Copyright © 1997-2000 Lazerware Inc. All rights reserved.
BZip a list of alias -- the files to compress
[into file specification] -- destination for the newly compressed items
[deleting originals boolean] -- if true, the original files will be deleted after successfully encoding
[compression level small integer] -- compression level (default is 6)
Result: file specification -- Where the BZipped files got placed
BinHex a list of alias -- the files to encode
[into file specification] -- destination for the newly encoding items
[deleting originals boolean] -- if true, the original files will be deleted after successfully encoding
[adding line feeds boolean] -- if true, we add line feeds to the resultant file.
Result: file specification -- Where the BinHexed files got placed
Determine File Type file specification -- file whose type you wish to know
Result: string -- description of the file type
Expand a list of alias -- the file(s) to expand
[into file specification] -- destination for the newly expanded items
[deleting originals boolean] -- if true, the original files will be deleted after successfully expanded
[converting text files boolean] -- if true (default), we intelligently convert files determined to be of type “TEXT”
[password string] -- if specified we use this as the password for an encrypted archive
[no folder boolean] -- no surrounding folder when expanding
[showing progress boolean] -- showing progress dialogs for UnStuffing only (default is true)
Result: file specification -- Where the newly expanded stuff got placed
MacBinary a list of alias -- the files to MacBinary encode
[into file specification] -- destination for the newly encoded items
[deleting originals boolean] -- if true, the original files will be deleted after successfully encoded
Result: file specification -- Where the MacBinary files got placed
Mount Image a list of alias -- List of images to mount
[unlocked boolean] -- Mount the image files as unlocked disks?
[in RAM boolean] -- Mount the image files in RAM?
Result: file specification -- The newly mounted volume
Stuff a list of alias -- list of files/folders/disks to be stuffed
[into file specification] -- full pathname of the archive to create
[deleting originals boolean] -- if true, the original files will be deleted after successfully stuffed
[encryption boolean] -- if true, encrypts the archive (see also “with password”)
[compression boolean] -- if false, simply adds files to archives w/o compressing them.
[resolving aliases boolean] -- if true (the default), all aliases will be resolved before stuffing
[making self extracting boolean] -- if true, create a self-extracting archive
[encoding as BinHex boolean] -- if true, BinHex the resulting archive.
[password string] -- when encrypting you can specify a specific password here instead of manually.
[comment string] -- add this text to the archive’s comment
[add to existing boolean] -- add file(s) to an existing archive instead of creating a new one
[showing progress boolean] -- show progress dialogs (default is true)
Result: file specification -- Where the new archive got placed
UUEncode a list of alias -- the files to encode
[into file specification] -- destination for the newly encoding items
[deleting originals boolean] -- if true, the original files will be deleted after successfully encoding
[adding line feeds boolean] -- if true, we add line feeds to the resultant file.
Result: file specification -- Where the UUEncoded files got placed
Zip a list of alias -- list of files/folders/disks to be zipped
[into file specification] -- full pathname of the archive to create
[deleting originals boolean] -- if true, the original files will be deleted after successfully zipped
[compression level small integer] -- how much compression (0-9, default is 6)
[resolving aliases boolean] -- if true (the default), all aliases will be resolved before stuffing
[macbinary encode boolean] -- MacBinary encode the files as they are added (if this parameter is NOT specified, we do “smart” encoding)
Result: file specification -- Where the new archive got placed
|| url:
|| created: 11-Aug-03, 4:53 PM; updated: 11-Aug-03, 4:53 PM
|| size: 22573 bytes