© 2001-2003 Apple Computer Inc., all rights reserved.
has media boolean [r/o] -- Is there media in the drive?
active dvd menu none/main/title/subpicture/audio/angle [r/o] -- the current dvd menu
dvd state playing/playing still/paused/stopped/scanning/idle [r/o] -- the state of playback
controller visibility boolean -- to hide or show the controller window
controller position point -- the position of the controller window in screen coordinates
controller bounds bounding rectangle [r/o] -- the window bounds in screen coordinates
controller screen bounds bounding rectangle [r/o] -- the screen bounds the window is on
controller orientation vertical/horizontal -- controller orientation
controller drawer open/closed -- the state of the controller drawer
info visibility boolean -- to hide or show the info window
info position point -- the position of the info window in screen coordinates
info bounds bounding rectangle -- the window bounds in screen coordinates
info screen bounds bounding rectangle [r/o] -- the screen bounds the window is on
info type standard/wide -- sets the type of info window being displayed
info text color RGB color -- info text color (not used in standard mode)
viewer visibility boolean -- to hide or show the viewer window
viewer position point -- set the position of the viewer window in screen coordinates
viewer bounds bounding rectangle [r/o] -- the window bounds in screen coordinates
viewer screen bounds bounding rectangle [r/o] -- the screen bounds the window is on
viewer size half/normal/max -- sets the the viewer size
viewer full screen boolean -- Set to true to enter presentation mode
audio muted boolean -- turn the audio on or off
audio volume small integer -- the DVD audio volume, 0 is silent, 255 is full on
elapsed time integer -- The elapsed time, in seconds, of the current title
elapsed extended time point -- The elapsed time, in seconds and frames, of the current title
remaining time integer -- The remaining time, in seconds, of the current title
remaining extended time point -- The remaining time, in seconds and frames, of the current title
title length integer [r/o] -- The length of the title in seconds
title extended length point [r/o] -- The length of the title in seconds and frames
available angles small integer [r/o] -- number of angles available at the current time position
available audio tracks small integer [r/o] -- audio tracks available at the current time position
available chapters small integer [r/o] -- chapters available at the current time position
available subtitles small integer [r/o] -- subtitles available at the current time position
available titles small integer [r/o] -- titles available at the current time position
angle small integer -- the current camera angle at the current time position
audio track small integer -- the current audio track at the current time position
chapter small integer -- the current chapter at the current time position
displaying subtitle boolean -- currently displaying subtitles
subtitle small integer -- the current subtitle (caption) at the current time position
title small integer -- the current title at the current time position
fast forward dvd
go to main menu/to title menu/to subpicture menu/to audio menu/to angle menu/to ptt menu/return to dvd
open VIDEO_TS file specification -- file reference to VIDEO_TS folder
pause dvd
play dvd
press up arrow key/down arrow key/left arrow key/right arrow key/enter key
rewind dvd
step dvd
stop dvd
|| url: http://www.foodoo.sunreal.com.au/info/dictionaries/DVDPlayer_40_asDict.html
|| created: 8-Aug-04, 4:30 PM; updated: 8-Aug-04, 4:30 PM
|| size: 21022 bytes