Copyright © 1997-2002 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
Bounds bounding rectangle -- Window bounds rect
Has Closebox boolean [r/o] -- Window has a closebox
Has Titlebar boolean [r/o] -- Window has titlebar
Index integer [r/o] -- Index in Windowlist
Is Floating boolean [r/o] -- Window is floating
Is Resizable boolean [r/o] -- Window is resizable
Is Zoomable boolean [r/o] -- Window is zoomable
Title string [r/o] -- Window title name
Visible boolean [r/o] -- Window is visible
Hide On Deactivate boolean [r/o] -- Hides on application deaktivation
Activate reference -- The window to activate
Close reference -- The document or window to close
Delete reference -- The object to delete
ExtendScript string -- Scriplet to execut.
New document
Open alias -- The file to open
Print reference -- The document to print
Save reference -- The document to save
Index integer [r/o] -- The character offset
Position a list of integer [r/o] -- The position within the document
Contents string -- The character itself
Length integer [r/o] -- The length of the character, always 1
Clipboard string -- The clipboard
Contents string -- The contents of the entire text
Length integer [r/o] -- The length of the entire text
Font Name string -- The name of the current font
Font Size small integer -- The font size in points
Font Face a list of Bold/Italic/Underline/Outline/Shadow/Condense/Extend -- The face of the current font
Tab Stops small integer -- The tab stop setting
MIME Type string [r/o] -- The MIME type of the text
Syntax Highlighting small integer -- Sets the desired level of syntax highlighting
Auto Indenting boolean -- Turns auto indenting on or off
Line Index integer -- The current line
Column Index integer -- The current column
Current Line Line [r/o] -- The current line
Selection selection-object [r/o] -- The current selection
Status Line string -- The status line
Index integer [r/o] -- The line number
Position a list of integer [r/o] -- The position within the document
Contents string -- The contents of the line
Length integer [r/o] -- The length of the line
Starting Position a list of integer -- The starting position
Ending Position a list of integer -- The ending position
Is Visible boolean -- Specifies whether the selection is visible
Contents string -- The contents of the selection
Length integer [r/o] -- The length of the selection
Delete spaces
Find string -- The text to find
[Applying a list of Wraparound/From top/Backwards/Ignore case/Words] -- A list of find options
Result: boolean -- Returns a Boolean to indicate whether the text was found
Go to reference -- The object (line or character) to move the insertion point to
Insert file file specification -- The file to insert.
Insert text string -- The literal text to insert
Replace string -- The text to find; if omitted, the current slection is used
[Using string] -- The text to be used for the replacement
[Applying a list of Wraparound/From top/Backwards/Ignore case/Words] -- Options to be applied to the replacement
Result: boolean -- Returns a Boolean to indicate whether the text was found
Select reference -- The line or character range to select
[From a list of integer] -- The starting point of the selection
[To a list of integer] -- The ending point of the selection
Select paragraph
[Between reference] -- The range of lines or characters to limit the search to
Base Font small integer -- The size of the base font
Check Syntax
Result: integer -- The number of errors found
Document layout string -- The document title
[Heading string] -- The heading
[Background color string] -- The background color
[Text color string] -- The text color
[Link color string] -- The color of links
[Visited link color string] -- The color of visited links
[Active link color string] -- The color of active links
[Background string] -- The name of the background image
[Load script string] -- Script commands to execute when the document is loaded
Font string -- The font name
[Size small integer] -- The font size (1-7)
[Smaller boolean] -- Use if the font should be smaller
[Larger boolean] -- Use if the font should be larger
Get Syntax Error integer -- The index of the error, beginning with 1
Result: integer -- The error code
Heading small integer -- The size (may be between 1 and 6)
[With Alignment Left/Center/Right] -- Sets the alignment
Link string -- The URL of the hyperlink
List Ordered/Unordered/Definition/Term/Directory/Menu -- The list type
[Type Arabic/Upper roman/Lower roman/Upper letters/Lower letters/Disc/Circle/Square] -- The bullet type for ordered or unordered lists
Paragraph Left/Center/Right -- Alignment
Style a list of Address/Blink/Blockquote/Bold/Citation/Code/Definition/Emphasis/Example/Italic/Keyboard/Listing/Preformatted/Sample/Strikethrough/Strong/Subscript/Superscript/Teletype/Underline/Variable -- The style or a list of styles
Style Tag string -- The tag to be inserted
Table string -- The caption, displayed above the table
[Rows small integer] -- The number of rows
[Columns small integer] -- The number of columns
[Border small integer] -- The border size
[Cell Spacing small integer] -- The cell spacing
[Cell Padding small integer] -- The cell padding
[Width string] -- The table width
[Separator string] -- The separator character
[Heading boolean] -- If supplied, the first table row is considered a heading
|| url:
|| created: 10-May-03, 5:02 PM; updated: 10-May-03, 2:53 PM
|| size: 41069 bytes