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  1. Encoding Suite
  2. Galapagos Suite
  3. MT Resource Suite

Encoding Suite: String Encoding Converter


MT Convert J code: Convert Japanese encoding (Kanji Code)

MT Convert J code a list of string -- string / List of strings

[from SJIS/JIS/EUC] -- source encoding (default=auto detect)

[to SJIS/JIS/EUC] -- desired encoding (Default=SJIS)

Result: a list of string -- string / List of strings

MT Convert W code: Convert Western Language encoding

MT Convert W code a list of string -- String / List of strings

from MacRoman/Latin1/HTML -- source encoding

to MacRoman/Latin1/HTML -- desired encoding

[untouch eight bits boolean] -- Untouch 8 bit characters in HTML conversion

Result: a list of string -- String / List of strings

MT Decode Base64: Decode Base64 string

MT Decode Base64 string -- Base64 String

[to file specification] -- Target File

[creator type type class] -- File Creator for saved file

[file type type class] -- File Type foe saved file

[Result: string] -- Decoded data

MT Decode MIME J: Decode MIME Headers of Japanese Mail (ISO-2022-JP)

MT Decode MIME J string -- JIS (ISO-2022-JP) String

Result: string -- JIS (ISO-2022-JP) String

MT Decode URL: Decode URL-encoded String

MT Decode URL string -- URL String (%XX...)

Result: string -- String

MT Detect J code: Detect Japanese Encoding Type (Kanji Code)

MT Detect J code string -- String to check

Result: SJIS/JIS/EUC -- Type of Encoding

MT Encode Base64: Encode into Base64

MT Encode Base64 anything -- Data

Result: string -- Base64 String

MT Encode MIME J: Convert JIS-String to ISO-2022-JP String

MT Encode MIME J string -- JIS String

Result: string

MT Encode URL: Encode string into URL format

MT Encode URL string -- String

Result: string -- URL String

MT Pack CGI: Pack list into CGI argument

MT Pack CGI list -- List of {name,value}

Result: string -- CGI argument string

MT Parse CGI: Decode and Parse CGI argument (post_args or search_args) sent from Web server

MT Parse CGI string -- CGI argument

[field name boolean] -- Including field's name in the result (Default=false)

[convert to SJIS/EUC/JIS/MacRoman/None] -- desired encoding type (Default=SJIS)
*MacRoman = Latin1 to Mac conversion

Result: list -- List of messages

MT Zap Chars: Zap Control and 8bit chars (replace with space)

MT Zap Chars string -- String

[zapping Controls boolean] -- zap controls chars (default=true)

[zapping 8bits boolean] -- zap 8bits chars (Default=true)

Result: string -- Zapped String

Galapagos Suite: Utility for CGI scripting


Class DateList: List of Date Items

Class Header string: Date Header String of RFC1123 style

Class TimeStamp: TimeStamp String

Class file attribute: File Attribute


visible boolean [r/o] -- File is visible

locked boolean [r/o] -- File is locked

alias boolean [r/o] -- File is Alias

stationery boolean [r/o] -- File is Stationery Pad

custom icon boolean [r/o] -- File has custom icon

busy boolean [r/o] -- File is busy


MT ASCII Chars: Convert List of ASCII Numbers into a String

MT ASCII Chars list -- List of ASCII Numbers

Result: string -- String

MT ASCII Numbers: Convert Data to list of ASCII Number

MT ASCII Numbers anything -- Data

Result: list -- List of ASCII Numbers

MT Byte Length: Byte length of Data

MT Byte Length anything -- Data

Result: integer -- Bytes

MT Change File Info: Change File Info

MT Change File Info anything -- File or List of files

[creation date date] -- creation date

[modification date date] -- modification date

[creator type type class] -- ceator type

[file type type class] -- file type

MT Change Spaces To Tab: Change continuous spaces into tab

MT Change Spaces To Tab string -- String

per small integer -- mimimun number of continus spaces for converting to Tab

[exact boolean] -- convert exactly by <per> number

Result: string -- String

MT Convert Date: Convert Date Data (or current date) into desired type

MT Convert Date anything -- Date, TimeStamp, Header string or DateList

to type class -- Desired type (Date/DateList/TimeStamp/Header string/string)
* string = Short date string

[string list boolean] -- return DateList as string list

[long format boolean] -- Result TimeStamp is long format (YYYYMMDDhhmmss)

Result: anything -- converted data

MT Count Files: Count Files in a folder

MT Count Files anything -- Folder

[of creator list] -- list of creator type

[of type list] -- list of file type

[of attribute list of file attribute] -- Attribute of file to count

[name contains string] -- count files whose name contains this param

[modified in small integer] -- count files modified in <this param> days

[modified after date] -- count files modified after this param date

[modified before date] -- count files modified before this param date

[keyword string] -- count files that contains this param in data

[size limit integer] -- count files whose data size is lower than this param

[case sensitive boolean] -- case sensitive search of <name contains> and <keyword> (default=false)

[sub folders boolean] -- Count files in sub folders (default=false)

Result: integer -- Number of files

MT Count Folder Items: count items (files and folders) in the folder

MT Count Folder Items anything -- Folder (File Spec, Alias or Fullpath)

Result: small integer -- Number of Items

MT Count Folders: Count folders

MT Count Folders anything -- Folder

Result: integer -- number of folders

MT Count keywords: Count keywords in data or a file

MT Count keywords string -- Data (This supresses "source" param)

[source anything] -- File (FileSpec, Alias or Fullpath)

keyword string -- Keyword

[only contain check boolean] -- only checking whether target has keyword or not (Default=false)
* 1=found, 0=Not Found

[case sensitive boolean] -- Case sensitive search (Default=false)

Result: small integer -- Number of keyword

MT DateList: return List of Date Items

MT DateList

[string list boolean] -- return as string list

Result: list -- Date Items List

MT Digit String: Convert Integer into Format string (r.g. 2 -> "002")

MT Digit String integer -- Integer

digit small integer -- Number of Digit

Result: string -- String

MT Extract String: Extract string

MT Extract String string -- string

[from integer] -- extract from this byte (omit=top)

[to integer] -- extract to this byte (omit=end)

[cut boolean] -- Cut the range instead of extracting (default=false)

Result: string -- string

MT Get Info: File Information

MT Get Info anything -- File (FileSpec, Alias or Fullpath)

about creation_date/modification_date/data_size/resource_size/file_type/creator_type/is_alias/is_stationery/is_locked/is_busy/has_customIcon -- Desired information

Result: anything -- File Information

MT Hex Dump: Hex Dump

MT Hex Dump anything -- Data (this suppresses 'source')

[source anything] -- File (FileSpec, Alias or Fullpath)

[from integer]

[to integer]

Result: list -- list of Hexed byte

MT Join List: Concatenate List of Strings into a string

MT Join List list -- List of Strings

[line delimiter string] -- Delimiter for concatenating list (Default=Return)

[item delimiter string] -- item delimiter (Default=tab)

Result: string -- String

MT List Files: List up files in folder

MT List Files anything -- Folder (File Spec, Alias or Fullpath)

[of creator list] -- List of creator types to list

[of type list] -- List of file types to list

[of attribute list of file attribute] -- Attribute to list

[name contains string] -- List up files whose name contains this Param

[modified in small integer] -- List files modified in these param days (This suppresses both 'modified after' and 'modified before' parameters)

[modified after date] -- List files modified after this date

[modified before date] -- List files modified before this date

[created in small integer] -- List files created in these param days (This suppresses both 'created after' and 'created before' parameters)

[created after date] -- List files created after this date

[created before date] -- List files created before this date

[keyword string] -- List up files that contains this keyword

[size limit integer] -- List files whose Data Size (not File Size) is smaller than this param bytes

[case sensitive boolean] -- Case Sensitive search for 'name contains' and 'keyword' (default=false)

[return as type class] -- desired type -- string (=Fullpath)/file specification/alias (default=file name)

[sub folders boolean] -- contains sub folders' files (default=false)

Result: list -- List of Files (Default= list of name)

MT List Folders: List names of folders

MT List Folders anything -- Folder (File Spec, Alias or Fullpath)

[sub folders boolean] -- contains Sub Folders (Default =false)

[return as type class] -- desired type -- string (fullpath), file specification or alias

Result: list -- list of folders

MT Merge Files: Merge Files to a file

MT Merge Files list -- List of Files to merge

to file specification -- Destination file

[creator type type class] -- Creator for New File

[file type type class] -- File Type for New File

[header string] -- Header to each file's data

[footer string] -- Footer to each file's data

[appending boolean] -- Append to file (Default=false)

MT Page Title: Obtains <TITLE> of the page (HTML file)

MT Page Title anything -- HTML File (File Spec, Alias or Fullpath)

Result: string -- Title of the page

MT Parse: Parse string into a list

MT Parse string -- string

[item delimiter string] -- Item Delimiter (default=tab)

[line delimiter string] -- Line (record) Delimiter (Default=return)

[case sensitive boolean] -- case sensitive search of delimiters (Default=true)

[return as type class] -- Desired type of item (if coercion failed, remain 'TEXT') (Default='TEXT")

Result: list -- List

MT Pick Lines: Pick all lines that contains keyword

MT Pick Lines string -- Data (This suppresses source param)

[source anything] -- File (FileSpec, Alias or Fullpath)

keyword string -- Search String

[case sensitive boolean] -- Case Sensitive search for keyword (Default=false)
*Searching for delimiters is always case sensitive

[search item small integer] -- Item to search (Default all items)

[limit small integer] -- How many lines to pick up
(default = all hits lines)

[line delimiter string] -- Line delimiter (default = return)

[item delimiter string] -- Item Delimiter (Default=Tab)

Result: list -- List of Lines

MT Pick Strings: Pick strings from Data (direct param) or a file (source param)

MT Pick Strings string -- String (This suppresses 'source')

[source anything] -- File (FileSpace, Alias or Fullpath)

start with string -- pick strings that start with this parameter

end with string -- pick strings that end with this parameter

[triming boolean] -- picked string will not contain <start with> and <end with> characters (Default=false)

[case sensitive boolean] -- case sensitive search for <start with> and <end with> characters (Default=false)

Result: list -- List of strings

MT Pict Info: Width, Height and Size of PICT object

MT Pict Info picture -- PICT Object

Result: list -- List of Info

MT Random Item: Select a Item (file or folder) in the folder Randomly

MT Random Item anything -- Folder (File Spec, Alias or Fullpath)

Result: file specification -- Some Item in the Folder

MT Read Clipping: Extract Data from a Clipping File

MT Read Clipping anything -- Clipping File (File Spec, Alias or Fullpath)

[data type type class] -- Data Type to extract (Default='TEXT')

Result: anything -- Data

MT Read File: read data from a file or list of files

MT Read File anything -- File or List of Files

[from integer] -- read from this byte

[to integer] -- read to this byte

[separation boolean] -- read list of files into separated list (default=false)

Result: anything -- Data/List of data

MT Read Head: Reading head of files

MT Read Head a list of list -- list of files

[size integer] -- reading size in bytes

Result: a list of list

MT Read Pict File: Read PICT File

MT Read Pict File anything -- PICT File (File Spec, Alias or Fullpath)

Result: picture -- PICT object

MT Replace: Replace

MT Replace a list of string -- String or list of strings

search a list of string -- Search String

replace a list of string -- Replace String

[case sensitive boolean] -- Case-Sesitive Search? (default=false)

[only first hit boolean] -- replacing only 1st hit (match)

Result: string -- String or list of strings

MT Resolve Alias: Resolve Alias file

MT Resolve Alias file specification -- File/Folder

Result: alias -- File/Folder

MT Search Position: Search string's position (byte position)

MT Search Position string -- string

search string -- search string

[case sensitive boolean] -- case sensitive search (default=false)

Result: list -- List of position

MT Strip TailSpaces: Strip Tail-Spaces of all lines

MT Strip TailSpaces string -- String

Result: string -- String

MT Swap characters: Swap 1-byte characters

MT Swap characters string

search list list -- list of 1-byte character to search

replace list list -- list of 1-byte character to replace

Result: string

MT TimeStamp: return TimeStamp String

MT TimeStamp

[long format boolean] -- Long format string (YYYYMMDDhhmmss)

Result: string -- TimeStamp

MT Unify LineBreaks: Unify Line-Breaks to return (CR)

MT Unify LineBreaks a list of string -- string / list of strings

Result: a list of string -- string / list of strings

MT Write File: write data to file

MT Write File string -- Data to write

to file specification -- Target file

[creator type type class] -- File Creator for New File

[file type type class] -- File Type for New file

[appending boolean] -- Append Data to the file (default=false)

MT Write Pict File: Write PICT object to a file

MT Write Pict File picture -- PICT object

to file specification -- Target File

creator type type class -- File Creator for New File

MT Write TextClip: Write text data to a Text Clipping file

MT Write TextClip string -- String

to file specification -- Target File

MT Resource Suite: Read / Write Resource data


MT Load IndexSTR Resource: Load 'STR#' Resource as a list

MT Load IndexSTR Resource anything -- File (File Spec, Alias or Fullpath)

ID small integer -- ID of resource

Result: list -- list of strings

MT Load Resource: Load resource as object (data)

MT Load Resource anything -- File or List of Files

type type class -- resource type

[ID small integer] -- ID of resource (if not specified, returns first found one)

Result: anything -- Object (data) / List of object

MT Read Resource: Read String resource ('TEXT', 'STR ', 'STR#' )

MT Read Resource anything -- File (FileSpec, alias or Fullpath)

of type list -- Resource Type

ID small integer -- ID

[index small integer] -- Index for STR#

Result: string -- String

MT Store IndexSTR Resource: Save a list of strings as 'STR#' resource

MT Store IndexSTR Resource list -- List of strings

to file specification -- Target File

ID small integer -- ID of resource

[name string] -- name for new resource

MT Store in Resource: Store object(data) in resource

MT Store in Resource anything -- Object (data)

to file specification -- Target File

ID small integer -- ID of resource

[name string] -- name for new resource

MT Write Resource: Write TEXT data into string resource

MT Write Resource string

to file specification -- Target File

of type list -- Resource type

ID small integer -- ID

[index small integer] -- Index for STR#

[name string] -- name for new resource ('TEXT' or 'STR ')

MT Zap Custom Icon: Zap file's custom icon

MT Zap Custom Icon anything -- File or List of Files

MT Zap Resource: Zap Resource Fork of a file (remove resources of a file)

MT Zap Resource anything -- File or List of Files


|| url:
|| created: 4-Aug-03, 9:48 PM; updated: 4-Aug-03, 2:48 PM
|| size: 80222 bytes