Copyright 2004 Satimage-software.
change plain text -- the substring to search for (or a result of re_compile for advanced use of regexp)
into plain text -- the replacement string
in anything -- a string or an alias
[starting at integer] -- default: 0
[case sensitive boolean] -- default true
[regexp boolean] -- default false
[whole word boolean] -- only without regexp. default false
[regexpflag a list of plain text] -- default {"EXTENDED","NEWLINE"}
Result: anything -- the new string if the "in" parameter is a string, otherwise the list {number of hits, offset of the last replace}
convert to Mac plain text -- the original string
Result: plain text -- the converted string
convert to Windows plain text -- the original string
Result: plain text -- the converted string
extract string plain text -- the original string
[from integer] -- index of the first character. Default: 1. Negative numbers index characters backwards.
[to integer] -- index of the last character. Default: -1. Negative numbers index characters backwards.
Result: plain text -- the substring
find text plain text -- the substring (or regular expression) to search for (or a result of re_compile)
in plain text -- a string or an alias
[starting at integer] -- default: 0
[case sensitive boolean] -- default true
[regexp boolean] -- use regular expression, default false
[whole word boolean] -- only without regexp. default false
[regexpflag a list of plain text] -- a subset of {"EXTENDED","NEWLINE"}; default {"EXTENDED","NEWLINE"}
[using plain text] -- the pattern to generate the string (regexp). Useful for constructs with backward references in regexp, ex.: using "name: \\1". May be a list of strings, in this case matchResult is a list of strings.
[all occurrences boolean] -- returns a list of all occurrences. Default: false
[string result boolean] -- return only the matching string instead of the whole record
Result: record -- {matchLen: length of the match, matchPos: offset of the match, matchResult: the matching string (possibly formatted according to the "using" parameter)}
format real -- the number
into plain text -- the formatting string, using #,^,O,.,%,',(,),+,-
[underflow test boolean] -- switch to scientific format if the number is too small with respect to the formatting string (default: false)
Result: plain text -- the formatted number
lowercase plain text -- the original string
Result: plain text -- the lowercase string
re_compile plain text -- the regular expression
[case sensitive boolean] -- default true
[regexpflag a list of plain text] -- a subset of {"EXTENDED","NEWLINE"}; default {"EXTENDED","NEWLINE"}
Result: re_pattern -- an opaque pattern which may be used as the search pattern for "find text" and "change"
uppercase plain text -- the original string
Result: plain text -- the uppercase string
alias description for alias -- the remote item
Result: a list of plain text -- {the AppleTalk zone name, the server machine name, the server volume name, folder name, […], item name}
list files alias -- a folder
[recursively boolean] -- default: true
[invisibles boolean] -- default: false
Result: a list of alias
navask save
[file name plain text] -- name of the file
[action small integer] -- 1 = before closing, 2 = before quitting, 0 = none
Result: small integer -- 1 save, 2 cancel, 3 don't save
navchoose file
[with prompt plain text] -- a prompt to be displayed in the file chooser
[of type a list of plain text] -- restrict the files shown to only these file types
[starting at alias] -- the default file or folder
[multiple files boolean] -- allow multiple files selection (default true)
[show packages boolean] -- (default true)
[open packages boolean] -- (default false)
Result: a list of alias -- the chosen files
navchoose file name
[with prompt plain text] -- the text to display in the file creation dialog box
[default name plain text] -- the default name for the new file
[with menu a list of plain text] -- list of menu items
[menu index small integer] -- index of the menu item to display
[starting at alias] -- the default folder
[open packages boolean] -- (default false)
Result: file specification -- the file the user specified
navchoose folder
[with prompt plain text] -- a prompt to be displayed in the folder chooser
[starting at alias] -- the default folder
[multiple files boolean] -- allow multiple folders selection (default true)
[open packages boolean] -- (default false)
Result: a list of alias -- the chosen folders
navchoose object
[with prompt plain text] -- a prompt to be displayed in the folder chooser
[starting at alias] -- the default folder
[multiple files boolean] -- allow multiple objects selection (default true)
[show packages boolean] -- (default true)
[open packages boolean] -- (default false)
Result: a list of alias -- the chosen objects
navchoose volume
[with prompt plain text] -- a prompt to be displayed in the folder chooser
[starting at alias] -- the default folder
Result: a list of alias -- the chosen folders
navnew folder
[with prompt plain text] -- the text to display in the file creation dialog box
[starting at alias] -- the default folder
[open packages boolean] -- (default false)
Result: file specification -- the folder the user specified
backup file specification -- the source folder
onto file specification -- the destination folder
[level small integer] -- 0: report only, 1: synchronize folders, 2 : synchronize and report. Default 0.
[after date] -- files older than this date are not considered.
[recursively boolean] -- recursively synchronize subfolders. Default true.
Result: plain text -- the (optional) report
special concat record -- the record
with record -- the additional data
Result: record
suppress item anything -- the rank or key of the item. Use quotes around custom properties, and also around 4-characters codes. (If you don't know what this means, you don't need it).
from anything -- a list or a record
Result: record
get resource name small integer -- index of the desired resource
type type class -- type of the desired resource
from file specification -- file to read from
Result: plain text -- the name of the resource
list resources type class -- type of desired resources
from file specification -- file to read from
Result: anything -- the list of ids
load resource small integer -- index of the desired resource
type type class -- type of the desired resource
from file specification -- file to read from
[as type class] -- an AppleScript type for the returned result
Result: anything -- any AppleScript data that is stored in the resource: data, object specification, reference, etc.
put resource anything -- the AppleScript data that will be stored in the resource
to file specification -- the destination file
type type class -- the resource type
index small integer -- the resource id
[with name plain text] -- the resource name
abs real
Result: real
acos real -- -1 <= x <= 1
Result: real -- in radians
acosh real -- a positive number
Result: real
asin real -- -1 <= x <= 1
Result: real -- in radians
asinh real
Result: real
atan real
Result: real -- in radians
atan2 a list of real -- 2 real numbers : y (ordinate) and x (abscissa)
Result: real -- in radians
atanh real -- -1 < x < 1
Result: real
ceil real
Result: real
cos real -- the angle (in radians). If the angle is in degrees, multiply it by pi / 180 before taking the cosine.
Result: real
cosh real
Result: real
erf real
Result: real
erfc real
Result: real
exp real
Result: real
floor real
Result: real
gamma real -- a positive number
Result: real
hypot a list of real -- 2 real numbers
Result: real
lgamma real -- a positive number
Result: real
ln real -- a positive real
Result: real
log10 real -- a positive real
Result: real
roots of a list of real -- the polynomial, given as the list of its coefficients, 0th degree (constant term) first
Result: a list of real -- roots of the polynomial
sin real -- the angle (in radians)
Result: real
sinh real
Result: real
sqr real
Result: real
sqrt real -- a positive number
Result: real
tan real -- the angle (in radians)
Result: real
tanh real
Result: real
trunc real
Result: real
ncols integer -- the number of columns
nrows integer -- the number of rows
array of real array of real -- the data, as an array of real or as a standard AppleScript list of real numbers. Ordering: the first numbers are the data for the first row.
addlist a list of real
with a list of real
Result: a list of real
changearray array of real -- the array to modify
at integer -- the index of the first item to change (1 based) or a list of indexes (in which case, the "step" and "blocksize" parameters are not taken into account)
into array of real -- the new values
[blocksize integer] -- size of the blocks to copy at each step. The "into" parameter must have a size multiple of blocksize. Default: 1
[step integer] -- the interval between the beginnings of successive blocks to write. Must be larger than blocksize. Default: blocksize
Result: array of real
createarray integer -- the requested size of the array
[range a list of real] -- {min,max}
Result: array of real
creatematrix plain text -- "1": array of 1.0, "x": array of x values, "y": array of y values
ncols integer -- or a list of real with the "x" option, will make an array with identical rows
nrows integer -- or a list of real with the "y" option, will make an array with identical columns
[range a list of real] -- {min,max}
[as type class] -- array of real or matrix, default: array of real
Result: array of real -- or matrix
divlist a list of real
with a list of real
Result: a list of real
evalformula plain text -- the formula to compute
[with a list of real] -- the definition of the variables occurring in the formula.
Result: array of real -- or real
extractarray array of real
[at integer] -- the first item to read or a list of indexes (in which case, the "for", "step" and "blocksize" parameters are not taken into account). 1-based. Default 1
[for integer] -- the number of blocks to read. Default 1
[blocksize integer] -- size of the block to read at each step. blocksize must be smaller than step
[step integer] -- the interval between the beginnings of successive blocks to read. Must be larger than blocksize. Default: blocksize
[as type class] -- default is array of real, you can provide small real or real for 1 item
Result: array of real
extractitem integer
[thru integer]
[step integer]
[blocksize integer]
[as type class]
Result: array of real
filter matrix
using array of real -- a list of 9 real numbers representing the 3x3 convolution matrix
[reduced boolean] -- the resulting matrix is smaller (the 2 extremal columns and rows are removed. Default true.)
Result: matrix
fitpolynomial a list of array of real -- a list of two arrays of real {x,y}
degree small integer -- the degree of the resulting polynomial
Result: record -- {fit error:the mean error, fit result:the list of the coefficients (constant term first), fit string : the polynomial formula as text}
histogram array of real
samples integer -- number of intervals
[minimum real] -- lower bound of the intervals
[maximum real] -- upper bound of the intervals
Result: a list of array of real -- {sampling values,frequencies}
insertarray array of real -- the values to insert
into array of real -- the array to modify
[at integer] -- the index of the first item to insert (0: at the beginning) or a list of indexes of the same size as the direct parameter (in which case, the "for", "step" and "blocksize" parameters are not taken into account). default -1 (insert values at the end)
[for integer] -- number of blocks to insert. default 1
[step integer] -- the number of values between each insertion. default 0
[blocksize integer] -- size of the blocks to insert after each step. The direct parameter must have a size multiple of blocksize. Default: 1
Result: array of real
mask array of real -- the array(s) or matrix to be filtered. For a matrix, the rows are deleted.
with array of real -- the filter: an array of real, 0's mean that the corresponding items are to be deleted in the direct object(s).
Result: array of real -- the resulting array(s) or matrix
multlist a list of real
with a list of real
Result: a list of real
randomarray integer -- the requested size of the array
[range a list of real] -- {min,max}
[seed integer]
Result: array of real
read binary file specification -- the file
as type class -- the format of the data file: real (8 bytes) or small real (4 bytes)
[skip integer] -- the number of leading bytes to skip
[step integer] -- the offset between two consecutive readings
[length integer] -- the number of real to read
Result: array of real
replacemissingvalue array of real -- or a list of arrays
with small real
Result: array of real -- or a list of arrays
reversearray a list of real -- ... or an array of real
Result: array of real
runningsum array of real
Result: array of real
sortarray array of real -- the array of real to sort (or a list of arrays of real)
[with respect to integer] -- in case of a list of array of real, specifies which one to use as the sort criterion. Default 1.
[ascending boolean] -- default true
Result: array of real -- the sorted array (or arrays)
statlist a list of real -- ... or an array of real
Result: record
sublist a list of real
with a list of real
Result: a list of real
transpose matrix -- the matrix
Result: matrix -- the transposed matrix
write binary file specification -- the file
with data array of real
[starting at integer] -- offset in bytes, default: append data at the end of the file
[as type class] -- the format of the data to be saved: real (8 bytes) or small real (4 bytes). Default: real.
|| url:
|| created: 23-Aug-04, 4:34 PM; updated: 23-Aug-04, 4:38 PM
|| size: 92785 bytes