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GraphicConverter 4.5.1 Dictionary

Copyright © 1992-2002 Lemke Software GmbH. All rights reserved.


  1. Standard Suite
  2. Miscellaneous Standards
  3. GraphicConverter Suite

Standard Suite: Common terms for most applications


Class alias: a file on a disk or server. The file must exist when you check the syntax of your script.

Plural form:



POSIX path string [r/o] -- the POSIX path of the file

Class application: An application program

Plural form:



window by numeric index, by name


class type class [r/o] -- the class

clipboard a list of anything -- the clipboard

frontmost boolean [r/o] -- Is this the frontmost application?

name international text [r/o] -- the name

selection selection-object -- the selection visible to the user

version version [r/o] -- the version number of the application

selection selection-object -- the selection visible to the user. Use the ‘select’ command to set a new selection; use ‘contents of selection’ to get or change information in the document.

Class document: A document of a scriptable application

Plural form:



modified boolean [r/o] -- Has the document been modified since the last save?

Class file: A file

Plural form:



class type class [r/o] -- the class

stationery boolean [r/o] -- Is the file a stationery file?

name international text [r/o] -- the name

POSIX path string [r/o] -- the POSIX path of the file

Class insertion point: An insertion location between two objects

Plural form:

insertion points

Class print settings:


copies integer [r/o] -- the number of copies of a document to be printed

collating boolean [r/o] -- Should printed copies be collated?

generating job copy boolean [r/o] -- Should a job copy be generated?

generating job log boolean [r/o] -- Should a job log be generated?

log folder alias [r/o] -- the folder in which the job log and copy should be created

starting page integer [r/o] -- the first page of the document to be printed

ending page integer [r/o] -- the last page of the document to be printed

pages across integer [r/o] -- number of logical pages laid across a physical page

pages down integer [r/o] -- number of logical pages laid out down a physical page

requested print time date [r/o] -- the time at which the desktop printer should print the document...

queue placement urgent/normal/hold/foreground [r/o] -- ... or, how the printed document should be placed into the desktop printer queue

cover page none/cover page before job/cover page after job [r/o] -- should a cover page be generated for the job and where should it be placed

error handling standard/summarized/detailed [r/o] -- how errors are handled

printer features a list of list [r/o] -- for printer specific features

Class selection-object: A way to refer to the state of the current of the selection. Use the ‘select’ command to make a new selection.


contents anything -- the information currently selected. Use ‘contents of selection’ to get or change information in a document.

Class window: A window

Plural form:



document by numeric index, by name


class type class [r/o] -- the class

bounds bounding rectangle -- the boundary rectangle for the window

closeable boolean [r/o] -- Does the window have a close box?

titled boolean [r/o] -- Does the window have a title bar?

index integer [r/o] -- the number of the window

modal boolean [r/o] -- Is the window modal?

resizable boolean [r/o] -- Is the window resizable?

zoomable boolean [r/o] -- Is the window zoomable?

zoomed boolean -- Is the window zoomed?

modified boolean -- is content modified

name international text -- the title of the window

selection selection-object -- the selection visible to the user

file file [r/o] -- the disk file associated with the window, if any

valid boolean [r/o] -- true if the file property is valid

image dimension a list of integer -- width and height of the image in the window, if any

image bit depth integer -- bit depth of the image in the window, if any

factor a list of 'real' -- horizontal and vertical display factors of the image, if any

offset a list of integer -- horizontal and vertical display offset of the image, if any

resolution a list of integer -- horizontal and vertical resolution in ppi (pixel per inch), if any

foreground color RGB color -- foreground color for functions

background color RGB color -- background color for functions

IPTC caption international text -- caption of the image

IPTC captionwriter international text -- caption writer of the image

IPTC headline international text -- headline of the image

IPTC specialinstructions international text -- special instructions of the image

IPTC byline international text -- by line text of the image

IPTC bylinetitle international text -- by line title text of the image

IPTC credit international text -- credit text of the image

IPTC source international text -- source text of the image

IPTC objectname international text -- object name of the image

IPTC datecreated international text -- creation date of the image

IPTC city international text -- city of the image

IPTC state international text -- state of the image

IPTC country international text -- country of the image

IPTC reference international text -- reference text of the image

IPTC category international text -- category of the image (maximal 3 characters)

IPTC copyright international text -- copyright text of the image

IPTC urgency international text -- urgency of the image

IPTC subcategory a list of international text -- array with sub category words

IPTC keywords a list of international text -- array with keywords of the image

comment international text -- comment of the image

EXIF exposure time international text [r/o] -- exposure time of the image

EXIF fnumber international text [r/o] -- f-number of the image

EXIF exposure program international text [r/o] -- exposure program of the image

EXIF ISO international text [r/o] -- ISO speed rating of the image

EXIF date international text [r/o] -- date and time of the capture of the image

EXIF bits international text [r/o] -- compressed bits per pixel of the image

EXIF speed international text [r/o] -- shutter speed of the image

EXIF aperture international text [r/o] -- aperture value of the image

EXIF exposure international text [r/o] -- exposure bias value of the image

EXIF max international text [r/o] -- maximum aperture value of the image

EXIF distance international text [r/o] -- distance of subject in the image

EXIF metering international text [r/o] -- metering mode of the image

EXIF light international text [r/o] -- light source in the image

EXIF flash international text [r/o] -- flash use in the image

EXIF focal international text [r/o] -- focal length during image caption

EXIF scanner international text [r/o] -- scanner or camera wich does the image caption

EXIF manufacturer international text [r/o] -- manufacturer of the camera or scanner

EXIF software international text [r/o] -- software version of the caption unit

color table a list of RGB color -- color table of the image

color space bitmap/indexed/grayscale/rgb -- color space of the image

current page integer -- current active page of a multipage image file

pages integer [r/o] -- number of pages in the current image file

JPEG quality integer -- JPEG quality (1..100); 1 is lowest and 100 is best quality

JPEG6 boolean -- Set this option to save the file with JPEG 6.0 library. Set this option to false to use the QuickTime compression.

JPEG progressive boolean -- Set this option to save the file with progressive compression (only available with JPEG 6.0 library)

alpha channel boolean -- this option can add or remove an alpha channel to the image

gamma 'real' -- gamma value of the image

type international text [r/o] -- type of the window

floating boolean [r/o] -- Does the window float?

visible boolean -- Is the window visible?

class info: (optional) Get information about an object class

class info type class -- the object class about which information is requested

[in 'intl'] -- the human language and script system in which to return information

Result: type class info -- a record containing the object’s properties and elements


close: Close an object

close reference -- the object to close

[saving] -- specifies whether to save currently open documents

[saving in file] -- the file or alias in which to save the object

count: Return the number of elements of a particular class within an object

count reference -- the object whose elements are to be counted

each type class -- the class of the elements to be counted

Result: integer -- the number of elements

data size: Return the size in bytes of an object

data size reference -- the object whose data size is to be returned

[as type class] -- the data type for which the size is calculated

Result: integer -- the size of the object in bytes

delete: Delete an element from an object

delete reference -- the element to delete

duplicate: Duplicate objects(s)

duplicate reference -- the object(s) to duplicate

[to location reference] -- the new location for the object(s)

[with properties record] -- the initial values for properties of the new object that are to be different from the original

Result: reference -- to the duplicated object(s)

event info: (optional) Get information about the Apple events in a suite

event info type class -- the event class of the Apple events for which to return information

[in 'intl'] -- the human language and script system in which to return information

Result: a list of type event info -- a record containing the events and their parameters

exists: Verify if an object exists

exists reference -- the object in question

Result: boolean -- true if it exists, false if not

make: Make a new element


new type class -- the class of the new element.

at location reference -- the location at which to insert the element

[with data anything] -- the initial data for the element

[with properties record] -- the initial values for the properties of the element

Result: reference -- to the new object(s)

move: Move object(s) to a new location

move reference -- the object(s) to move

to location reference -- the new location for the object(s)

Result: reference -- to the object(s) after they have been moved

open: Open the specified object(s)

open reference -- list of objects to open

[messages boolean] -- disable this flag to get no dialogs

print: Print the specified object(s)

print a list of reference -- list of objects to print

[with properties print settings] -- the print settings

[print dialog boolean] -- Should the application show the print dialog?

[caption boolean] -- specifies whether to print caption text

[using font Pascal string] -- font to use when printing caption text

[using point size integer] -- point size to use when printing

quit: Quit an application program


[saving] -- specifies whether to save currently open documents

reopen: Reactivate a running application. Some applications will open a new untitled window if no window is open.


run: Run an application. Most applications will open an empty, untitled window.


save: Save an object

save reference -- the object to save

[in alias] -- the file in which to save the object

as PICT/MacPaint/TIFF/GIF/IFF/PCX/IMG/StartupScreen/BMP/TGA/JPEG/Photoshop/HPGL/EPSF/QuickTime/SUN/PICS/Resource/PBM/SGI/TRS80/ppat/Softimage/PNG/Colortable/RAW/PSION/WMF/XWD/XBM/XPM/Clipping/ASCII/STAD/Windowsicon/RTF/VPB/PSION5/XFace/PDB/ISS/KISS/WBMP/PGC/ -- the file type of the document in which to save the data

[makeCopy boolean] -- save a copy of the document without effecting the original

[wwwready boolean] -- set this option to save the image without a resource

[Result: integer] -- Result code of saving the object

select: Make a selection

select reference -- the object to select

suite info: (optional) Get information about event suite(s)

suite info type class -- the suite for which to return information

[in 'intl'] -- the human language and script system in which to return information

Result: a list of type suite info -- a record containing the suites and their versions

Miscellaneous Standards: Miscellaneous standard events and classes


copy: Copy an object to the clipboard


cut: Cut an object to the clipboard


paste: Paste an object from the clipboard


[at a list of integer] -- optional position

redo: Reverse the action of the immediately preceeding undo


revert: Revert an object to its last saved state

revert reference -- list of object(s) to revert

undo: Undo the action of the previous event or user interaction


GraphicConverter Suite: Special function of GraphicConverter


TWAIN acquire: calls the TWAIN acquire command

TWAIN acquire

apply even field: sets the content of the window to the even field

apply even field

apply odd field: sets the content of the window to the odd field

apply odd field

autolevel: changes the levels with the auto feature


change brightness: change brightness of the window

change brightness

to integer -- value

change colors: Change colors of the content of the window

change colors reference

to bit depth integer -- bit depth (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32)

[dither boolean] -- dither during color change (default is TRUE)

[grayscale boolean] -- convert the window to grayscale (default FALSE)

[Result: integer] -- Result code of color changing the object

change comment: file reference

change comment

to text international text -- the new comment

change contrast: change contrast of the window

change contrast

to integer -- value

change gamma: changes the gamma value of the window

change gamma

to real -- gamma value (0.1 to 1.9)

change hue: change hue of the window

change hue

to integer -- value

change levels: changes the levels of the image

change levels

minimum input integer -- minimum input value

medium input real -- medium input value

maximum input integer -- maximum input value

minimum output integer -- minimum output value

maximum output integer -- maximum output value

change margins: changes the margins of the object

change margins

with a list of integer -- delta values (left, top, right, bottom), positive values add a margin, negative values remove the margins

change resolution: change the resolution of the window with or without recalculation

change resolution

to a list of integer -- resolution (x and y)

[recalculate boolean] -- recalculate image to the new resolution

change saturation: change saturation of the window

change saturation

to integer -- value

compare: compare two images and creates a resulting image with scaled intensity difference values


with reference -- second image

by real -- scale for intensity difference

[Result: window] -- resulting window

concat TIFF: concats the first TIFF file to the second one

concat TIFF

to file specification

count color pixels: Counts the number of pixels in an image with that color

count color pixels

color RGB color -- color which should be counted

Result: integer -- count of pixels

create icon: creates a custom icon for the file

create icon

[preview boolean] -- create preview (default true)

[size integer] -- size of the preview (default = 200 pixel)

[sharpen boolean] -- sharpen the preview (default true)

hide tools: hide all extra windows

hide tools

invert: Inverts the content of the window

invert reference -- the object to invert

[Result: integer] -- Result code of inverting the object

minimize color table: minimizes the color table

minimize color table

mirror: Mirrors the content of the window

mirror reference

in horizontal/vertical -- direction of mirroring

[Result: integer] -- Result code of mirroring the object

new image from clipboard: creates a new image from the content of the clipboard

new image from clipboard

Result: window -- reference to the new image

printfolder: prints the content of the folder on separate pages


[dialog boolean] -- use this option to disable the print dialog

registered: tells you the GraphicConverter registration status


Result: boolean -- true if registered, false if not

rotate: Rotate content of the window

rotate reference -- object to rotate

to angle 'real' -- Angle in degree

[with dither boolean] -- dither during rotate

[add alpha boolean] -- add alpha channel

[Result: integer]

scale: Scales the content of the window

scale reference -- the object to scale

horizontal real -- factor for scaling horizontal

vertical real -- factor for scaling vertical

[high quality boolean] -- scale with high quality calculation (only millions of colors)

[Result: integer] -- Result code of scaling the object

set date from content: Set the file creation date from the EXIF content of the file (if available)

set date from content

sharpen edges: sharpen the edges of the window

sharpen edges

to integer -- value in percent

[diagonal 'boal'] -- diagonal sharpens more than normal

show tools: show all tool windows

show tools

slideshow: Shows the files in the slideshow


swap colors: swaps two colors in an image

swap colors

color RGB color -- first color

with RGB color -- second color

[swap color table boolean] -- swap the color table entries (only for indexed images)

swap fields: swaps the even and the odd field in the window

swap fields

trim: trims the window


unsharp mask: applies the unsharp mask filter to the image/window

unsharp mask

radius real -- radius

amount integer -- amount

treshold integer -- treshold

view at maximum size: views the actual window at maximum size

view at maximum size


|| url:
|| created: 4-Aug-03, 9:48 PM; updated: 4-Aug-03, 2:48 PM
|| size: 86138 bytes