Copyright 2002, Satimage. All rights reserved.
digital port by numeric index
<Inheritance> IO device
slot small integer -- index of the USB Delcom board, used to identify the device if several are present, default 1
<Inheritance> basic object
<Inheritance> IO device
configname plain text -- UNIX path to the serial port (as provided in the serial ports Smile's property)
RSOptions RSOptions
enabled boolean
contained data plain text -- data to send or data received
bauds small integer
databits a list of small integer -- data bits count (5, 6, 7 or 8)
stopbits small integer -- 1: send one stop bit, 2: send two stop bits
parity small integer -- 0: disabled, 1: enabled, 2: odd parity
flowcontrol small integer -- 0: none, 1: outbounds CTS, 2: inbounds DTR, 3: enable input and output flow control
<Inheritance> basic object
active boolean
permanent draw boolean -- does it still draw if not active ?
call script boolean -- does it send a 'post process' callback to its script once its job is over ?
window by numeric index, by name, by ID
text window by numeric index, by name, by ID
script window by numeric index, by name, by ID
graphic window by numeric index, by name, by ID
dialog by numeric index, by name, by ID
IO device by numeric index, by name, by ID
menu by numeric index, by name
menu command by numeric index
<Inheritance> basic object
creator type type class [r/o]
cursor arrow/watch/busy
screen bounds bounding rectangle [r/o]
user folder file specification [r/o] -- the folder related to the Scripts menu
user script file file specification [r/o] -- the currently running script file
context script [r/o] -- the class script of the basic object class
globals script [r/o] -- the script of the permanent global variables
dictionary plain text [r/o] -- the dictionary of the application
modifiers a list of option down/command down/control down/shift down/caps lock down [r/o]
clipboard anything -- can contain text, references etc.
recording boolean -- toggled to record scripts
console reference -- the text window for recording
chrono small real -- the time elapsed (in seconds) since the last "chrono" call
mouse location point
mouse button boolean
background boolean
serial ports a list of plain text [r/o] -- A list of info for each serial device. This info is a list {kind, UNIX path, name}. kind=9 means RS232.
basic objects
class type class [r/o]
name plain text
id integer [r/o] -- the unique id number
container reference [r/o] -- the object it belongs to
named reference reference [r/o] -- a reference by name
bounds bounding rectangle
path name file specification
visible boolean
drawing boolean -- does the object draw its result ?
class script script -- the script shared by all objects of the same class
script script -- the personal script of the object
extras anything -- any user data
extension file plain text -- the name of the file containing the external code for the object
current dialog integer -- the id number of the settings dialog of the object
want idle boolean -- does its script receive an 'idle' callback on idle events ?
idle delay small real -- delay between idle events in seconds
properties record -- the properties of the object
whole record [r/o] -- the properties and elements of the object
contained data small integer -- 0 or 1
dialog item by numeric index, by name
<Inheritance> window
contained data record -- the contents of the dialog items, by keyword
modal boolean -- does the dialog have to be closed before any new user action ?
focus reference -- the active item
mode boolean -- is the dialog in edit mode?
owner reference -- (advanced)
dialog items
<Inheritance> basic object
enabled boolean
contained data anything -- contents of the item
control kind small integer -- the control type as in appearance manager
call script boolean -- does it trigger a "click in" call to the script of the dialog?
<Inheritance> dialog item
selection a list of small integer -- the indices of the selected items
bit by numeric index
contained data small integer -- a value between 0 and 255
menu item by numeric index, by name
name plain text
enabled boolean
menu items
name plain text
enabled boolean
checked boolean
modifiers a list of option down/command down/control down/shift down/caps lock down
shortcut plain text
script windows
<Inheritance> text window
text size small integer
text font plain text -- the font name or index
text color RGB color -- a list, e.g. {0,0,0} for black
style 'tsty'
length integer
index integer -- the index of the first character of the text in its window
boundaries a list of integer -- the text range as a list of 2 integers
paragraph index integer
word index integer
text windows
character by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
'cwor' by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
'cpar' by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
text by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
run info by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
<Inheritance> window
selection a list of integer -- the selection range, or the selected text (as text)
line width small integer
fit to window boolean -- adjust text to window width
tab width small integer
scripting language plain text -- the default scripting language
console reference -- the text window for output (default : the same window)
store undo boolean -- true-false to encapsulate complex operations avoiding ridiculous undo's
update screen boolean -- false-true to encapsulate complex operations avoiding lengthy text calculations
agent by numeric index, by name, by ID
<Inheritance> basic object
visible boolean -- (making a window invisible also sends it behind every other window)
text font plain text -- the name of the font or its id number
text size small integer
width small integer -- the width
height small integer -- the height
resource id small integer -- the id number of the resource containing the definition of the window
message height small integer -- the height of the button bar in a text window or of the message bar in a video window
collapsed boolean
closeable boolean -- Does the window have a close box?
resizable boolean -- Is the window resizable?
zoomable boolean -- Is the window zoomable?
modified boolean -- Is the window modified
message bar 'Tool' -- the text field in a video window
check syntax reference -- the script window
click in reference -- the object
item number small integer
do menu small integer -- the integer code of the command
to reference -- the target of the command
draw reference
drop anything -- the dropped object
onto reference -- the destination object
[at point] -- the drop coordinates
execute reference -- the script window
[as type class] -- default : return the raw result
Result: plain text -- result of the script
export reference -- the object
Result: anything
localize plain text
[encoding small integer]
Result: plain text
notify reference -- the recipient object
[from reference] -- the sender
with data anything -- the message
[with delay small real] -- seconds
postit plain text
prepare reference -- the newly created object
store reference -- the object being saved
copy reference
cut reference
do script plain text -- the script
[as type class] -- wanted type for the result
Result: anything
paste reference
reveal reference
undo reference
converttext plain text -- the string to convert
from plain text -- the initial encoding
to plain text -- the requested encoding
Result: plain text -- the converted string
display anything
Result: plain text
extractcolumn small integer -- the column index
[thru small integer] -- the last column
in anything -- a file, a string or a matrix
[as type class] -- requested type for the result: string, list, real (will make a list of real numbers when it makes sense), or array of real
[skipping small integer] -- number of lines to skip
Result: plain text -- the column
find definition for plain text
[in alias] -- (list of) file or folder, default : scripting additions folder
[as type class] -- default : return the definition as styled text
Result: anything
remote info for alias -- the file
Result: a list of plain text -- {the appletalk zone,the server name,the volume}
smilepause real -- the timeout in seconds
[as type class] -- string or integer, default : string
Result: a list of plain text -- the available text encodings
<Inheritance> basic object
frame a list of small real -- {x origin,y origin,width,height}. Defines the rectangular region which will be erased when the graphic object is redrawn. The rectangle is relative to the origin of the graphic window. Values are real numbers. Unit = 1/72 inch (1 pixel)
graphic windows
graphic view by numeric index, by name
<Inheritance> window
frame a list of small real -- {x origin,y origin,width,height}, the page frame. Values are real numbers. Unit = 1/72 inch (1 pixel). Prefer pageheight and pagewidth
pageheight small real -- Unit = 1/72 inch. Can be supplied using any of the units of length provided in the AppleScript Suite. Example: "1/72 as inches".
pagewidth small real -- Unit = 1/72 inch. Can be supplied using any of the units of length provided in the AppleScript Suite. Example: "1/72 as inches".
grid a list of small integer -- a list of 2 integers, default is {1,1}. These numbers are used to provide default frames to the graphic views. The first (resp. second) number is the number of expected views horizontally (resp. vertically)
back pdf a list of plain text -- The pdf data for the background of the window. Can be set to a file, to some Graphic Kernel output or to raw pdf data as string.
front pdf a list of plain text -- The pdf data drawn after the background and the graphic views of the window. Can be set to a file, to some Graphic Kernel output or to raw pdf data as string.
title offset a list of small real -- vertical offset for view's titles
addPDF plain text -- the pdf data or file
in reference -- a reference to the front pdf or back pdf of a graphic window
at anything -- a point or a rect
makePDF plain text -- the pdf description provided by Graphic Kernel
[in anything] -- write directly into this file
media box bounding rectangle
Result: plain text -- the PDF data
transpose matrix -- the matrix
Result: matrix -- the transposed matrix
<Inheritance> plot
userzlimits boolean -- true: use zmin and zmax, false: auto compute them
zmin small real -- (effective only if "userzlimits" is set to true)
zmax small real -- (effective only if "userzlimits" is set to true)
level number small integer -- the number of contours
color palette a list of small real -- a list of 4*n real numbers, {red0, green0, blue0, alpha0,...}, n is at most 256. Default is a rainbow palette.
xdata anything -- either the list of the x values, or the full 2D array of the x values given as a matrix. If "xdata" is empty, the positive integers are used as the default x values.
ydata anything -- either the list of the y values, or the full 2D array of the y values given as a matrix. If "ydata" is empty, the positive integers are used as the default y values.
zdata matrix -- the 2D array of the z values.
<Inheritance> basic object
line style small integer -- 0 none, 1 line, 2 smooth. Smoothing makes more sense if the curve really represents some f(x) function.
pattern style small integer -- 0 none, 1 circle, 2 square, 3 diamond, 4 upwards triangle, 5 downwards triangle, 6 x-cross, 7 cross, 8 point, 9 custom
custom pattern a list of small real -- {x1,y1,..,xn,yn}, coordinates of the polygon which will be used as the pattern (effective only is "pattern style" is set to 9)
pattern size small real -- size of the pattern if "pattern style" is not 0
pen color a list of small real -- {red=0..1,green,blue,alpha=0..1}, alpha=1 (opaque drawing) as on pre-Jaguar MacOSX
fill color a list of small real -- {red=0..1,green,blue,alpha=0..1}, alpha=1 (opaque drawing) as on pre-Jaguar MacOSX
pen width small real
dash a list of small real -- {Lstart,Lstr1,Lsp1,..,Lstrn,Lspn}. Dash starts at Lstart and draws n sequences of stroke (Lstr) + space (Lsp). For instance use Lstart = Lstr1 to have dash start at beginning of first space.
formula plain text -- any function of the x variable, for instance "sin(x)". Check the Satimage osax dictionary about the available mathematical functions. Set the formula to the empty string to suppress it.
step small real -- the distance between two consecutive x values where the formula will be computed. By default "step" is 0 and SmileLab computes the formula at 20 equidistant points.
xdata list of real -- the list of the x values
ydata list of real -- the list of the y values
contained data a list of small real -- Obsolete. The x & y values as a list of two lists of equal length {{x1,..,xn},{y1,..,yn}} (effective only if "formula" is set to the empty string)
antialiasing boolean -- default true. Plots made of a huge numbers of points (such as Poincaré maps) may be nicer if "antialiasing" is set to false.
in legend boolean -- Is the curve displayed in the curveplot's legend box? Default true.
curve by numeric index, by name
<Inheritance> plot
legend sample length small real
legend on curve boolean -- true, displays the curves' names on the curves, at the abscissa provided as the "legend abscissa" property
legend abscissa small real -- effective only if "legend on curve" is true
<Inheritance> plot
zdata matrix -- the 2D array of the z values.
userzlimits boolean -- true: use zmin and zmax, false: auto compute them
zmin small real -- (effective only if "userzlimits" is set to true)
zmax small real -- (effective only if "userzlimits" is set to true)
color palette a list of small real -- a list of 4*n real numbers, {red0, green0, blue0, alpha0,...}, n is at most 256. Default is a gray palette.
inverted boolean -- inverts the color palette
ncols integer -- the number of columns
nrows integer -- the number of rows
array of real array of real -- the data, as an array of real or as a standard AppleScript list of real numbers. Ordering: the first numbers are the data for the first row.
<Inheritance> graphic view
contained data plain text -- Quartz data. See the documentation of Smile's graphic engine for more information.
<Inheritance> graphic view
plot frame a list of small real -- {x origin,y origin,width,height}, the rectangle enclosing the curves. Values are real numbers. Unit = 1/72 inch (1 pixel)
limits a list of small real -- {xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax}, the limit values for the x and y axis
text font plain text -- the name of the font
text size small real
pen color a list of small real -- {red=0..1,green,blue,alpha=0..1}, alpha=1 (opaque drawing) as on pre-Jaguar MacOSX
fill color a list of small real -- {red=0..1,green,blue,alpha=0..1}, alpha=1 (opaque drawing) as on pre-Jaguar MacOSX
grid color a list of small real -- {red=0..1,green,blue,alpha=0..1}, alpha=1 (opaque drawing) as on pre-Jaguar MacOSX
grid dash a list of small real -- {Lstart,Lstr1,Lsp1,..,Lstrn,Lspn}. Dash starts at Lstart and draws n sequences of stroke (Lstr) + space (Lsp). For instance use Lstart = Lstr1 to have dash start at beginning of first space.
grid pen width small real
major tick length small real
minor tick length small real -- (enter a negative value to have the ticks point outwards)
log xaxis boolean -- Is the x axis logarithmic? Default false.
log yaxis boolean -- Is the y axis logarithmic? Default false.
grid reference -- use "grid" only with the "draw" verb to have the grid redraw before drawing the set of curves
xlabel plain text -- text of label for x axis. Texts of labels support TeX conventions. For instance "\\p" will display the greek pi letter, "a^n" (resp. "a_n") will display n as a superscript (resp. subscript).
xlabel offset small real -- vertical offset of label for x axis
ylabel plain text -- text of label for y axis. Texts of labels support TeX conventions. For instance "\\p" will display the greek pi letter, "a^n" (resp. "a_n") will display n as a superscript (resp. subscript).
ylabel offset small real -- horizontal offset of label for y axis
label text font plain text -- the name of the font. If the specified font is not available, the default font is used instead.
label text size small real
legend frame a list of small real -- {x origin,y origin,width,height}. Values are real numbers. Unit = 1/72 inch (1 pixel)
legend text font plain text
legend text size small real
legend pen width small real -- pen width for the legend frame
legend fill color a list of small real -- {red=0..1,green,blue,alpha=0..1}, alpha=1 (opaque drawing) as on pre-Jaguar MacOSX
<Inheritance> graphic view
frame a list of small real -- {x origin,y origin,width,height}. Defines the rectangular region which will be erased when the surface is redrawn. The rectangle is relative to the origin of the graphic window. Values are real numbers. Unit = 1/72 inch (1 pixel)
eye position a list of small real -- {x,z,y}, note the special ordering of the coordinates (inherited from the OpenGL conventions)
light position a list of small real -- {x,z,y}, note the special ordering of the coordinates (inherited from the OpenGL conventions)
projection a list of small real -- {left,right,bottom,top,near,far}, defines the cube which is used as the orthographic parallel viewing volume to perform the 3D view (in the OpenGL framework, "projection" is glOrtho)
rotation a list of small real -- {angle,vx,vz,vy}, defines an optional rotation of the surface (in the OpenGL framework, "rotation" is glRotatef). angle is in degrees (use with caution)
legend frame a list of small real -- {x origin,y origin,width,height}. The frame for the color scale. Values are real numbers. Unit = 1/72 inch (1 pixel). Set to {0,0,0,0} to suppress the color scale.
userlimits a list of boolean -- a list of 4 booleans; true: use min and max given by limits respectively for x,y,z and color, false: auto compute them
limits a list of small real -- {xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax,colmin,colmax}, the limit values for the x, y, z and color
xdata anything -- either the list of the x values, or the full 2D array of the x values given as a matrix. If "xdata" is empty, the positive integers are used as the default x values.
ydata anything -- either the list of the y values, or the full 2D array of the y values given as a matrix. If "ydata" is empty, the positive integers are used as the default y values.
zdata matrix -- the 2D array of the z values.
colordata matrix -- the 2D array of the z values.
drawaxes boolean
xperiodicity small integer -- 0 non periodic, 1 data are periodic with period ncols-1, 2 data are periodic with period ncols
yperiodicity small integer -- 0 non periodic, 1 data are periodic with period nrows-1, 2 data are periodic with period nrows
orientation boolean -- surface orientation. Default is true. SmileLab renders the outer/upper side of the surface as a shining surface, and its inner/down side as a dull surface. Depending on how the surface is parametrized, you may want to inverse the default orientation.
xlabel plain text -- text of label for x axis. Texts of labels support TeX conventions. For instance "\\p" will display the greek pi letter, "a^n" (resp. "a_n") will display n as a superscript (resp. subscript).
xlabel offset small real -- vertical offset of label for x and y axis
ylabel plain text -- text of label for y axis. Texts of labels support TeX conventions. For instance "\\p" will display the greek pi letter, "a^n" (resp. "a_n") will display n as a superscript (resp. subscript).
<Inheritance> plot
arrow def a list of small real -- {smallLength,overallLength,overallWidth}, defines the shape of the arrow
vector scaling small real
xdata anything -- either the list of the x values, or the full 2D array of the x values given as a matrix. If "xdata" is empty, the positive integers are used as the default x values.
ydata anything -- either the list of the y values, or the full 2D array of the y values given as a matrix. If "ydata" is empty, the positive integers are used as the default y values.
vxdata matrix -- the 2D array of the x-coordinates of the vector field.
vydata matrix -- the 2D array of the y-coordinates of the vector field.
HSV2RGB a list of small real -- {hue,saturation,value}
Result: a list of small real -- {red,green,blue}
choose color a list of small real -- {red=0..1,green,blue}
Result: a list of small real -- {red=0..1,green,blue}
|| url:
|| created: 4-Aug-03, 9:48 PM; updated: 4-Aug-03, 2:48 PM
|| size: 107522 bytes