Copyright 2002 Palm, Inc. or its subsidiaries and their licensors. All rights reserved.
attachment by ID, by numeric index
id record [r/o] -- an id that identifies the address book item
name info name info -- the name information of the address book item
primary address address info -- the primary address of the address book item
secondary address address info -- the secondary address of the address book item
phone 1 phone info -- the phone 1 information of the address book item
phone 2 phone info -- the phone 2 information of the address book item
phone 3 phone info -- the phone 3 information of the address book item
phone 4 phone info -- the phone 4 information of the address book item
custom 1 custom field info -- the custom field 1 information of the address book item
custom 2 custom field info -- the custom field 2 information of the address book item
custom 3 custom field info -- the custom field 3 information of the address book item
custom 4 custom field info -- the custom field 4 information of the address book item
custom 5 custom field info -- the custom field 5 information of the address book item
custom 6 custom field info -- the custom field 6 information of the address book item
custom 7 custom field info -- the custom field 7 information of the address book item
custom 8 custom field info -- the custom field 8 information of the address book item
custom 9 custom field info -- the custom field 9 information of the address book item
custom 10 custom field info -- the custom field 10 information of the address book item
custom 11 custom field info -- the custom field 11 information of the address book item
custom 12 custom field info -- the custom field 12 information of the address book item
special custom field info [r/o] -- the special information of the address book item used by scripts invoked from within the Palm Desktop application
birthday anything -- the birthday of the address book item; as date, string, or integer (seconds since Jan 1, 1904)
comments international text -- the comment text of the address book item
primary category reference -- the primary category of the address book item; as object or string
secondary category reference -- the secondary category of the address book item; as object or string
all fields record [r/o] -- a record containing all fields of the address book item
address label reference -- the descriptive label of the address
street international text -- the street address of the address
city international text -- the city of the address
state international text -- the state of the address
zip international text -- the zip code of the address
country international text -- the country of the address
mailing label international text [r/o] -- all the information of the address, suitable for a mailing label
id record [r/o] -- an id that identifies the label
title international text -- the title of the label
address by numeric index, by ID
memo by numeric index, by ID
to do by numeric index, by ID
event by ID
day event by ID
day by name
category by ID, by name, by numeric index
phone label by ID, by name, by numeric index
address label by ID, by name, by numeric index
object by ID
window by numeric index, by name
generic title international text [r/o] -- the descriptive title of the attached object
id record [r/o] -- an id that identifies the attached object
id record [r/o] -- an id that identifies the category
title international text -- the title of the category
field title international text -- the title of the custom field
field text international text -- the value of the custom field
to do by numeric index, by ID
event by numeric index, by ID
day event by numeric index, by ID
attachment prop, by numeric index
id record [r/o] -- an id that identifies the event
title international text -- the title of the event
start date anything -- the start date of the event; as date, string, or integer (seconds since Jan 1, 1904)
duration small integer -- the duration of the event (in days)
annual boolean [r/o] -- Does the event repeat annually? (Annual events have a duration of one day)
annual reminder small integer [r/o] -- the number of days before the event start date to place a reminder to do item in the date book (only for annual events)
primary category reference -- the primary category of the event; as object or string
secondary category reference -- the secondary category of the event; as object or string
all fields record [r/o] -- a record containing all fields of the event
attachment by ID, by numeric index
id record [r/o] -- an id that identifies the event
title international text -- the title of the event
date anything -- the date of the event; as date, string, or integer (seconds since Jan 1, 1904)
start time anything -- the start time of the event; as date, string, or integer (seconds since midnight)
end time anything -- the end time of the event; as date, string, or integer (seconds since midnight)
duration small integer -- the duration of the event (in minutes)
alarm boolean -- Does the event have an alarm?
alarm time small integer -- the alarm time (in minutes before the event start time)
primary category reference -- the primary category of the event; as object or string
secondary category reference -- the secondary category of the event; as object or string
all fields record [r/o] -- a record containing all fields of the event
attachment by ID, by numeric index
id record [r/o] -- an id that identifies the memo
title international text -- the title of the memo
body international text -- the body text of the memo
creation time anything -- the time the memo was created; as date, string, or integer (seconds since midnight)
creation date anything -- the date the memo was created; as date, string, or integer (seconds since Jan 1, 1904)
date modified anything -- the date and time the memo was last modified; as date, string, or integer (seconds since Jan 1, 1904)
primary category reference -- the primary category of the memo; as object or string
secondary category reference -- the secondary category of the memo; as object or string
all fields record [r/o] -- a record containing all fields of the memo
first name international text -- the first name of the address book item
last name international text -- the last name of the address book item
prefix international text -- the name prefix of the address book item
suffix international text -- the name suffix of the address book item
title international text -- the title of the address book item
company international text -- the company name of the address book item
division international text -- the division name of the address book item
full name international text [r/o] -- the full name (formal) of the address book item
full informal name international text [r/o] -- the full name (informal) of the address book item
salutation name international text [r/o] -- the salutation (formal) of the address book item
salutation informal name international text [r/o] -- the salutation (informal) of the address book item
object class constant -- the class of the object (e.g. address, memo, to do, etc.)
object number small integer -- the number of the object within its class
object instance small integer -- the recurring instance of the object (uniquely identifies a particular instance of a recurring item)
phone label reference -- the descriptive label of the phone number
formatted number international text -- the human-readable phone number
raw number international text -- the phone number as it is stored in the database
extension international text -- the phone number extension
in menu boolean -- Is the phone number in the Instant Palm Desktop menu?
full phone international text [r/o] -- the full phone number (formatted number with extension)
dial string international text [r/o] -- the string used for dialing the phone number (full phone number with prefixes, if any, for outside line, long distance, etc.)
id record [r/o] -- an id that identifies the label
title international text -- the title of the label
button field international text -- the value of the custom field on which the script as been invoked
personalize boolean -- Personalize the letter template contents?
template file specification -- the file spec of the letter template
save to fsspec file specification -- the file spec of the letter to save
save to filename international text -- the full path and file name of the letter to save
save to alias alias -- the file alias to the letter to save
to dos
attachment by ID, by numeric index
id record [r/o] -- an id that identifies the to do item
title international text -- the title of the to do item
due date anything -- the due date of the to do item; as date, string, or integer (seconds since Jan 1, 1904)
reminder small integer -- the reminder of the to do item (in days)
completed boolean -- Is the to do item completed?
priority highest/high/medium/low/lowest -- the priority of the to do item
carry over boolean -- Does the to do item carry over after the due date if uncompleted?
primary category reference -- the primary category of the to do item; as object or string
secondary category reference -- the secondary category of the to do item; as object or string
all fields record [r/o] -- a record containing all fields of the to do item
attach reference -- the first object to attach
to reference -- the object or file to attach
available on reference
[after string] -- after a specific time (if not specified the beginning of the work day is assumed)
[for small integer] -- the required duration of the available time (any amount of available time will be acceptable if this parameter is omitted).
Result: international text -- Returns the time (as a string) or nothing if no time is available
count reference -- the object in which the items are to be counted
[on reference] -- the day on which to count events or to dos
Result: integer -- the number of elements
current meeting
Result: reference -- Returns the id of the event that is scheduled right now or nothing if no event is scheduled.
export type class -- the type of items to export (address, to do, or memo)
into file specification -- the file into which to export
locate contact
Result: reference -- to the found contact
new type class -- the class of the new element
[with data anything] -- the initial values for the properties of the element
Result: reference -- to the new object(s)
show reference -- the object to be shown
[in reference] -- the window in which to show the object
show all in reference -- the window in which to show all objects
view info view info -- properties common to all view classes
first name text restriction -- the view restriction on address book item first names
nickname text restriction -- the view restriction on address book item nicknames
last name text restriction -- the view restriction on address book item last names
prefix text restriction -- the view restriction on address book item name prefixes
suffix text restriction -- the view restriction on address book item name suffixes
title text restriction -- the view restriction on address book item titles
company text restriction -- the view restriction on address book item company names
division text restriction -- the view restriction on address book item division names
street text restriction -- the view restriction on street addresses (either primary or secondary addresses)
city text restriction -- the view restriction on address cities (either primary or secondary addresses)
state text restriction -- the view restriction on address states (either primary or secondary addresses)
zip text restriction -- the view restriction on address zip codes (either primary or secondary addresses)
country text restriction -- the view restriction on address countries (either primary or secondary addresses)
phone text restriction -- the view restriction on phone numbers (all phone numbers)
extension text restriction -- the view restriction on phone number extensions (all phone numbers)
custom 1 text restriction -- the view restriction on address book item custom fields 1
custom 2 text restriction -- the view restriction on address book item custom fields 2
custom 3 text restriction -- the view restriction on address book item custom fields 3
custom 4 text restriction -- the view restriction on address book item custom fields 4
custom 5 text restriction -- the view restriction on address book item custom fields 5
custom 6 text restriction -- the view restriction on address book item custom fields 6
custom 7 text restriction -- the view restriction on address book item custom fields 7
custom 8 text restriction -- the view restriction on address book item custom fields 8
custom 9 text restriction -- the view restriction on address book item custom fields 9
custom 10 text restriction -- the view restriction on address book item custom fields 10
custom 11 text restriction -- the view restriction on address book item custom fields 11
custom 12 text restriction -- the view restriction on address book item custom fields 12
comments text restriction -- the view restriction on address book item comment texts
birthday date restriction -- the view restriction on address book item birthdays
date modified date restriction -- the view restriction on address book item modification dates
categories a list of reference -- the view restriction on address book item category (list of category objects)
from the beginning of infinite time/today/tomorrow/yesterday/this week/next week/last week/this month/next month/last month/this year/next year/last year/one week from today [r/o] -- restrict the view to items on or after a date or time
to the end of infinite time/today/tomorrow/yesterday/this week/next week/last week/this month/next month/last month/this year/next year/last year/one week from today [r/o] -- restrict the view to items before or on a date or time
exclude completed boolean -- restrict the view to uncompleted to do items (only for to do views)
exclude undated boolean -- restrict the view to to do items without due dates (only for to do views)
view info view info -- properties common to all view classes
title text restriction -- the view restriction on memo titles
body text restriction -- the view restriction on memo body texts
date date restriction [r/o] -- the view restriction on memo creation dates
date modified date restriction [r/o] -- the view restriction on memo modification dates
categories a list of list [r/o] -- the view restriction on memo category (a list of one or more categories)
matching contains/starts with/ends with/is/is not/doesn’t contain/is empty/is not empty [r/o]
text1 international text -- restrict the view to items matching this text
text2 international text -- restrict the view to items matching this text
text3 international text -- restrict the view to items matching this text
view info view info -- properties common to all view classes
title text restriction -- the view restriction on to do item titles
priority a list of highest/high/medium/low/lowest -- the view restriction on to do item priorities
date date restriction -- the view restriction on to do item due dates
categories a list of reference -- the view restriction on to do item category (a list of one or more categories)
view title international text -- the name of the view
save sort boolean -- Is the sorting order saved with the view?
window positions boolean -- Are the list window position and size saved with the view?
|| url:
|| created: 4-Aug-03, 9:48 PM; updated: 4-Aug-03, 2:48 PM
|| size: 79860 bytes