Copyright 1995-2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
open a list of alias
print a list of alias
selected text string [r/o] -- the selected text
get reference
[as a list of type class]
Result: anything
Activate integer -- Window Identifier
Result: integer -- Window Identifier of window to activate
Result: boolean -- Success
[ID integer] -- ID of the window to close. (Can use -1 for top window)
[Title string] -- Title of the window to close
Result: boolean -- Success
GetWindowInfo integer -- Window Identifier of the window
Result: a list of list --
Result: a list of list
OpenURL string -- Fully-qualified URL
[to file specification] -- Target file for saving downloaded data
[toWindow integer] -- Target window for resource at URL (-1 for top window, 0 for new window)
[Flags integer] -- Valid Flags settings are: 1-Ignore the document cache; 2-Ignore the image cache; 4-Operate in background mode.
[FormData anything] -- data to post
[MIME Type string] -- MIME type of data being posted
ParseAnchor string -- Base URL
withURL string -- Relative URL that is combined with the Base URL (in the direct object) to produce a fully-qualified URL.
Result: string -- Fully-qualified URL
ShowFile alias -- The file
[MIME Type string] -- MIME type
[Window Identifier integer] -- Identifier of the target window for the URL. (Can use -1 for top window)
[URL string] -- URL that allows this document to be reloaded.
GetURL string -- URL to open
[to 'fss] -- File into which to save resource located at URL.
GetSource integer -- Window Identifier of window from which to get the source. No value means get the source from the frontmost window.
Result: string
PrintBrowserWindow integer -- Window Identifier of the window to print. No value means print the frontmost browser window.
do script string -- JavaScript text to execute
[window integer] -- optional Window Identifier (as supplied by the ListWindows event) specifying context in which to execute the script
[Result: string] -- Return value
Open bookmark alias -- If not available, reloads the current bookmark file
|| url:
|| created: 11-Aug-03, 4:50 PM; updated: 11-Aug-03, 4:50 PM
|| size: 22401 bytes