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Roxio Toast Titanium 5.2.1 Dictionary

Copyright 1997-2003 Roxio, Inc. All rights reserved.


  1. Standard Suite
  2. Toast Suite

Standard Suite: Common terms for most applications


Class application: A Macintosh application


name international text [r/o] -- the name

version version [r/o] -- the version

frontmost boolean [r/o] -- Is this the frontmost application?


clear: Clear an object

clear reference -- the object to clear

close: Close an object

close reference

[saving yes/no/ask] -- whether the object should be saved before closing

[saving in alias] -- the file in which the closed document should be saved (by default, the same file it was read from)

get: Get the value of a property

get reference

Result: anything -- the value

launch: Launch Toast


[server mode boolean] -- whether the application should run in server mode, i.e. with the main window hidden

make: Make a new element


new type class -- the class of the new element (keyword ‘new’ is optional in AppleScript)

[with properties record] -- the initial values for the properties of the element

Result: reference -- to the new object(s)

open: Open the specified object(s)

open reference -- list of objects to open

[server mode boolean] -- whether the application should run in server mode, i.e. with the main window hidden

save: Save a disc object

save reference -- object to save

[in alias] -- the file in which to save the object

[as disc image alias] -- the image file to write the disc to

set: Set the value of a property

set reference

to anything

Toast Suite: Terms used to control Roxio Toast directly


Class Audio disc: An Audio Disc


inherits disc -- all properties and elements of the given class are inherited by this class.

title string -- Get or Set the title of an audio CD.

Class CD interactive disc: A CD interactive


inherits disc -- all properties and elements of the given class are inherited by this class.

Class Copy disc: A copy of another disc


inherits disc -- all properties and elements of the given class are inherited by this class.

Class DVD disc: A DVD-ROM or DVD-Video disc


inherits disc -- all properties and elements of the given class are inherited by this class.

resolve aliases boolean -- when this parameter is on the original files rather than their aliases will be written

name string -- the name of the disc

Class Data disc: A Data disc


inherits disc -- all properties and elements of the given class are inherited by this class.

resolve aliases boolean -- when this parameter is on the original files rather than their aliases will be written

name string -- the name of the disc

file system type Mac OS Standard/Mac OS Standard Hybrid/Mac OS Extended/Mac OS Extended Hybrid

Class Device Copy disc: A disc copied from a storage device. It is recommended that you first set the bus and lun, then the unit ID, then the remaining properties.


inherits disc -- All properties and elements of the given class are inherited by this class.

scsi bus small integer -- the bus ID of the device to copy

scsi id small integer -- the SCSI ID of the device to copy

scsi lun small integer -- the SCSI LUN of the device to copy (almost always 0)

copy blocks integer -- the number of blocks to copy from the device (changing this will also change the ‘copy mbytes’ property)

copy mbytes integer -- the number of MBytes to copy from the device (changing this will also change the ‘copy blocks’ property)

start block integer -- the block to start copying from

Class Disc image disc: A disc created from a Disc Image


inherits disc -- all properties and elements of the given class are inherited by this class.

Class Enhanced Music CD disc: An Enhanced Music CD


inherits disc -- all properties and elements of the given class are inherited by this class.

macvolume alias -- create the CD from this volume

optimize boolean -- optimize on-the-fly

autostart string -- the name of the AutoStart file

Class Hybrid disc: A Macintosh HFS / ISO 9660 Hybrid disc


inherits disc -- all properties and elements of the given class are inherited by this class.

macvolume alias -- the Macintosh HFS volume to be written to disc

optimize boolean -- optimize for speed, size or not at all

bootable boolean -- make a bootable disc (in Apple CD-ROM drives only)

autostart string -- the name of the AutoStart file

resolve aliases boolean -- when this parameter is on the original files rather than their aliases will be written

iso format CD/CD XA -- the ISO format used for the disc

iso naming ISO 9660 Level 1/Allow DOS Names/Allow Macintosh Names/Joliet -- the naming convention used for the disc

append version numbers boolean -- append ;1 to all file names to satisfy the ISO 9660 standard

use Apple extensions boolean -- not really necessary as the disc is hybrid

Class ISO 9660 disc: An ISO 9660 disc


inherits disc -- all properties and elements of the given class are inherited by this class.

iso format CD/CD XA -- the ISO format used for the disc

iso naming ISO 9660 Level 1/Allow DOS Names/Allow Macintosh Names/Joliet -- the naming convention used for the disc

append version numbers boolean -- append ;1 to all file names to satisfy the ISO 9660 standard

use Apple extensions boolean -- strongly recommended when the disc is not hybrid

name string -- the name of the disc

resolve aliases boolean -- when this parameter is on the original files rather than their aliases will be written

Class MP3 disc:


inherits disc -- all properties and elements of the given class are inherited by this class.

resolve aliases boolean -- when this parameter is on the original files rather than their aliases will be written

name string -- the name of the disc

file system type Mac OS Standard/Mac OS Standard Hybrid/Mac OS Extended/Mac OS Extended Hybrid

Class Mac Volume disc: A Macintosh HFS Volume disc


inherits disc -- all properties and elements of the given class are inherited by this class.

macvolume alias -- the Macintosh HFS volume to be written to disc

optimize boolean -- optimize for speed, size or not at all

bootable boolean -- make a bootable disc (in Apple CD-ROM drives only)

autostart string -- the name of the AutoStart file

Class Multitrack XA disc: A CD-ROM XA with more than one data track. Rarely used.


inherits disc -- all properties and elements of the given class are inherited by this class.

Class Video disc: A Video CD


inherits disc -- all properties and elements of the given class are inherited by this class.

name string -- the name of the disc

Class application: A Macintosh application


disc by numeric index


current disc reference [r/o] -- the current disc

busy boolean [r/o] -- currently busy recording a disc? (obsolete, use disc’s status code instead)

simulation mode boolean -- writing in simulation mode?

user interaction allowed/not allowed -- Whether or not the application is allowed to bring up dialogs to request user interaction.

server mode boolean -- is Toast in the server mode, i.e. only showing a progress bar and no main window?

media info integer [r/o] -- Information about the current media/recorder: -2 if no recorder, -1 if no medium, 0 if current medium not writable, positive values show disc capacity in sectors

Class audiotrack:


string by numeric index

Class disc: A generic disc

Plural form:



write speed x1/x2/x4/x6/x8/x10/x12/x2/x20/x24 -- the speed used for writing

size integer [r/o] -- the size of the disc in sectors

number of tracks integer [r/o] -- the total number of tracks on this disc (including audio tracks)

number of audio tracks integer [r/o] -- the number of audio tracks on this disc

status text string [r/o] -- Toast’s current status as shown in the progress bar.

status code integer [r/o] -- Toast’s current status code: 0 for idle and no error, 1 to 100 for “percent complete”, 101 for “indeterminate”, or a negative value for error codes.

description string [r/o] -- A textual description of the disc’s contents.


add to: Add items to an object

add to reference -- the object to add items to

items a list of alias -- the items to add to the object

[as a list of audio tracks] -- should the items be treated as audio tracks?

[at path string] -- path name at which to add the items

close tray: Close the tray of the recorder (not available with every recorder)

close tray

compare: Compare two volumes, folders, or files.


original alias -- The original volume, folder, or file.

copy alias -- The copy of the volume, folder, or file.

[Result: boolean] -- Returns TRUE if the items being compared are identical. Returns FALSE if they are not.

eject: Eject the disc in the recorder


mount image: Mount a disc image file

mount image alias -- the image file to mount

write: Write the specified disc to the recorder

write reference -- the disc to write

[asking boolean] -- should Toast ask the user before writing starts? (Default = yes)

[asynchronous completion boolean] -- should the event be handled asynchronously? (Default = no)

[ejecting boolean] -- should the disc be ejected after writing? (Default = yes)

[verification boolean] -- should the disc be verified after writing? (Default = yes)

[as session] -- should the disc be written as a session or as disc

[quitting boolean] -- should Toast quit when writing is complete? (Default = no)


|| url:
|| created: 11-Aug-03, 4:39 PM; updated: 11-Aug-03, 4:38 PM
|| size: 45768 bytes