© Copyright 2002-2003 Apple Computer Inc., all rights reserved.
profile by numeric index, by name
image by numeric index, by name
display by numeric index, by name
system profile location alias -- the default system profile location
default RGB profile location alias -- the default RGB profile location
default CMYK profile location alias -- the default CMYK profile location
default Lab profile location alias -- the default Lab profile location
default XYZ profile location alias -- the default XYZ profile location
default Gray profile location alias -- the default Gray profile location
system profile profile -- the default system profile
default RGB profile profile -- the default RGB profile
default CMYK profile profile -- the default CMYK profile
default Lab profile profile -- the default Lab profile
default XYZ profile profile -- the default XYZ profile
default Gray profile profile -- the default Gray profile
preferred CMM type class -- specifies preferred Color Management Module to use ...
preferred CMM automatic -- ... or automatic.
profile folder alias [r/o] -- the ColorSync profile folder
quit delay immediate/default/never -- specifies how application quits automatically ...
quit delay integer -- ... or the time in seconds the application will idle before quiting
number integer [r/o] -- the number of the display
name international text [r/o] -- the name of the display
display profile profile -- the profile for the display
profile by numeric index
color space RGB/CMYK/Lab/XYZ/Gray/Five channel/Six channel/Seven channel/Eight channel/Five color/Six color/Seven color/Eight color/Named [r/o] -- the color space of the image
name international text [r/o] -- the name of the image
location alias [r/o] -- the file location of the image
size integer [r/o] -- the size of the profile in bytes
preferred CMM type class -- the preferred CMM of the profile
version international text -- the version number of the profile
device class monitor/input/output/link/abstract/colorspace/named [r/o] -- the device class of the profile
color space RGB/CMYK/Lab/XYZ/Gray/Five channel/Six channel/Seven channel/Eight channel/Five color/Six color/Seven color/Eight color/Named [r/o] -- the color space of the profile
connection space Lab/XYZ [r/o] -- the connection space of the profile
creation date date -- the creation date of the profile
platform type class -- the intended platform of the profile
quality normal/draft/best -- the quality of the profile
device manufacturer type class -- the device manufacturer of the profile
device model integer -- the device model of the profile
rendering intent perceptual intent/relative colorimetric intent/saturation intent/absolute colorimetric intent -- the rendering intent of the profile
creator type class -- the creator type of the profile
name international text -- the description text of the profile
location alias [r/o] -- the file location of the profile
close reference -- the objects to close
[saving yes/no] -- specifies whether or not changes should be saved before closing
[saving in alias] -- the file in which to save the object
embed a list of image -- an image file alias
with source profile -- the profile to embed in the image
[matching with perceptual intent/relative colorimetric intent/saturation intent/absolute colorimetric intent] -- the rendering intent for the embeded profile
[using quality normal/draft/best] -- the optional quality for the embeded profile
[saving into file specification] -- If this parameter is a file, then it specifies the resulting image. If it is a folder, then it specifies the location of the resulting image which will have the same name as the original file. If it is not provided, then the original file is modified.
[replacing boolean] -- if a file with that name already exists, replace it
match a list of image -- an image file alias
[from source profile] -- the optional source profile for the match
to destination profile -- the destination profile for the match
[matching with perceptual intent/relative colorimetric intent/saturation intent/absolute colorimetric intent] -- the rendering intent for the match
[using quality normal/draft/best] -- the optional quality for the match
[saving into file specification] -- If this parameter is a file, then it specifies the resulting image. If it is a folder, then it specifies the location of the resulting image which will have the same name as the original file. If it is not provided, then the original file is modified.
[replacing boolean] -- if a file with that name already exists, replace it
match link a list of image -- an image file alias
through link profile -- the device link profile for the match
[matching with perceptual intent/relative colorimetric intent/saturation intent/absolute colorimetric intent] -- the rendering intent for the match
[using quality normal/draft/best] -- the optional quality for the match
[saving into file specification] -- If this parameter is a file, then it specifies the resulting image. If it is a folder, then it specifies the location of the resulting image which will have the same name as the original file. If it is not provided, then the original file is modified.
[replacing boolean] -- if a file with that name already exists, replace it
open reference -- Objects to open. Can be a list of files or an object specifier.
[Result: reference] -- returns the opened object.
proof a list of image
[from source profile] -- the optional source profile for the match
to destination profile -- the destination profile for the match
[matching with perceptual intent/relative colorimetric intent/saturation intent/absolute colorimetric intent] -- the rendering intent for the match between the source and destination profiles
onto proof profile -- the proof profile for the match
[proofing with perceptual intent/relative colorimetric intent/saturation intent/absolute colorimetric intent] -- the rendering intent for the match between the destination and proof profiles
[using quality normal/draft/best] -- the optional quality for the match
[saving into file specification] -- If this parameter is a file, then it specifies the resulting image. If it is a folder, then it specifies the location of the resulting image which will have the same name as the original file. If it is not provided, then the original file is modified.
[replacing boolean] -- if a file with that name already exists, replace it
save reference -- Objects to save.
[in alias] -- the file in which to save the object(s)
unembed a list of image -- an image file alias
[saving into file specification] -- If this parameter is a file, then it specifies the resulting image. If it is a folder, then it specifies the location of the resulting image which will have the same name as the original file. If it is not provided, then the original file is modified.
[replacing boolean] -- if a file with that name already exists, replace it
|| url: http://www.foodoo.sunreal.com.au/info/dictionaries/ColorSyncScr_103_asDict.html
|| created: 16-Aug-04, 9:19 PM; updated: 16-Aug-04, 9:19 PM
|| size: 34819 bytes