary rectangle for the window

closeable boolean [r/o] -- does the window have a close box?

collapseable boolean [r/o] -- does the window have a collapse (windowshade) box?

collapsed boolean -- is the window collapsed?

position point -- the upper left position of the window

resizable boolean [r/o] -- is the window resizable?

visible boolean -- is the window visible?

zoomable boolean [r/o] -- is the window zoomable?

zoomed boolean -- is the window zoomed?


add: add one or more files to a playlist

add a list of alias -- the file(s) to add

[to location reference] -- the location of the added file(s)

Result: track -- reference to added track(s)

back track: reposition to beginning of current track or go to previous track if already at start of current track

back track

convert: convert one or more files or tracks

convert a list of reference -- the file(s)/tracks(s) to convert

Result: track -- reference to converted track(s)

fast forward: skip forward in a playing track

fast forward

next track: advance to the next track in the current playlist

next track

pause: pause playback


play: play the current track or the specified track or file.

play reference -- item to play

playpause: toggle the playing/paused state of the current track


previous track: return to the previous track in the current playlist

previous track

resume: disable fast forward/rewind and resume playback, if playing.


rewind: skip backwards in a playing track


search: search a playlist for tracks matching the search string. Identical to entering search text in the Search field in iTunes.

search playlist -- the playlist to search

for Unicode text -- the search text

[only albums/all/artists/composers/displayed/songs] -- area to search (default is all)

Result: track -- reference to found track(s)

stop: stop playback


update: update the contents of the specified iPod

update source -- the iPod to update

Internet suite: Standard terms for Internet scripting


open location: Opens a URL to an audio stream

open location string -- the URL to open


|| url:
|| created: 16-Aug-04, 10:08 PM; updated: 16-Aug-04 9:57 PM
|| size: 79172 bytes