Copyright © 1987-2001 Adobe System Inc. All rights reserved.
document by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
text face by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
best type type class [r/o] -- the best type for the object's value
default type type class [r/o] -- the default type for the object's value
class type class [r/o] -- the object's class
properties record -- all of this object's properties returned in a single record
browser available boolean [r/o] -- is a web browser available?
current document document -- The active document
free memory integer [r/o] -- the amount of unused memory within the Adobe Illustrator partition
frontmost boolean [r/o] -- Is this the frontmost application?
name string [r/o] -- The application's name
scripting version string [r/o] -- the version of the Scripting plugin
selection a list of anything -- the selection visible to the user
settings Illustrator preferences [r/o] -- preferences for Illustrator
user interaction level interact with all/interact with local/interact with self/never interact -- what level of interaction with the user should be allowed when handling script commands
version string [r/o] -- the version of the Adobe Illustrator application
art style by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
brush by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
compound path item by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
dataset by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
gradient by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
graph item by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
group item by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
layer by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
mesh item by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
page item by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
path item by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
pattern by name by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
placed item by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
plugin item by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
raster item by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
spot by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
swatch by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
symbol item by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
symbol by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
tag by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
text art item by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
variable by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
view by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
best type type class [r/o] -- the best type for the object's value
default type type class [r/o] -- the default type for the object's value
class type class [r/o] -- the object's class
index integer [r/o] -- the index of this instance of the object
properties record -- all of this object's properties returned in a single record
color space CMYK/RGB [r/o] -- the color space used for the document
crop marks fixed rectangle
crop style japanese/standard
current dataset dataset -- The active data set
current layer layer -- The active layer
current view view [r/o] -- the document's current view
default fill color CMYK color info/gradient color info/gray color info/pattern color info/RGB color info/spot color info -- default fill color
default fill overprint boolean -- will art beneath a filled object be overprinted by default?
default filled boolean -- should a new path be filled?
default stroke cap butted/projecting/rounded -- default type of line capping
default stroke color CMYK color info/gradient color info/gray color info/pattern color info/RGB color info/spot color info -- default stroke color
default stroke dash offset real -- the default distance into the dash pattern at which the pattern should be started
default stroke dashes a list of real -- default dash lengths (set to {} for a solid line)
default stroke join beveled/mitered/rounded -- default type of joints
default stroke miter limit real -- specifies whether a join is mitered (pointed) or beveled (squared-off) by default
default stroke overprint boolean -- will art beneath a stroked object be overprinted by default?
default stroke width real -- default width of stroke
default stroked boolean -- should a new path be stroked?
file path file specification [r/o] -- the file associated with the document
geometric bounds fixed rectangle [r/o] -- the bounds of the illustration excluding stroke width
height real [r/o]
modified boolean -- Has the document been modified since the last save?
name string [r/o] -- The document's name
output resolution real [r/o]
page origin fixed point
print tiles boolean [r/o]
ruler origin fixed point
ruler units centimeters/inches/millimeters/picas/points/qs/unknown [r/o]
selection a list of anything -- the selection within the document
show placed images boolean [r/o]
split long paths boolean [r/o]
stationery boolean [r/o] -- Is the file a stationery file?
tile full pages boolean [r/o]
use default screen boolean [r/o]
variables locked boolean -- The locked variables
visible bounds fixed rectangle [r/o] -- the visible bounds of the illustration including stroke width
width real [r/o]
close reference -- the object or objects to be operated upon
[saving no/ask/yes] -- specifies whether changes should be saved before closing
count reference -- the object whose elements are to be counted
each type class -- the class of the elements to be counted.
Result: integer -- the number of elements
delete reference -- the element to delete
duplicate reference -- the object(s) to duplicate
[to location reference] -- the new location for the object(s)
[with properties record] -- new values for the properties of the duplicated element
Result: reference -- to the duplicated object(s)
exists reference -- the object in question
Result: boolean -- true if it exists, false if not
new type class -- the class of the new element.
at location reference -- the location at which to insert the element
[with data anything] -- the initial data for the element
[with properties record] -- the initial values for the properties of the element
Result: reference -- to the new object(s)
move reference -- the object(s) to move
to location reference -- the new location for the object(s)
Result: reference -- to the object(s) after they have been moved
open anything -- the file(s) to be opened
[forcing CMYK/RGB] -- choose color space only for documents saved with multiple color models (pre-Illustrator 9)
[with options anything] -- options for opening a particular type of file
print a list of anything -- the file(s) or document(s) to be printed
[dialog boolean] -- should a print dialog be presented to the user (default: true)
save reference -- the object or objects to be operated upon
[in file specification] -- the file to save the document in
[as eps/Illustrator/pdf] -- the file type to save the document as
[with options anything] -- options for the file type specified
Result: document -- the saved document (useful if the name of the document has been changed as a result of the save)
CMYK PostScript boolean -- use CMYK PostScript
compatibility Illustrator 10/Illustrator 3/Illustrator 4/Illustrator 5/Illustrator 6/Illustrator 7/Illustrator 8/Illustrator 9 -- what Illustrator file format version to create
embed all fonts boolean -- embed all fonts used by the document in the saved file (version 7 or later)
embed linked files boolean -- are linked image files to be included in the saved document
flatten output preserve appearance/preserve paths -- how should transparency be flattened for older file format versions (pre-version 9)
include document thumbnails boolean -- include thumbnail image of the EPS artwork
japanese file format boolean -- save using Japanese version of file format (versions 3 - 5 only)
PostScript level 1/level 2/level 3 -- PostScript level to use (level 1 valid for file format version 8 or older)
preview BW Macintosh/BW TIFF/color Macintosh/color TIFF/none/transparent color TIFF -- EPS preview format
best type type class [r/o] -- the best type for the object's value
default type type class [r/o] -- the default type for the object's value
class type class [r/o] -- the object's class
properties record -- all of this object's properties returned in a single record
Photoshop file options Photoshop options [r/o] -- options to use when opening or placing a Photoshop file
compatibility Illustrator 10/Illustrator 3/Illustrator 4/Illustrator 5/Illustrator 6/Illustrator 7/Illustrator 8/Illustrator 9 -- what Illustrator file format version to create
compressed boolean -- should the saved file be compressed (default: true, version 10 or later)
embed all fonts boolean -- embed all fonts used by the document in the saved file (version 9 or later)
embed ICC profile boolean -- embed the document's ICC profile in the saved file (version 9 or later)
embed linked files boolean -- are linked image files to be included in the saved document (versions 7 or later)
flatten output preserve appearance/preserve paths -- how should transparency be flattened for older file format versions (pre-version 9)
font subset threshold real -- include a subset of fonts when less than this percentage of characters are used (version 9 or later)
japanese file format boolean -- save using Japanese version of file format (versions 3 - 5 only)
PDF compatible boolean -- save as a PDF compatible file (version 10 or later)
color compression automatic/JPEG high/JPEG low/JPEG maximum/JPEG medium/JPEG minimum/none/ZIP4bit/ZIP8bit -- how should color bitmap images be compressed
color downsampling real -- if zero, no downsampling, otherwise, the resolution to downsample color bitmap images to
compatibility Acrobat 4/Acrobat 5 -- specifies the version of the Acrobat file format to create
compress art boolean -- should line art and text be compressed?
embed all fonts boolean -- embed all fonts used by the document in the saved file
embed ICC profile boolean -- embed the document's ICC profile in the saved file
font subset threshold real -- include a subset of fonts when less than this percentage of characters are used
generate thumbnails boolean -- generate thumbnails for the saved document
grayscale compression automatic/JPEG high/JPEG low/JPEG maximum/JPEG medium/JPEG minimum/none/ZIP4bit/ZIP8bit -- how should grayscale bitmap images be compressed
grayscale downsampling real -- if zero, no downsampling, otherwise, the resolution to downsample grayscale images to
monochrome compression CCIT3/CCIT4/ZIP/none/run length -- how should monochrome bitmap images be compressed
monochrome downsampling real -- If zero, no downsampling, otherwise, the resolution to downsample images to
preserve editability boolean -- preserve Illustrator editing capabilities when saving the document
best type type class [r/o] -- the best type for the object's value
default type type class [r/o] -- the default type for the object's value
class type class [r/o] -- the object's class
properties record -- all of this object's properties returned in a single record
preserve image maps boolean -- should image maps be preserved when the document is converted (default: true)
preserve layers boolean -- should layers be Preserve when the document is converted (default: true)
preserve slices boolean -- should slices be preserved when the document is converted (default: true)
art styles
best type type class [r/o] -- the best type for the object's value
default type type class [r/o] -- the default type for the object's value
class type class [r/o] -- the object's class
index integer [r/o] -- the index of this instance of the object
container reference [r/o] -- a reference to the object that contains this object
properties record -- all of this object's properties returned in a single record
name string [r/o] -- The art style's name
best type type class [r/o] -- the best type for the object's value
default type type class [r/o] -- the default type for the object's value
class type class [r/o] -- the object's class
index integer [r/o] -- the index of this instance of the object
container reference [r/o] -- a reference to the object that contains this object
properties record -- all of this object's properties returned in a single record
name string [r/o] -- The brush's name
compound path items
path item by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
<Inheritance> page item [r/o] -- subclass of page item
gradient stop by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
best type type class [r/o] -- the best type for the object's value
default type type class [r/o] -- the default type for the object's value
class type class [r/o] -- the object's class
index integer [r/o] -- the index of this instance of the object
container reference [r/o] -- a reference to the object that contains this object
properties record -- all of this object's properties returned in a single record
entire gradient a list of gradient stop info -- all the gradient stops in the gradient
gradient type linear/radial -- the gradient type
name string -- the gradient's name
gradient stops
best type type class [r/o] -- the best type for the object's value
default type type class [r/o] -- the default type for the object's value
class type class [r/o] -- the object's class
index integer [r/o] -- the index of this instance of the object
container reference [r/o] -- a reference to the object that contains this object
properties record -- all of this object's properties returned in a single record
color CMYK color info/gradient color info/gray color info/pattern color info/RGB color info/spot color info -- the color linked to this gradient stop
midpoint real -- midpoint key value in percent
ramp point real -- location of color in the blend (in percent)
color CMYK color info/gradient color info/gray color info/pattern color info/RGB color info/spot color info -- the color linked to this gradient stop
midpoint real -- midpoint value in percent
ramp point real -- location of color in the blend in percent
graph items
<Inheritance> page item [r/o] -- subclass of page item
content variable anything -- the content variable bound to this graph
group items
compound path item by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
graph item by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
group item by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
mesh item by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
page item by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
path item by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
placed item by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
plugin item by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
raster item by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
symbol item by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
text art item by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
<Inheritance> page item [r/o] -- subclass of page item
clipped boolean -- are the group elements clipped to the clipping path?
compound path item by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
graph item by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
group item by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
layer by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
mesh item by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
page item by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
path item by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
placed item by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
plugin item by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
raster item by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
symbol item by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
text art item by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
best type type class [r/o] -- the best type for the object's value
default type type class [r/o] -- the default type for the object's value
class type class [r/o] -- the object's class
index integer [r/o] -- the index of this instance of the object
container reference [r/o] -- a reference to the object that contains this object
properties record -- all of this object's properties returned in a single record
blend mode color blend/color burn/color dodge/darken/difference/exclusion/hard light/hue/lighten/luminosity/multiply/normal/overlay/saturation blend/screen/soft light -- the mode used when compositing an object
color RGB color info -- color used when outlining artwork in this layer
dim placed images boolean -- Is rendered as dimmed in this layer?
has selected artwork boolean -- Is any artwork in this layer selected? Setting this property to false deselects all artwork in the layer.
isolated boolean -- is the artwork isolated
knockout disabled/enabled/inherited/unknown -- is the artwork used to create a knockout
locked boolean -- Is the layer editable?
name string -- The layer's name
opacity real -- The layer's opacity (between 0.0 and 100.0)
preview boolean -- Is the layer rendered in preview mode?
printable boolean -- Is the layer printable?
sliced boolean -- Is the layer sliced (default: false)
visible boolean -- Is the layer visible?
mesh items
<Inheritance> page item [r/o] -- subclass of page item
page items
tag by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
best type type class [r/o] -- the best type for the object's value
default type type class [r/o] -- the default type for the object's value
class type class [r/o] -- the object's class
index integer [r/o] -- the index of this instance of the object
container reference [r/o] -- a reference to the object that contains this object
properties record -- all of this object's properties returned in a single record
blend mode color blend/color burn/color dodge/darken/difference/exclusion/hard light/hue/lighten/luminosity/multiply/normal/overlay/saturation blend/screen/soft light -- the mode used when compositing an object
control bounds fixed rectangle [r/o] -- the bounds of the artwork including stroke width and controls
editable boolean [r/o] -- can the art item be modified
geometric bounds fixed rectangle [r/o] -- the bounds of the artwork excluding stroke width
height real -- the height of the art item
hidden boolean -- is this artwork item hidden?
isolated boolean -- is the artwork isolated
knockout disabled/enabled/inherited/unknown -- is the artwork used to create a knockout
layer layer [r/o] -- the layer to which this artwork belongs
locked boolean -- is this artwork item locked?
name string -- The item's name
opacity real -- the object's opacity (between 0.0 and 100.0)
position fixed point -- the position of the top left corner of the art item
selected boolean -- is this artwork item selected?
sliced boolean -- is the art item sliced (default: false)
URL string -- the value of the Adobe URL tag assigned to this artwork item
visibility variable anything -- the visibility variable bound to this page item
visible bounds fixed rectangle [r/o] -- the visible bounds of the artwork including stroke width
width real -- the width of the art item
path items
path point by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
<Inheritance> page item [r/o] -- subclass of page item
area real [r/o] -- the area of this path in square points
clipping boolean -- should this be used as a clipping path?
closed boolean -- is this path closed?
entire path a list of path point info -- all the path item's path points
evenodd boolean -- should the even-odd rule be used to determine insideness?
fill color CMYK color info/gradient color info/gray color info/pattern color info/RGB color info/spot color info -- fill color
fill overprint boolean -- will art beneath a filled object be overprinted?
filled boolean -- should the path be filled?
guides boolean -- is this path a guide object?
note string -- Note assigned to the path
polarity negative/positive -- the polarity the path
resolution real -- The resolution of the path
selected path points a list of reference [r/o] -- all the selected points in the path
stroke cap butted/projecting/rounded -- type of line capping
stroke color CMYK color info/gradient color info/gray color info/pattern color info/RGB color info/spot color info -- stroke color
stroke dash offset real -- the default distance into the dash pattern at which the pattern should be started
stroke dashes a list of real -- dash lengths (set to {} for a solid line)
stroke join beveled/mitered/rounded -- type of joints
stroke miter limit real -- whether a join is mitered (pointed) or beveled (squared-off)
stroke overprint boolean -- will art beneath a stroked object be overprinted?
stroke width real -- width of stroke
stroked boolean -- should the path be stroked?
path points
best type type class [r/o] -- the best type for the object's value
default type type class [r/o] -- the default type for the object's value
class type class [r/o] -- the object's class
index integer [r/o] -- the index of this instance of the object
container reference [r/o] -- a reference to the object that contains this object
properties record -- all of this object's properties returned in a single record
anchor fixed point -- the position (coordinates) of the anchor point
left direction fixed point -- location of the left direction point (in position)
point type corner/smooth -- the type of point: smooth/corner
right direction fixed point -- location of the right direction point (out position)
selected anchor selected/left selected/left right selected/none/right selected -- the path point selected state
anchor fixed point -- the position of the anchor (in coordinates)
left direction fixed point -- location of the left direction point (in position)
point type corner/smooth -- the point type, smooth/corner
right direction fixed point -- location of the left direction point (out position)
placed items
<Inheritance> page item [r/o] -- subclass of page item
bounding box fixed rectangle [r/o] -- dimensions of placed art object, regardless of transformations
content variable anything -- the content variable bound to this placed art object
file path file specification -- the file containing the placed artwork
matrix matrix -- The transformation matrix of the placed art object
plugin items
<Inheritance> page item [r/o] -- subclass of page item
raster items
<Inheritance> page item [r/o] -- subclass of page item
bounding box fixed rectangle -- dimensions of raster art object regardless of transformations
color space CMYK/Gray/RGB [r/o] -- the color space of the raster image
content variable anything -- the content variable bound to this raster art object
embedded boolean -- is the raster art embedded within the illustration?
file path file specification -- the file containing the raster artwork
matrix matrix -- The transformation matrix of the raster art object
status data from file/modified data/no data [r/o] -- status of the linked image
best type type class [r/o] -- the best type for the object's value
default type type class [r/o] -- the default type for the object's value
class type class [r/o] -- the object's class
index integer [r/o] -- the index of this instance of the object
container reference [r/o] -- a reference to the object that contains this object
properties record -- all of this object's properties returned in a single record
name string -- The symbol's name
source art anything [r/o] -- The source art is only used when creating a new symbol
symbol items
<Inheritance> page item [r/o] -- subclass of page item
symbol symbol [r/o] -- The symbol that was used to create this symbol item
alignment center/decimal/left/right/unknown -- the alignment of the tab stop
decimal character string -- the character used for decimal tab stops
position real -- the position of the tab stop expressed in points
best type type class [r/o] -- the best type for the object's value
default type type class [r/o] -- the default type for the object's value
class type class [r/o] -- the object's class
index integer [r/o] -- the index of this instance of the object
container reference [r/o] -- a reference to the object that contains this object
properties record -- all of this object's properties returned in a single record
name string -- The tag's name
value string -- the data stored in this tag
text art items
path item by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
text path by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
text by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements
character by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
word by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
line by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
paragraph by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
insertion point by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
<Inheritance> page item [r/o] -- subclass of page item
content variable anything -- the content variable bound to this text art item
contents string -- the textual contents of a text art object
kind area text/path text/point text -- the type of a text art item
selection a list of anything -- the selected text in the contents of a text art item
wrapped boolean -- wrap text around other objects? (only valid for area text)
text faces
best type type class [r/o] -- the best type for the object's value
default type type class [r/o] -- the default type for the object's value
class type class [r/o] -- the object's class
index integer [r/o] -- the index of this instance of the object
properties record -- all of this object's properties returned in a single record
name string [r/o] -- The text face's name
text paths
best type type class [r/o] -- the best type for the object's value
default type type class [r/o] -- the default type for the object's value
class type class [r/o] -- the object's class
index integer [r/o] -- the index of this instance of the object
container reference [r/o] -- a reference to the object that contains this object
properties record -- all of this object's properties returned in a single record
matrix matrix -- transformation matrix of the text path
name string -- name of the text path
path item path item [r/o] -- path item associated with the text path (only valid for path text and area text)
text orientation horizontal/vertical -- the orientation of the text
text path offset real -- offset position where characters are anchored on the text path (only valid for path text)
best type type class [r/o] -- the best type for the object's value
default type type class [r/o] -- the default type for the object's value
class type class [r/o] -- the object's class
index integer [r/o] -- the index of this instance of the object
container reference [r/o] -- a reference to the object that contains this object
properties record -- all of this object's properties returned in a single record
bounds fixed rectangle [r/o] -- the bounding rectangle of this view
center point fixed point -- the center point of this view
screen mode desktop/full screen/multiwindow -- the mode of display
zoom real -- the zoom factor of this view
apply reference -- the object or objects to be operated upon
to anything -- the page item(s) to apply to
colorize reference -- the object or objects to be operated upon
raster color CMYK color info/gradient color info/gray color info/pattern color info/RGB color info/spot color info -- the color to use for coloring the TIFF image
convert to paths reference -- the object or objects to be operated upon
Result: group item -- Artwork groupitem of the created path
export reference -- the object or objects to be operated upon
to file specification -- the file to export the document to
as Flash/GIF/JPEG/PNG24/PNG8/Photoshop/SVG -- the file type to export the document as
[with options anything] -- options for the file type specified
rotate reference -- the object or objects to be operated upon
angle real -- angle of rotation (in degrees). Rotation is performed counter-clock wise
[transforming objects boolean] -- are art object positions and orientations effected?
[transforming fill patterns boolean] -- are the fill patterns assigned to paths to be transformed?
[transforming fill gradients boolean] -- are the fill gradients assigned to paths to be transformed?
[transforming stroke patterns boolean] -- are the stroke patterns assigned to paths to be transformed?
[about bottom/bottom left/bottom right/center/document origin/left/right/top/top left/top right] -- the point on the art item's bounding box to which the rotation is applied
scale reference -- the object or objects to be operated upon
horizontal scale real -- horizontal scaling factor expressed as a percentage (100 = 100%)
vertical scale real -- vertical scaling factor expressed as a percentage (100 = 100%)
[transforming objects boolean] -- are art object positions and orientations effected?
[transforming fill patterns boolean] -- are the fill patterns assigned to paths to be transformed?
[transforming fill gradients boolean] -- are the fill gradients assigned to paths to be transformed?
[transforming stroke patterns boolean] -- are the stroke patterns assigned to paths to be transformed?
[line scale real] -- the amount line widths are to be scaled (expressed as a percentage)
[about bottom/bottom left/bottom right/center/document origin/left/right/top/top left/top right] -- the point on the art item's bounding box to which the scale is applied
translate reference -- the object or objects to be operated upon
[delta x real] -- horizontal transformation
[delta y real] -- vertical transformation
[transforming objects boolean] -- are art object positions and orientations affected?
[transforming fill patterns boolean] -- are the fill patterns assigned to paths to be transformed?
[transforming fill gradients boolean] -- are the fill gradients assigned to paths to be transformed?
[transforming stroke patterns boolean] -- are the stroke patterns assigned to paths to be transformed?
black real -- the black color value (between 0.0 and 100.0)
cyan real -- the cyan color value (between 0.0 and 100.0)
magenta real -- the magenta color value (between 0.0 and 100.0)
yellow real -- the yellow color value (between 0.0 and 100.0)
blue real -- the blue color value (between 0.0 and 255.0)
green real -- the green color value (between 0.0 and 255.0)
red real -- the red color value (between 0.0 and 255.0)
angle real -- the gradient vector angle
gradient gradient -- reference to the object defining the gradient
hilite angle real -- the gradient hilite vector angle
hilite length real -- the gradient hilite vector length
length real -- the gradient vector length
matrix matrix -- additional transformation arising from manipulating the path
origin fixed point -- the gradient vector origin
gray value real -- the gray value (between 0.0 and 100.0)
best type type class [r/o] -- the best type for the object's value
default type type class [r/o] -- the default type for the object's value
class type class [r/o] -- the object's class
index integer [r/o] -- the index of this instance of the object
container reference [r/o] -- a reference to the object that contains this object
properties record -- all of this object's properties returned in a single record
name string -- The pattern's name
matrix matrix -- additional transformation arising from manipulating the path
pattern pattern
reflect boolean -- whether or not the prototype is reflected before filling
reflect angle real -- the axis around which to reflect
rotation real -- the angle to rotate the before filling
scale factor fixed point -- the fraction to scale the prototype before filling
shear angle real -- the angle to slant the shear by
shear axis real -- the axis to shear with respect to
shift angle real -- the angle to translate the (unscaled) prototype before filling
shift distance real -- the distance to translate the (unscaled) prototype before filling
best type type class [r/o] -- the best type for the object's value
default type type class [r/o] -- the default type for the object's value
class type class [r/o] -- the object's class
index integer [r/o] -- the index of this instance of the object
container reference [r/o] -- a reference to the object that contains this object
properties record -- all of this object's properties returned in a single record
color CMYK color info/gradient color info/gray color info/pattern color info/RGB color info/spot color info
color type process color/registration color/spot color -- Color model of the spot
name string -- The spot color's name
spot spot
tint real -- percentage level of tint to be applied to the spot color
best type type class [r/o] -- the best type for the object's value
default type type class [r/o] -- the default type for the object's value
class type class [r/o] -- the object's class
index integer [r/o] -- the index of this instance of the object
container reference [r/o] -- a reference to the object that contains this object
properties record -- all of this object's properties returned in a single record
color CMYK color info/gradient color info/gray color info/pattern color info/RGB color info/spot color info -- the color information of the swatch
name string -- The swatch's name
text by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements
character by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
word by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
line by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
paragraph by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
insertion point by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
best type type class [r/o] -- the best type for the object's value
default type type class [r/o] -- the default type for the object's value
class type class [r/o] -- the object's class
index integer [r/o] -- the index of this instance of the object
container reference [r/o] -- a reference to the object that contains this object
properties record -- all of this object's properties returned in a single record
auto kerning boolean -- whether to use a font's built-in kerning information
baseline shift real -- baseline offset of text
character offset integer [r/o] -- offset from beginning (in characters)
clipping boolean [r/o] -- should this be used as a clipping path?
contents string -- contents of the object
direction KumiMoji/normal/rotated -- controls the direction of characters in a vertical text block
evenodd boolean -- whether to use the even-odd rule to deterine insideness?
fill color CMYK color info/gradient color info/gray color info/pattern color info/RGB color info/spot color info -- fill color
fill overprint boolean -- will art beneath a filled object be overprinted?
filled boolean -- should the path be filled
font string -- text face of the character
kerning real -- controls the spacing between two characters (in milli-ems)
leading real -- leading in points
length integer [r/o] -- length (in characters)
note string [r/o] -- note assigned to the path
resolution real [r/o] -- the resolution of the path
scaling fixed point -- character scaling
size real -- font size in points
stroke cap butted/projecting/rounded -- type of line capping
stroke color CMYK color info/gradient color info/gray color info/pattern color info/RGB color info/spot color info -- stroke color
stroke dash offset real -- the default distance into the dash pattern at which the pattern should be started
stroke dashes a list of real -- dash lengths (set to {} for a solid line)
stroke join beveled/mitered/rounded -- type of joints
stroke miter limit real -- whether a join is mitered (pointed) or beveled (squared-off)
stroke overprint boolean -- will art beneath a stroked object be overprinted?
stroke width real -- width of stroke
stroked boolean -- should the path be stroked?
text orientation horizontal/vertical [r/o] -- the orientation of the text? (Use the text path class to alter this property)
text path text path [r/o] -- a referece to the text path in which the text is displayed
tracking real -- controls uniform spacing between multiple characters
insertion points
text by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements
character by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
word by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
line by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
paragraph by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
insertion point by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
best type type class [r/o] -- the best type for the object's value
default type type class [r/o] -- the default type for the object's value
class type class [r/o] -- the object's class
index integer [r/o] -- the index of this instance of the object
container reference [r/o] -- a reference to the object that contains this object
properties record -- all of this object's properties returned in a single record
auto kerning boolean -- whether to use a font's built-in kerning information
baseline shift real -- baseline offset of text
character offset integer [r/o] -- offset from beginning (in characters)
clipping boolean [r/o] -- should this be used as a clipping path?
contents string -- contents of the object
direction KumiMoji/normal/rotated -- controls the direction of characters in a vertical text block
evenodd boolean -- whether to use the even-odd rule to deterine insideness?
fill color CMYK color info/gradient color info/gray color info/pattern color info/RGB color info/spot color info -- fill color
fill overprint boolean -- will art beneath a filled object be overprinted?
filled boolean -- should the path be filled
font string -- text face of the character
leading real -- leading in points
length integer [r/o] -- length (in characters)
note string [r/o] -- note assigned to the path
resolution real [r/o] -- the resolution of the path
scaling fixed point -- character scaling
size real -- font size in points
stroke cap butted/projecting/rounded -- type of line capping
stroke color CMYK color info/gradient color info/gray color info/pattern color info/RGB color info/spot color info -- stroke color
stroke dash offset real -- the default distance into the dash pattern at which the pattern should be started
stroke dashes a list of real -- dash lengths (set to {} for a solid line)
stroke join beveled/mitered/rounded -- type of joints
stroke miter limit real -- whether a join is mitered (pointed) or beveled (squared-off)
stroke overprint boolean -- will art beneath a stroked object be overprinted?
stroke width real -- width of stroke
stroked boolean -- should the path be stroked?
text orientation horizontal/vertical [r/o] -- the orientation of the text? (Use the text path class to alter this property)
text path text path [r/o] -- a referece to the text path in which the text is displayed
tracking real -- controls uniform spacing between multiple characters
text by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements
character by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
word by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
line by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
paragraph by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
insertion point by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
best type type class [r/o] -- the best type for the object's value
default type type class [r/o] -- the default type for the object's value
class type class [r/o] -- the object's class
index integer [r/o] -- the index of this instance of the object
container reference [r/o] -- a reference to the object that contains this object
properties record -- all of this object's properties returned in a single record
auto kerning boolean -- whether to use a font's built-in kerning information
baseline real -- position of the baseline
baseline shift real -- baseline offset of text
character offset integer [r/o] -- offset from beginning (in characters)
clipping boolean [r/o] -- should this be used as a clipping path?
contents string -- contents of the object
direction KumiMoji/normal/rotated -- controls the direction of characters in a vertical text block
evenodd boolean -- whether to use the even-odd rule to deterine insideness?
fill color CMYK color info/gradient color info/gray color info/pattern color info/RGB color info/spot color info -- fill color
fill overprint boolean -- will art beneath a filled object be overprinted?
filled boolean -- should the path be filled
font string -- text face of the character
leading real -- leading in points
length integer [r/o] -- length (in characters)
note string [r/o] -- note assigned to the path
resolution real [r/o] -- the resolution of the path
scaling fixed point -- character scaling
size real -- font size in points
stroke cap butted/projecting/rounded -- type of line capping
stroke color CMYK color info/gradient color info/gray color info/pattern color info/RGB color info/spot color info -- stroke color
stroke dash offset real -- the default distance into the dash pattern at which the pattern should be started
stroke dashes a list of real -- dash lengths (set to {} for a solid line)
stroke join beveled/mitered/rounded -- type of joints
stroke miter limit real -- whether a join is mitered (pointed) or beveled (squared-off)
stroke overprint boolean -- will art beneath a stroked object be overprinted?
stroke width real -- width of stroke
stroked boolean -- should the path be stroked?
text orientation horizontal/vertical [r/o] -- the orientation of the text? (Use the text path class to alter this property)
text path text path [r/o] -- a referece to the text path in which the text is displayed
tracking real -- controls uniform spacing between multiple characters
text by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements
character by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
word by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
line by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
paragraph by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
insertion point by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
best type type class [r/o] -- the best type for the object's value
default type type class [r/o] -- the default type for the object's value
class type class [r/o] -- the object's class
index integer [r/o] -- the index of this instance of the object
container reference [r/o] -- a reference to the object that contains this object
properties record -- all of this object's properties returned in a single record
auto kerning boolean -- whether to use a font's built-in kerning information
baseline shift real -- baseline offset of text
character offset integer [r/o] -- offset from beginning (in characters)
clipping boolean [r/o] -- should this be used as a clipping path?
contents string -- contents of the object
default tab size real -- default distance for tab stops
desired letter spacing real -- desired letter spacing expressed as a percentage
desired word spacing real -- desired word spacing expressed as a percentage
direction KumiMoji/normal/rotated -- controls the direction of characters in a vertical text block
evenodd boolean -- whether to use the even-odd rule to deterine insideness?
fill color CMYK color info/gradient color info/gray color info/pattern color info/RGB color info/spot color info -- fill color
fill overprint boolean -- will art beneath a filled object be overprinted?
filled boolean -- should the path be filled
first line indent real -- first line left indent expressed in points
font string -- text face of the character
hanging punctuation boolean -- should punctuation appear outside the margins of the paragraph?
hyphenation boolean -- is hyphenation enabled for the paragraph?
justification justify all lines/center/justify full lines/left/right/unknown -- paragraph justification
leading real -- leading in points
left indent real -- left indent of margin expressed in points
length integer [r/o] -- length (in characters)
limit consecutive hyphenations boolean -- is there a limit on the number of consecutive hyphenated lines?
maximum consecutive hyphens integer -- maximum number of consecutive hypenated lines
maximum letter spacing real -- maximum letter spacing expressed as a percentage
maximum word spacing real -- maximum word spacing expressed as a percentage
minimum after hyphen integer -- minimum number of characters after a hyphen
minimum before hyphen integer -- minimum number of characters before a hyphen
minimum letter spacing real -- minimum letter spacing expressed as a percentage
minimum word spacing real -- minimum word spacing expressed as a percentage
note string [r/o] -- note assigned to the path
repeated character processing boolean -- should Repeated Character Processing be used?
resolution real [r/o] -- the resolution of the path
right indent real -- right indent of margin expressed in points
scaling fixed point -- character scaling
size real -- font size in points
space before real -- spacing between paragraphs in points
stroke cap butted/projecting/rounded -- type of line capping
stroke color CMYK color info/gradient color info/gray color info/pattern color info/RGB color info/spot color info -- stroke color
stroke dash offset real -- the default distance into the dash pattern at which the pattern should be started
stroke dashes a list of real -- dash lengths (set to {} for a solid line)
stroke join beveled/mitered/rounded -- type of joints
stroke miter limit real -- whether a join is mitered (pointed) or beveled (squared-off)
stroke overprint boolean -- will art beneath a stroked object be overprinted?
stroke width real -- width of stroke
stroked boolean -- should the path be stroked?
tab stops a list of tab stop info -- tab stop settings
text orientation horizontal/vertical [r/o] -- the orientation of the text? (Use the text path class to alter this property)
text path text path [r/o] -- a referece to the text path in which the text is displayed
tracking real -- controls uniform spacing between multiple characters
text by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements
character by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
word by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
line by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
paragraph by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
insertion point by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
best type type class [r/o] -- the best type for the object's value
default type type class [r/o] -- the default type for the object's value
class type class [r/o] -- the object's class
index integer [r/o] -- the index of this instance of the object
container reference [r/o] -- a reference to the object that contains this object
properties record -- all of this object's properties returned in a single record
auto kerning boolean -- whether to use a font's built-in kerning information
baseline shift real -- baseline offset of text
character offset integer [r/o] -- offset from beginning (in characters)
clipping boolean [r/o] -- should this be used as a clipping path?
contents string -- contents of the object
direction KumiMoji/normal/rotated -- controls the direction of characters in a vertical text block
evenodd boolean -- whether to use the even-odd rule to deterine insideness?
fill color CMYK color info/gradient color info/gray color info/pattern color info/RGB color info/spot color info -- fill color
fill overprint boolean -- will art beneath a filled object be overprinted?
filled boolean -- should the path be filled
font string -- text face of the character
leading real -- leading in points
length integer [r/o] -- length (in characters)
note string [r/o] -- note assigned to the path
resolution real [r/o] -- the resolution of the path
scaling fixed point -- character scaling
size real -- font size in points
stroke cap butted/projecting/rounded -- type of line capping
stroke color CMYK color info/gradient color info/gray color info/pattern color info/RGB color info/spot color info -- stroke color
stroke dash offset real -- the default distance into the dash pattern at which the pattern should be started
stroke dashes a list of real -- dash lengths (set to {} for a solid line)
stroke join beveled/mitered/rounded -- type of joints
stroke miter limit real -- whether a join is mitered (pointed) or beveled (squared-off)
stroke overprint boolean -- will art beneath a stroked object be overprinted?
stroke width real -- width of stroke
stroked boolean -- should the path be stroked?
text orientation horizontal/vertical [r/o] -- the orientation of the text? (Use the text path class to alter this property)
text path text path [r/o] -- a referece to the text path in which the text is displayed
tracking real -- controls uniform spacing between multiple characters
text by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements
character by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
word by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
line by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
paragraph by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
insertion point by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
best type type class [r/o] -- the best type for the object's value
default type type class [r/o] -- the default type for the object's value
class type class [r/o] -- the object's class
index integer [r/o] -- the index of this instance of the object
container reference [r/o] -- a reference to the object that contains this object
properties record -- all of this object's properties returned in a single record
auto kerning boolean -- whether to use a font's built-in kerning information
baseline shift real -- baseline offset of text
character offset integer [r/o] -- offset from beginning (in characters)
clipping boolean [r/o] -- should this be used as a clipping path?
contents string -- contents of the object
direction KumiMoji/normal/rotated -- controls the direction of characters in a vertical text block
evenodd boolean -- whether to use the even-odd rule to deterine insideness?
fill color CMYK color info/gradient color info/gray color info/pattern color info/RGB color info/spot color info -- fill color
fill overprint boolean -- will art beneath a filled object be overprinted?
filled boolean -- should the path be filled
font string -- text face of the character
leading real -- leading in points
length integer [r/o] -- length (in characters)
note string [r/o] -- note assigned to the path
resolution real [r/o] -- the resolution of the path
scaling fixed point -- character scaling
size real -- font size in points
stroke cap butted/projecting/rounded -- type of line capping
stroke color CMYK color info/gradient color info/gray color info/pattern color info/RGB color info/spot color info -- stroke color
stroke dash offset real -- the default distance into the dash pattern at which the pattern should be started
stroke dashes a list of real -- dash lengths (set to {} for a solid line)
stroke join beveled/mitered/rounded -- type of joints
stroke miter limit real -- whether a join is mitered (pointed) or beveled (squared-off)
stroke overprint boolean -- will art beneath a stroked object be overprinted?
stroke width real -- width of stroke
stroked boolean -- should the path be stroked?
text orientation horizontal/vertical [r/o] -- the orientation of the text? (Use the text path class to alter this property)
text path text path [r/o] -- a referece to the text path in which the text is displayed
tracking real -- controls uniform spacing between multiple characters
mvalue_a real
mvalue_b real
mvalue_c real
mvalue_d real
mvalue_tx real
mvalue_ty real
concatenate matrix matrix -- the matrix that is to be added to
with matrix -- second transformation matrix
Result: matrix
concatenate rotation matrix matrix -- the matrix that is to be added to
angle real -- angle of rotation (in degrees)
Result: matrix
concatenate scale matrix matrix -- the matrix that is to be added to
[horizontal scale real] -- horizontal scaling factor
[vertical scale real] -- vertical scaling factor
Result: matrix
concatenate translation matrix matrix -- the matrix that is to be added to
[delta x real] -- horizontal transformation
[delta y real] -- vertical transformation
Result: matrix
equal matrices matrix -- first transformation matrix to compare
with matrix -- second transformation matrix
Result: boolean
get identity matrix
Result: matrix
get rotation matrix
[angle real] -- angle of rotation (in degrees)
Result: matrix
get scale matrix
[horizontal scale real] -- horizontal scaling factor
[vertical scale real] -- vertical scaling factor
Result: matrix
get translation matrix
[delta x real] -- horizontal transformation
[delta y real] -- vertical transformation
Result: matrix
invert matrix matrix -- the matrix to invert
Result: matrix
singular matrix matrix -- the matrix to check
Result: boolean
transform reference -- the object or objects to be operated upon
using matrix -- the transformation matrix to be applied to the objects
[transforming objects boolean] -- are art object positions and orientations effected?
[transforming fill patterns boolean] -- are the fill patterns assigned to paths to be transformed?
[transforming fill gradients boolean] -- are the fill gradients assigned to paths to be transformed?
[transforming stroke patterns boolean] -- are the stroke patterns assigned to paths to be transformed?
[line scale real] -- the amount line widths are to be scaled (expressed as a percentage)
[about bottom/bottom left/bottom right/center/document origin/left/right/top/top left/top right] -- the point on the art item's bounding box to which scale and rotation operations apply
bounds fixed rectangle [r/o] -- the ellipse's bounds
reversed boolean [r/o] -- is the ellipse path reversed?
inscribed boolean [r/o] -- is the ellipse path inscribed?
center point fixed point [r/o] -- the center point of the polygon
radius real [r/o] -- the radius of the polygon points
sides unsigned integer [r/o] -- the number of sides on the polygon
reversed boolean [r/o] -- is the polygon path reversed?
bounds fixed rectangle [r/o] -- the rectangle bounds
reversed boolean [r/o] -- is the rectangle path reversed?
bounds fixed rectangle [r/o] -- the rectangle bounds
horizontal radius real [r/o] -- horizontal corner radius
vertical radius real [r/o] -- vertical corner radius
reversed boolean [r/o] -- is the rectangle path reversed?
center point fixed point [r/o] -- the center point of the rectangle
radius real [r/o] -- the outside radius of the star points
inner radius real [r/o] -- the inside radius of the star points
point count unsigned integer [r/o] -- the number of points on the star
reversed boolean [r/o] -- is the star path reversed?
artboard clipping boolean -- should the resulting image be clipped to the artboard (default: false)
curve quality integer -- how much curve information should be preserved (0 - 10, default: 7)
export style Flash file/layers to files/layers to frames -- how should the Flash file be created (default: as Flash file)
frame rate real -- when exporting layers to Flash frames (0.01 - 120, default: 12)
generate HTML boolean -- export as HTML file (default: true)
image format lossless/lossy -- how should the images in the exported Flash file be compressed (default: lossless)
JPEG method optimized/standard -- what method to use (default: standard)
JPEG quality integer -- level of compression (0 - 10, default: 3)
looping boolean -- should the Flash file be set to loop when run (default: false)
read only boolean -- export as read only file (default: false)
replacing no/ask/yes -- if a file with the same name already exists, should it be replaced?
resolution real -- pixels per inch (72 - 2400, default: 72)
antialiasing boolean -- should the resulting image be antialiased (default: true)
artboard clipping boolean -- should the resulting image be clipped to the artboard (default: false)
color count integer -- number of colors in exported color table (2 - 256, default: 128)
color dither diffusion/none/noise/pattern dither -- method used to dither colors (default: diffusion)
color reduction adaptive/perceptual/selective/web -- method used to reduce the number of colors (default: selective)
dither percent integer -- how much should the colors be dithered (0 - 100%, default: 88)
horizontal scaling real -- horizontal scaling factor (default: 100.0)
information loss integer -- level of information loss during compression (0 - 100%, default: 0)
interlaced boolean -- should the resulting image be interlaced (default: false)
matte boolean -- should the artboard be matted with a color (default: true)
matte color RGB color info -- the color to use when matting the artboard (default: white)
saving as HTML boolean -- should the resulting image be saved as HTML (default: false)
transparency boolean -- should the resulting image use transparency (default: true)
vertical scaling real -- vertical scaling factor (default: 100.0)
web snap integer -- how much should the color table be changed to match the web pallet (0 - 100%, default: 0)
antialiasing boolean -- should the resulting image be antialiased (default: true)
artboard clipping boolean -- should the resulting image be clipped to the artboard (default: false)
blur real -- blur the resulting image this much (0 - 2.0, default: 0.0)
horizontal scaling real -- horizontal scaling factor (default: 100.0)
matte boolean -- should the artboard be matted with a color (default: true)
matte color RGB color info -- the color to use when matting the artboard (default: white)
optimization boolean -- should the image be optimized for web viewing (default: true)
quality integer -- quality of resulting image (0 - 100, default: 30)
saving as HTML boolean -- should the resulting image be saved as HTML (default: false)
vertical scaling real -- vertical scaling factor (default: 100.0)
antialiasing boolean -- should the resulting image be antialiased (default: true)
artboard clipping boolean -- should the resulting image be clipped to the artboard (default: false)
horizontal scaling real -- horizontal scaling factor (default: 100.0)
matte boolean -- should the artboard be matted with a color (default: true)
matte color RGB color info -- the color to use when matting the artboard (default: white)
saving as HTML boolean -- should the resulting image be saved as HTML (default: false)
transparency boolean -- should the resulting image use transparency (default: true)
vertical scaling real -- vertical scaling factor (default: 100.0)
antialiasing boolean -- should the resulting image be antialiased (default: true)
artboard clipping boolean -- should the resulting image be clipped to the artboard (default: false)
color count integer -- number of colors in exported color table (2 - 256, default: 128)
color dither diffusion/none/noise/pattern dither -- method used to dither colors (default: diffusion)
color reduction adaptive/perceptual/selective/web -- method used to reduce the number of colors (default: selective)
dither percent integer -- how much should the colors be dithered (0 - 100%, default: 88)
horizontal scaling real -- horizontal scaling factor (default: 100.0)
interlaced boolean -- should the resulting image be interlaced (default: false)
matte boolean -- should the artboard be matted with a color (default: true)
matte color RGB color info -- the color to use when matting the artboard (default: white)
saving as HTML boolean -- should the resulting image be saved as HTML (default: false)
transparency boolean -- should the resulting image use transparency (default: true)
vertical scaling real -- vertical scaling factor (default: 100.0)
web snap integer -- how much should the color table be changed to match the web palette (0 - 100%, default: 0)
antialiasing boolean -- should the resulting image be antialiased (default: true)
color space CMYK/Gray/RGB -- the color space of the exported file (default: RGB)
compound shapes boolean -- export compound shapes as shape layers (default: true)
editable text boolean -- export text objects as editable text layers(default: true)
embed ICC profile boolean -- embed an ICC profile when exporting (default: false)
hidden layers boolean -- output hidden layers when exporting (default: false)
image map boolean -- for RGB documents, preserve image maps in ImageReady 3.0 format (default: true)
nested layers boolean -- preserve nested layers when exporting (default: true)
resolution real -- The resolution of the exported file (range: 72 - 2400, default: 150)
slices boolean -- preserve slices in exported document (default: true)
warnings boolean -- should a warning dialog be displayed because of conflicts in the export settings (default: true)
write layers boolean -- preserve document layers when exporting (default: true)
compressed boolean -- should the exported file be compressed (default: false)
coordinate precision integer -- decimal precision for element coordinate values (1 - 7, default: 3)
CSS properties entities/presentation attributes/style attributes/style elements -- how should the CSS properties of the document be included in the document (default: style attributes)
document encoding ASCII/UTF16/UTF8 -- how should the text in the document be encoded (default: ASCII)
embed all fonts boolean -- embed all fonts used by the document in the saved file (default: true)
embed raster images boolean -- should the raster images in the exported file be included (default: true)
font subsetting all glyphs/common english/common roman/glyphs used/glyphs used plus english/glyphs used plus roman/none -- what font glyphs should be included in the exported file (default: all glyphs)
include file info boolean -- (default: false)
include variables and datasets boolean -- (default: false)
optimize for SVG Viewer boolean -- (default: false)
preserve editability boolean -- preserve Illustrator editing capabilities when exporting the document (default:false)
slices boolean -- preserve slice data in exported document (default: false)
page integer -- what page should be used when opening a multipage document (default: 1)
best type type class [r/o] -- the best type for the object's value
default type type class [r/o] -- the default type for the object's value
class type class [r/o] -- the object's class
index integer [r/o] -- the index of this instance of the object
container reference [r/o] -- a reference to the object that contains this object
properties record -- all of this object's properties returned in a single record
name string -- the name of this dataset
page item by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
best type type class [r/o] -- the best type for the object's value
default type type class [r/o] -- the default type for the object's value
class type class [r/o] -- the object's class
index integer [r/o] -- the index of this instance of the object
container reference [r/o] -- a reference to the object that contains this object
properties record -- all of this object's properties returned in a single record
kind graph/image/textual/unknown/visibility -- the variable's type
name string -- the name of this variable
display reference -- the object or objects to be operated upon
export variables reference -- the object or objects to be operated upon
to file specification -- file spec to export to
import variables reference -- the object or objects to be operated upon
from file specification -- file spec to import from
update reference -- the object or objects to be operated upon
do javascript anything -- javascript code or file to execute
Result: string
do script string -- The name of the action to play (note that the case of letters in the Action name is important and must match the case of the name in the Actions palette)
from string -- the name of the action set containing the action being played (note that the case of letters in the Action Set name is important and must match the case of the name in the Actions palette)
[dialogs boolean] -- are dialog boxes associated with the action to be presented?
|| url:
|| created: 11-Aug-03, 2:56 PM; updated: 11-Aug-03, 2:56 PM
|| size: 314371 bytes