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Palm Desktop 2.5 Dictionary

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  1. Palm Desktop Suite
  2. Views Suite

Palm Desktop Suite: Suite pertaining to Palm Desktop


Class AddressRec: address record of a contact


address label reference -- address label of the AddressRec record of a contact

street international text -- street of the AddressRec record of a contact

city international text -- city of the AddressRec record of a contact

state international text -- state of the AddressRec record of a contact

zip international text -- zip of the AddressRec record of a contact

country international text -- country of the AddressRec record of a contact

mailing label international text [r/o] -- mailing label of the AddressRec record of a contact

Class CustomRec: custom field record of a contact


fieldTitle international text -- title of the custom field of the CustomRec record of a contact

fieldText international text -- text of the custom field of the CustomRec record of a contact

Class NameRec: name record of a contact


first name international text -- first name field of the NameRec record of a contact

last name international text -- last name field of the NameRec record of a contact

prefix international text -- prefix field of the NameRec record of a contact

suffix international text -- suffix field of the NameRec record of a contact

title international text -- title field of the NameRec record of a contact

company international text -- company field of the NameRec record of a contact

division international text -- division field of the NameRec record of a contact

full name international text [r/o] -- full name (formal) of the NameRec record of a contact

full informal name international text [r/o] -- full name (informal) of the NameRec record of a contact

salutation name international text [r/o] -- salutation name (formal) of the NameRec record of a contact

salutation informal name international text [r/o] -- salutation name (informal) of the NameRec record of a contact

Class PhoneRec: phone number record of a contact


phone label reference -- phone label of the PhoneRec record of a contact

formatted number international text -- phone number (formatted) of the PhoneRec record of a contact

raw number international text -- phone number (as it is stored in the database) of the PhoneRec record of a contact

extension international text -- phone text of the PhoneRec record of a contact

instant organizer menu boolean -- whether or not the phone is in the Instant Organizer menu

full phone international text [r/o] -- full phone of the PhoneRec record of a contact

dial string international text [r/o] -- string that’s used for dialing the phone number of the PhoneRec record of a contact

Class SpecialRec: special fields used by the script buttons inside Claris Organizer


Button Field international text -- text of the field from which the user clicked a script button of the contact

Personalize boolean

LetterTemplate file specification -- file alias to the Letter Template (used by script button on address)

LetterSaveFsspec file specification -- file spec to the Letter to Save (used by script button on address)

LetterSaveString international text -- full path name of file to the Letter to Save (used by script button on address)

LetterSaveAlias alias -- file alias to the Letter to Save (used by script button on address)

Class address label: An address label


object id record [r/o] -- the object id of the address label

title international text -- title of the address label

Class application: An application program


contact by numeric index, by ID

note by numeric index, by ID

task by numeric index, by ID

appointment by ID

banner by ID

day by name

category by ID, by name, by numeric index

phone label by ID, by name, by numeric index

address label by ID, by name, by numeric index


object by ID

window by numeric index, by name


best type type class [r/o] -- the best descriptor type

class type class [r/o] -- the class

default type type class [r/o] -- the default descriptor type

frontmost boolean [r/o] -- Is this the frontmost application?

name international text [r/o] -- the name

version version [r/o] -- the version of the application

Class appointment: An appointment


attachment by ID, by numeric index


object id record [r/o] -- the object id of the appointment

title international text -- title of the appointment

appDate anything -- date of the appointment. As Date or as String or as Integer (seconds since Jan 1, 1904)

startTime anything -- start time of the appointment. As Date or as String or as Integer (seconds since midnight)

endTime anything -- end time of the appointment. As Date or as String or as Integer (seconds since midnight)

duration small integer -- duration of the appointment (in minutes)

alarm boolean

alarmTime small integer -- Alarm reminder (in minutes before appointment’s alarm time)

cat1 reference -- category 1 of the appointment. As object or string.

cat2 reference -- category 2 of the appointment. As object or string.

all fields record [r/o] -- record with all fields of the appointment

Class attachment: an attachment (which is an object)


generic title international text [r/o] -- text used to describe the object

object id record [r/o] -- reference to the object

Class banner: A banner


attachment prop, by numeric index


object id record [r/o] -- the object id of the banner

title international text -- title of the banner

start date anything -- start date of the banner. As Date or as String or as Integer (seconds since Jan 1, 1904)

duration small integer -- duration of the banner (in days)

annual boolean [r/o] -- whether or not this banner is annual (annual banners have duration of one day)

annual reminder small integer [r/o] -- days before the event a reminder task is added to the calendar (only for annual banners)

cat1 reference -- category 1 of the banner. As object or string.

cat2 reference -- category 2 of the banner. As object or string.

all fields record [r/o] -- record with all fields of the banner

Class category: A category


object id record [r/o] -- the object id of the category

title international text -- title of the category

Class contact: A Contact


attachment by ID, by numeric index


object id record [r/o] -- the object id of the contact

NameInfo NameRec -- name information of the contact (see class NameRec)

Address1 AddressRec -- address 1 information of the contact (see class AddressRec)

Address2 AddressRec -- address 2 information of the contact (see class AddressRec)

Phone1 PhoneRec -- phone 1 information of the contact (see class PhoneRec)

Phone2 PhoneRec -- phone 2 information of the contact (see class PhoneRec)

Phone3 PhoneRec -- phone 3 information of the contact (see class PhoneRec)

Phone4 PhoneRec -- phone 4 information of the contact (see class PhoneRec)

Custom1 CustomRec -- custom 1 field information of the contact (see class CustomRec)

Custom2 CustomRec -- custom 2 field information of the contact (see class CustomRec)

Custom3 CustomRec -- custom 3 field information of the contact (see class CustomRec)

Custom4 CustomRec -- custom 4 field information of the contact (see class CustomRec)

Custom5 CustomRec -- custom 5 field information of the contact (see class CustomRec)

Custom6 CustomRec -- custom 6 field information of the contact (see class CustomRec)

Custom7 CustomRec -- custom 7 field information of the contact (see class CustomRec)

Custom8 CustomRec -- custom 8 field information of the contact (see class CustomRec)

Custom9 CustomRec -- custom 9 field information of the contact (see class CustomRec)

Custom10 CustomRec -- custom 10 field information of the contact (see class CustomRec)0 of the contact

Custom11 CustomRec -- custom 11 field information of the contact (see class CustomRec)1 of the contact

Custom12 CustomRec -- custom 12 field information of the contact (see class CustomRec)2 of the contact

Special CustomRec [r/o] -- special fields of the contact used by scripts tied to buttons inside the Claris Organizer application.

birthday anything -- birthday of the contact. As Date or as String or as Integer (seconds since Jan 1, 1904)

comments international text -- comments of the contact

cat1 reference -- category 1 of the contact. As object or string.

cat2 reference -- category 2 of the contact. As object or string.

all fields record [r/o] -- record with all fields of the contact

Class day: a day in the calendar


task by numeric index, by ID

appointment by numeric index, by ID

banner by numeric index, by ID

Class note: A Note


attachment by ID, by numeric index


object id record [r/o] -- the object id of the note

title international text -- title of the note

body international text -- body of the note

creationTime anything -- creation time of the note. As Date or as String or as Integer (seconds since midnight)

creation date anything -- creation date of the note. As Date or as String or as Integer (seconds since Jan 1, 1904)

date modified anything -- creation date of the note. As Date or as String or as Integer (seconds since Jan 1, 1904)

cat1 reference -- category 1 of the note. As object or string.

cat2 reference -- category 2 of the note. As object or string.

all fields record [r/o] -- record with all fields of the note

Class object: an object


objClass constant -- class of the object (e.g. contact, note, task, etc)

objNumber small integer -- id of the object within the class

objInstance small integer -- recurring instance (uniquely identifies a particular instance of a recurring item)

Class phone label: A phone label


object id record [r/o] -- the object id of the phone label

title international text -- title of the phone label

Class task: A Task


attachment by ID, by numeric index


object id record [r/o] -- the object id of the task

title international text -- title of the task

due date anything -- due date of the task. As Date or as String or as Integer (seconds since Jan 1, 1904)

reminder small integer -- reminder of the task (in days)

completed boolean -- whether the task is completed

priority highest/high/medium/low/lowest -- priority of the task

carry over boolean -- whether the task carries over after due date if uncompleted

cat1 reference -- category 1 of the task. As object or string.

cat2 reference -- category 2 of the task. As object or string.

all fields record [r/o] -- record with all fields of the task

Class window: A window


best type type class [r/o] -- the best descriptor type

bounds bounding rectangle -- the boundary rectangle for the window

class type class [r/o] -- the class

closeable boolean [r/o] -- Does the window have a close box?

default type type class [r/o] -- the default descriptor type

floating boolean [r/o] -- Does the window float?

index integer -- the number of the window

modal boolean [r/o] -- Is the window modal?

name international text -- the title of the window

position point -- the upper left-hand coordinates of the window

resizable boolean [r/o] -- Is the window resizable?

titled boolean [r/o] -- Does the window have a title bar?

visible boolean -- Is the window visible?

zoomable boolean [r/o] -- Is the window zoomable?

zoomed boolean -- Is the window zoomed?


IMPORTANT NOTE:: AppleEvents in Palm Desktop 2.0 are unchanged from Claris Organizer. They are included in the 2.0 release “as is”, and are unsupported by Palm Computing. We are interested in your suggestions. Please send your comments to:


attach: attach any two items

attach reference -- the first object to attach

to reference -- the object or file to attach

available on: Determines the earliest available time given the required appointment duration

available on reference

[after string] -- after a specific time (if not specified the beginning of the work day is assumed)

[for small integer] -- the required duration of the available time (any amount of available time will be acceptable if this parameter is omitted).

Result: international text -- Returns the time (as a string) or nothing if no time is available

count of: Return the number of elements of a particular class within an object

count of reference -- the object in which the items are to be counted

[on reference] -- the day on which to count the app, tasks or banners

Result: integer -- the number of elements

create: Create a new object


new type class -- The class of the new object

[with anything]

Result: reference -- To the new object

current meeting: Determines the appointment scheduled right now

current meeting

Result: reference -- Returns the id of the appointment that is scheduled right now or nothing if no appointment is scheduled.

export: Export Contacts/Tasks/Notes

export type class -- the type of objects to export (contact/note/task)

into file specification -- the file into which to export

get data: Get an object’s data

get data reference -- the object whose data is to be returned

[as a list of type class] -- the desired type for the data

Result: anything -- the data from the object

locate contact: Bring up a find dialog to locate a contact

locate contact

Result: reference -- To the found contact

quit: Quit application


run: Sent to an application when it is double-clicked


set: Set an object’s data

set reference -- the object to change

to anything -- the new value

show: Show object

show reference -- the object to be shown

[in reference] -- the window in which to show the object

show all in: show all objects in specified window

show all in reference -- the window in which to show all objects

Views Suite: Used to performing views (found sets) in the contact, note and task list windows


Class DateRest: Date Restrictions for views


from the beginning of InfiniteTime/today/tomorrow/yesterday/this week/next week/last week/this month/next month/last month/this year/next year/last year/one week from today [r/o] -- from the beginning of

to the end of InfiniteTime/today/tomorrow/yesterday/this week/next week/last week/this month/next month/last month/this year/next year/last year/one week from today [r/o] -- to the end of

exclude completed boolean -- (only for task views)

exclude undated boolean -- (only for task views)

Class TextRest:


matching contains/starts with/ends with/is/is not/doesn’t contain/is empty/is not empty [r/o] -- text matching

str1 international text

str2 international text

str3 international text

Class ViewNameRec: view name information


view name international text

save sort boolean

window positions boolean

Class contact view: A Contact View


ViewNameInfo ViewNameRec

ContactFirstName TextRest -- restriction information on contact first name

ContactNickName TextRest -- restriction information on contact nickname

ContactLastName TextRest -- restriction information on contact last name

ContactPrefix TextRest -- restriction information on contact prefix

ContactSuffix TextRest -- restriction information on contact suffix

ContactTitle TextRest -- restriction information on contact title

ContactCompany TextRest -- restriction information on contact company

ContactDivision TextRest -- restriction information on contact division

ContactStreet TextRest -- restriction information on contact street (either address)

ContactCity TextRest -- restriction information on contact city (either address)

ContactState TextRest -- restriction information on contact state (either address)

ContactZip TextRest -- restriction information on contact zip code (either address)

ContactCountry TextRest -- restriction information on contact country (either address)

ContactPhone TextRest -- restriction information on contact phone (checks all four phones)

ContactExtension TextRest -- restriction information on contact extension (checks all four phones)

ContactCustom1 TextRest -- restriction information on custom 1 field

ContactCustom2 TextRest -- restriction information on custom 2 field

ContactCustom3 TextRest -- restriction information on custom 3 field

ContactCustom4 TextRest -- restriction information on custom 4 field

ContactCustom5 TextRest -- restriction information on custom 5 field

ContactCustom6 TextRest -- restriction information on custom 6 field

ContactCustom7 TextRest -- restriction information on custom 7 field

ContactCustom8 TextRest -- restriction information on custom 8 field

ContactCustom9 TextRest -- restriction information on custom 9 field

ContactCustom10 TextRest -- restriction information on custom 10 field

ContactCustom11 TextRest -- restriction information on custom 11 field

ContactCustom12 TextRest -- restriction information on custom 12 field

ContactComments TextRest -- restriction information on the comments field

ContactBirthday DateRest -- restriction information on birthday

ContactDateModified DateRest -- restriction information on date modified

ViewCategories a list of reference -- restriction information on note category (list of category objects)

Class note view: A Note View


ViewNameInfo ViewNameRec

NoteTitle TextRest -- restriction information on note title

NoteBody TextRest -- restriction information on note body

NoteDate DateRest [r/o] -- restriction information on note date

NoteDateModified DateRest [r/o] -- restriction information on note date modified

ViewCategories a list of list [r/o] -- restriction information on note category (list of category objects)

Class task view: A Task View


ViewNameInfo ViewNameRec

TaskTitle TextRest -- restriction information on task title

TaskPriority a list of highest/high/medium/low/lowest -- restriction information on task priority

TaskDate DateRest -- restriction information on task date

ViewCategories a list of reference -- restriction information on note category (list of category objects)


|| url:
|| created: 4-Aug-03, 9:48 PM; updated: 4-Aug-03, 2:48 PM
|| size: 81908 bytes