Copyright Claris Corp. 1991-1997. All rights reserved.
class info type class -- the object class about which information is requested
[Result: type class info] -- a record containing the object's properties and elements
close reference -- the object to close
[saving 'savo'] -- specifies whether or not changes should be saved before closing
[saving in alias] -- the file in which to save the object
[as file type type class] -- the type of file in which to save the document
[using translator international text] -- the name of the XTND translator to use to save the document
count reference -- the object whose elements are to be counted
each type class -- the class of the elements to be counted.
Result: integer -- the number of elements
data size reference -- the object whose data size is to be returned
[as type class] -- the data type for which the size is calculated
Result: integer -- the size of the object in bytes
delete reference -- the element to delete
duplicate reference -- the object(s) to duplicate
[to location reference] -- the new location for the object(s)
Result: reference -- to the duplicated object(s)
exists reference -- the object in question
Result: boolean -- true if it exists, false if not
new type class -- the class of the new element.
at location reference -- the location at which to insert the element
[with data anything] -- the initial data for the element
[with properties record] -- the initial values for the properties of the element
Result: reference -- to the new object(s)
move reference -- the object(s) to move
to location reference -- the new location for the object(s)
Result: reference -- to the object(s) after they have been moved
open alias -- list of objects to open
[using translator international text] -- the name of the XTND translator to use to open the file
[as document type DR/WP/SS/DB/PT/CM] -- the type of ClarisWorks document as which to open the file
[with password plain text] -- the password to use
print alias -- list of objects to print
[merge alias] -- list of database files to merge
[one copy boolean] -- print one copy without displaying the print dialog?
[saving 'savo'] -- specifies whether to save currently open documents
save document -- the document to save
[in alias] -- the file in which to save the document
[as file type type class] -- the type of file in which to save the document (e.g., PICT, TEXT, MW2D)
[using translator international text] -- the name of the XTND translator to use to save the document
[stationery boolean] -- save the document as stationery?
[backup boolean] -- save a copy of the document in the new location?
document by numeric index, by name, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
window by numeric index, by name, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
palette by numeric index, by name, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
menu by numeric index, by name, by ID
library by numeric index, by name
slide by numeric index
frontmost boolean [r/o] -- Is this the frontmost application?
name international text [r/o] -- the name
selection selection object -- the selection visible to the user
version version [r/o] -- the version of the application
user name international text [r/o] -- the name of the user to whom the application is registered
company name international text [r/o] -- the name of the company to which the application is registered
registration number international text [r/o] -- the registration number of this copy of the application
XTND translators a list of XTND translator [r/o] -- €€€ BOGUS (DataViz!) list of XTND translators available to the application
current slide slide -- the current slide being displayed in a slide show
editing styles boolean -- true if application is currently editing a style
clipboard anything [r/o] -- the clipboard
preferences application preferences -- application preferences
default document preferences document preferences -- application preferences
name international text [r/o] -- the application’s name
character by numeric index, as a range of elements
text as a range of elements
color RGB color -- the color
font text -- the name of the font of the character
size real -- the size in points of the character
writing code 'intl' [r/o] -- the script system and language of the character
style text style info -- the text style of the character
uniform styles text style info [r/o] -- the text styles which are uniform throughout the specified text
user style record -- the user style (and incremental attributes) defining the character’s appearance
merge field boolean [r/o] -- is this characters a merge field placeholder?
merge field name international text -- the name of the database field to be merged at this point in the text
merge field data international text [r/o] -- the contents of the database field to be merged at this point in the text for the current record; undefined if not merging
drawing area drawing area [r/o] -- the character’s drawing area (only for embedded graphics)
<Inheritance> text [r/o] -- subclass of text
window by numeric index, by name, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
page by numeric index, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
pattern by numeric index
texture by numeric index
gradient by numeric index
text body text [r/o] -- the document’s text
drawing area drawing area [r/o] -- the document’s drawing area
painting painting [r/o] -- the document’s painting
spreadsheet spreadsheet [r/o] -- the document’s spreadsheet
database database [r/o] -- the document’s database
connection connection -- the document’s connection
terminal terminal -- the document’s terminal
file transfer file transfer -- the document’s file transfer
stylesheet stylesheet [r/o] -- the document’s stylesheet
preferences document preferences -- document preferences
modified boolean -- has the document been modified since the last save?
page setup print record -- the document’s page setup
margins rectangle -- the document’s margins
name international text [r/o] -- the name of the document
index integer [r/o] -- the document number
document kind DR/WP/SS/DB/PT/CM [r/o] -- the document kind
file alias [r/o] -- the document’s file
title plain text -- the title of the document
author plain text -- the author of the document
version plain text -- the version of the document
keywords plain text -- the keywords of the document
category plain text -- the category of the document
description plain text -- the description of the document
selection selection object -- the current user selection or insertion point for the document
merge file alias -- the database file with which to merge
merge record small integer -- the record index of the database record currently being merged
merge boolean -- is merge field data currently being shown?
autohyphenate boolean -- automatically hyphenate as you edit and type new text?
date format numeric date/short abbreviated date/short date/long abbreviated date/long date -- format to use when displaying dates
fractional character widths boolean -- use fractional character widths when drawing text?
smart quotes boolean -- use smart quotes?
side handles boolean -- use side handles (for a total of 8) when displaying object selection?
polygon autoclose boolean -- automatically close polygons?
show invisibles boolean -- show invisible characters in text?
color palette size 256 colors/81 colors -- type of palette to use to display color choices
autosmooth boolean -- automatically smooth freehand?
gradient drawing faster/better -- method to use for displaying gradients
shift constraint integer -- the angle at which the shift key constrains the mouse
character delay integer -- the number of 60ths of a second to delay per character when pasting text to a connection
line delay integer -- the number of 60ths of a second to delay per line when pasting text to a connection
save screen boolean -- save the screen to the scrollback before clearing?
capture type port/screen -- location from which to capture text
scrollback limit boolean -- limit the scrollback to a maximum size?
scrollback maximum integer -- maximum size of the scrollback (units are specified by scrollback type)
scrollback type lines/bytes/screens -- units for the maximum scrollback size
open option open connection/wait for connection/do nothing -- action to perform when opening the communications document
transfer folder alias -- the default folder for received files
name international text [r/o] -- the document’s name
stationery boolean [r/o] -- Is the file a stationery file?
contents type class [r/o] -- the contents of the selection
text as a range of elements
character by numeric index, as a range of elements
footnote by numeric index, as a range of elements
section by numeric index, as a range of elements
paragraph by numeric index, as a range of elements
word by numeric index, as a range of elements
font text -- the name of the font of the first character
style text style info -- the text style of the first character
user style record -- the user style (and incremental attributes) defining the first character’s appearance
size real -- the size in points of the first character
writing code 'intl' [r/o] -- the script system and language of the first character
uniform styles text style info [r/o] -- the text styles which are uniform throughout the specified text
length integer [r/o] -- length of the text
offset integer [r/o] -- offset of the text from the beginning of the enclosing text object
<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- subclass of item
text style infos
on styles a list of plain/bold/italic/outline/shadow/underline/double underline/superscript/subscript/strikethru/condense/extend/superior/inferior [r/o] -- the styles that are on for the text
off styles a list of plain/bold/italic/outline/shadow/underline/double underline/superscript/subscript/strikethru/condense/extend/superior/inferior [r/o] -- the styles that are off for the text
split by numeric index, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
pane by numeric index, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
'cBln' by numeric index
name international text [r/o] -- the window’s name
document document [r/o] -- the document associated with the window
bounds bounding rectangle -- the boundary rectangle for the window
zoomed boolean -- Is the window zoomed?
position point -- upper left coordinates of the window
scale real -- the viewing scale (zoom percentage)
ruler ruler -- the ruler for this window
tools boolean -- is the tool panel for this window visible?
page view boolean -- is the window in page view?
database view browse view/find view/layout view/list view -- (for databases only) the view type for the database
insertion points
apply reference -- the user style to apply
to reference -- the object to which to apply the style
arrange windows
by tiling/stacking -- how to arrange the windows
[direction horizontal/vertical] -- direction to tile windows
check spelling
[of reference] -- the object or text to spell-check
[dialog boolean] -- display a dialog showing the misspelled words?
[Result: list] -- list of misspelled words
copy to clipboard
go to slide -- the slide to be displayed
[fade boolean] -- Specifies whether or not to fade when switching to the specified slide
[scaling boolean] -- Specifies whether to scale the slide to fit the screen
[center slide boolean] -- Specifies whether to center the slide on the screen
[cursor boolean] -- Specifies whether to make the cursor visible
[play movies boolean] -- Specifies whether to automatically play movies on the slide
[simultaneous boolean] -- Specifies whether to play movies simultaneously when automatically playing
[background RGB color] -- Specifies the color to use for the background of the slide
[border RGB color] -- Specifies the color to use for the border surrounding the slide
do script plain text -- the name of the macro to run
find synonyms
for word -- the word to look up
[dialog boolean] -- display a dialog listing the synonyms?
[Result: synonym list] -- synonyms for the specified word
help integer -- topic number
insert alias -- the file to insert
[at location reference] -- the location at which to insert the file
[using translator international text] -- the name of the XTND translator to use to import the document
[with fields plain text] -- the field order to use when inserting into a database (use "" to skip a field)
invoke assistant plain text -- the name of the assistant to invoke
paste values/formulas/formats -- special things that can be pasted
[transpose boolean] -- transpose the data diagonally?
play reference -- the object to play
reveal reference -- the object(s) to make visible
[in window reference] -- the window in which to display the objects
revert document -- the document to be reverted
select reference -- the object to be selected
sort reference -- the object to sort
[with key reference] -- the key element(s) on which to sort
[direction ascending/descending] -- the direction in which to sort
speak plain text -- the text to speak
[using voice international text] -- the name of the PlainTalk voice to use
start slides
stop reference -- the object to stop playing
stop slides
remove reference -- the user style to apply
from reference -- the object from which to remove the style
terminal speech boolean -- speak text in communication documents?
WYSIWYG fonts boolean -- display WYSIWYG font menu?
arrow Keys move caret/change cells -- action to take in spreadsheet entry bar when arrow keys are pressed
enter mode enter mode/return mode/tab mode -- action to take in spreadsheet when Enter is pressed
old version warning boolean -- display warning alert when opening a document created by an older version?
locked file warning boolean -- display warning alert when opening a locked document?
paint reduction warning boolean -- display warning alert when size of new paint document is reduced due to memory constraints?
converted file suffix boolean -- append “[v4.0]” to documents converted from older formats?
preview boolean -- create a preview for saved documents?
custom icon boolean -- create a custom icon for saved documents?
startup option do nothing/show new/show open -- action to take when launched
default font text -- the name of the default font
remember translator boolean -- when saving, set the default export translator to be the same as the import translator?
mail quote type at bottom/at top -- when quoting mail in a reply, the quoting etiquette to use
word services boolean -- enable word services in the Writing Tools menu?
quote indent plain text -- when quoting mail, the text with which to indent each paragraph
connection tools a list of international text [r/o] -- connection tools available to the application
terminal tools a list of international text [r/o] -- terminal tools available to the application
file transfer tools a list of international text [r/o] -- file transfer tools available to the application
default connection connection -- default connection to use in new communication documents
default terminal terminal -- default terminal to use in new communication documents
default file transfer file transfer -- default file transfer to use in new communication documents
date format numeric date/short abbreviated date/short date/long abbreviated date/long date -- format to use when displaying dates (default for new documents)
fractional character widths boolean -- use fractional character widths when drawing text? (default for new documents)
smart quotes boolean -- use smart quotes? (default for new documents)
side handles boolean -- use side handles (for a total of 8) when displaying object selection? (default for new documents)
polygon autoclose boolean -- automatically close polygons? (default for new documents)
show invisibles boolean -- show invisible characters in text? (default for new documents)
color palette size 256 colors/81 colors -- type of palette to use to display color choices (default for new documents)
autosmooth boolean -- automatically smooth freehand? (default for new documents)
gradient drawing faster/better -- method to use for displaying gradients (default for new documents)
shift constraint integer -- the angle at which the shift key constrains the mouse (default for new documents)
character delay integer -- the number of 60ths of a second to delay per character when pasting text to a connection (default for new documents)
line delay integer -- the number of 60ths of a second to delay per line when pasting text to a connection (default for new documents)
save screen boolean -- save the screen to the scrollback before clearing? (default for new documents)
capture type port/screen -- location from which to capture text (default for new documents)
scrollback limit boolean -- limit the scrollback to a maximum size? (default for new documents)
scrollback maximum integer -- maximum size of the scrollback (units are specified by scrollback type) (default for new documents)
scrollback type lines/bytes/screens -- units for the maximum scrollback size (default for new documents)
open option open connection/wait for connection/do nothing -- action to perform when opening the communications document (default for new documents)
transfer folder alias -- the default folder for received files (default for new documents)
orientation left pages/right pages/all pages -- the orientation of the footer
<Inheritance> text [r/o] -- subclass of text
orientation left pages/right pages/all pages -- the orientation of the header
<Inheritance> text [r/o] -- subclass of text
graphic object by numeric index, by name
name international text [r/o] -- the name of the library
file alias [r/o] -- the library’s file
palette palette [r/o] -- the library’s floating palette
<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- subclass of item
menu item by numeric index, by name, as a range of elements
name international text [r/o] -- the name of the menu
id small integer [r/o] -- the menu id
<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- subclass of item
menu items
name international text [r/o] -- the name of the menu
index integer [r/o] -- the menu item number
enabled boolean [r/o] -- is the menu item enabled?
checked boolean [r/o] -- is the menu item checked?
check character plain text [r/o] -- the character used to check this menu item
<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- subclass of item
index integer [r/o] -- the page number
<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- subclass of item
bounds bounding rectangle -- the boundary rectangle for the window
closeable boolean [r/o] -- Does the window have a close box?
titled boolean [r/o] -- Does the window have a title bar?
index integer -- the number of the window
floating boolean [r/o] -- Does the window float?
modal boolean [r/o] -- Is the window modal?
resizable boolean [r/o] -- Is the window resizable?
zoomable boolean [r/o] -- Is the window zoomable?
zoomed boolean -- Is the window zoomed?
visible boolean -- Is the window visible?
position point -- upper left coordinates of the window
name international text [r/o] -- the palette’s name
<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- subclass of item
bounds bounding rectangle -- the bounds of the pane
<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- subclass of item
print records
<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- subclass of item
visible boolean [r/o] -- is the ruler visible?
ruler kind graphics ruler/text ruler [r/o] -- the type of ruler
unit lines/inches/millimeters/centimeters/picas/points [r/o] -- the unit of measurement of the ruler
divisions small integer -- the number of divisions per unit in this document’s rulers
<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- subclass of item
value real [r/o] -- the amount
unit lines/inches/millimeters/centimeters/picas/points [r/o] -- the unit of measurement applied to the value
<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- subclass of item
index integer -- the number of the slide
transition mode opaque/transparent/hidden [r/o] -- the way the slide is displayed relative to previous slides
<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- subclass of item
position small integer -- the position of the split bar in the window
orientation horizontal/vertical [r/o] -- the orientation of the split bar
<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- subclass of item
style attributes
class type class [r/o] -- the attribute’s class
<Inheritance> record [r/o] -- subclass of record
user style by numeric index, by name
<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- subclass of item
synonym lists
speech part noun/verb/adjective/adverb/pronoun [r/o] -- the type of word
tab stops
tab type left/right/center/align on -- the tab’s alignment type
position real -- the tab’s position in the ruler
alignment character plain text -- (for align-on tabs) the character on which to align
fill character plain text -- the character with which to fill the tab space
<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- subclass of item
user styles
style attribute by numeric index
name international text -- the name of the user style
style type basic style/paragraph style/outline style/table style [r/o] -- the style type
base style user style -- the user style this one is based on
incremental styles a list of style attribute -- attributes applied to an object in addition to the user style
XTND translator
name international text [r/o] -- the name of the translator
translator type text translator/graphic translator/spreadsheet translator/database translator/spreadsheet or database translator [r/o] -- the translator type
translation import only translation/export only translation/import and export translation [r/o] -- the translations supported
<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- subclass of item
label plain text -- the label associated with this footnote
index integer [r/o] -- the index of this footnote in the text
<Inheritance> text [r/o] -- subclass of text
character by numeric index, as a range of elements
footnote by numeric index
tab stop by numeric index
text as a range of elements
index integer [r/o] -- the index of this paragraph in the text
level integer -- the outline level
left indent ruler measurement info -- the left indentation
right indent ruler measurement info -- the right indentation
first line indent ruler measurement info -- the initial indentation of the first line
line spacing ruler measurement info -- the space between the lines of a paragraph
space before ruler measurement info -- the space before a paragraph
space after ruler measurement info -- the space after a paragraph
label none/diamond label/bullet label/checkbox label/Harvard label/leader label/legal label/letter label/letter caps label/numeric label/Roman label/Roman caps label -- the outlining label type associated with a paragraph
justification left/right/center/full -- Justification of the text
<Inheritance> text [r/o] -- subclass of text
character by numeric index, as a range of elements
footnote by numeric index
tab stop by numeric index
text as a range of elements
index integer [r/o] -- the index of this section in the text
<Inheritance> text [r/o] -- subclass of text
character by numeric index, as a range of elements
text as a range of elements
index integer [r/o] -- the index of this word in the text
<Inheritance> text [r/o] -- subclass of text
hide reference -- the records to hide
search database -- the database to search
[looking for record] -- records containing the search criteria
[omitting record] -- records containing the omission criteria
[matching plain text] -- a ClarisWorks formula specifying the records to be shown
[from all records/visible records] -- the set of records to search
Result: integer -- the number of records found
show reference -- the records to show
layout by name, by numeric index
field by name, by numeric index
record by numeric index, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
report by name, by numeric index
db search by name, by numeric index
db sort by name, by numeric index
request by numeric index, as a range of elements
current record integer -- the current record
<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- subclass of item
db searches
name international text [r/o] -- the name of the search
<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- subclass of item
db sorts
name international text [r/o] -- the name of the sort
<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- subclass of item
name international text [r/o] -- the name of the field
index integer [r/o] -- the index of the field
<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- subclass of item
name international text -- the name of the layout
show multiple boolean -- show multiple records at a time?
index integer [r/o] -- the record number
drawing area drawing area [r/o] -- the character’s drawing area (only for embedded graphics)
<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- subclass of item
field by name, by numeric index
visible boolean [r/o] -- is the record visible?
index integer [r/o] -- the record number
id small integer [r/o] -- the record id
creation date date [r/o] -- the date/time the record was created
modification date date [r/o] -- the date/time the record was last modified
<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- subclass of item
name international text [r/o] -- the name of the report
<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- subclass of item
field by name, by numeric index
index integer [r/o] -- the request number
<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- subclass of item
recalculate spreadsheet -- the spreadsheet to recalculate
cell by numeric index, as a range of elements
row by numeric index, as a range of elements
column by numeric index, as a range of elements
formula text -- the formula of the cell
format general/currency/percent/scientific notation/fixed/numeric date/short abbreviated date/short date/long abbreviated date/long date/short time/long time/short military time/long military time -- the cell format
lock read only/read write -- Indicates whether value or formula in the cell can be changed
name plain text -- the name of the cell (e.g., "A1")
color RGB color -- the cell’s text color
font text -- the name of the font of the cell
size real -- the size in points of the cell text
writing code 'intl' [r/o] -- the script system and language of the cell text
style text style info -- the text style of the cell
fill color RGB color -- the fill color
fill pattern integer -- the fill pattern
alignment general/left/right/center -- justification of the text
decimal places integer -- digits of precision
commas boolean -- display numbers with thousands separators?
parentheses boolean -- display negative numbers in parentheses?
wrap boolean -- wrap text within a cell?
left border boolean -- draw a border on the left side of the cell?
top border boolean -- draw a border on the top of the cell?
right border boolean -- draw a border on the right side of the cell?
bottom border boolean -- draw a border on the bottom of the cell?
outline border boolean -- draw a border framing the range of cells?
user style record -- the user style (and incremental attributes) defining the cell’s appearance
<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- subclass of item
range reference -- the spreadsheet range which is charted
chart kind bar chart/area chart/line chart/scatter chart/pie chart/pictogram chart/stacked bar chart/stacked area chart/XY line chart/XY scatter chart/high low chart/stacked pictogram chart -- the type of chart
title 'cChT' -- the title of the chart
legend 'cChL' -- the legend of the chart
in color boolean -- is the chart in color?
is shadowed boolean -- does the chart have a drop shadow?
three dimensional boolean -- are the chart bars three dimensional?
tilted boolean -- are the pies displayed tilted?
scale multiple boolean -- are multiple pies scaled based on their total data size?
square grid boolean -- does the X/Y grid have a square aspect?
series arrangement type class -- the arrangement of data within the spreadsheet for series (rows or columns)
row label boolean -- use numbers as labels in the first row?
column label boolean -- use numbers as labels in the first column?
<Inheritance> graphic object [r/o] -- subclass of graphic object
position top left/top center/top right/center left/center center/center right/bottom left/bottom center/bottom right -- the position of the title relative to the chart
orientation horizontal/vertical [r/o] -- the orientation of the title
is shadowed boolean -- does the title have a drop shadow?
position top left/top center/top right/center left/center center/center right/bottom left/bottom center/bottom right -- the position of the legend relative to the chart
orientation horizontal/vertical [r/o] -- the orientation of the legend
is shadowed boolean -- does the legend have a drop shadow?
use symbol boolean -- should the legend display the series symbol?
cell by numeric index, as a range of elements
row by numeric index, as a range of elements
column by numeric index, as a range of elements
name plain text -- the name of the column
index integer [r/o] -- the column number
width integer -- the width of the column in pixels
<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- subclass of item
named ranges
cell by numeric index
name international text -- the name of the range
<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- subclass of item
cell by numeric index, as a range of elements
row by numeric index, as a range of elements
column by numeric index, as a range of elements
index integer [r/o] -- the row number
height integer -- the height of the row in pixels
<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- subclass of item
picture picture -- the pictogram picture
repeating boolean -- does the pictogram repeat?
percent overlap small integer -- if the pictogram repeats, the percentage of it which overlaps
label data boolean -- should the series be directly labeled
position top left/top center/top right/center left/center center/center right/bottom left/bottom center/bottom right -- if the series is labled, the position of the label relative to the series
chart kind bar chart/area chart/line chart/scatter chart/pie chart/pictogram chart/stacked bar chart/stacked area chart/XY line chart/XY scatter chart/high low chart/stacked pictogram chart -- the type of chart
row by numeric index, as a range of elements
column by name, by numeric index, as a range of elements
cell by name, by numeric index, as a range of elements
chart by numeric index
named range by name, by numeric index
data bounds named range [r/o] -- the range that data occupies in the spreadsheet
<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- subclass of item
arc angle small integer -- Angle of the arc in degrees
start angle small integer -- the angle that defines the start of the arc, in degrees
<Inheritance> graphic object [r/o] -- subclass of graphic object
drawing areas
<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- subclass of item
gradient kind linear/circular/burst [r/o] -- the type of gradient
colors a list of RGB color -- the reference colors of the gradient (1 - 4)
angle integer -- the angle for linear or circular gradients
offset real -- flip position for linear gradients; 0.0 = center, 1.0 = edge
bounds bounding rectangle -- the center for burst or circular gradients, relative to {0, 0, 100, 100}
<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- subclass of item
drawing area drawing area [r/o] -- the character’s drawing area (only for embedded graphics)
<Inheritance> graphic object [r/o] -- subclass of graphic object
graphic objects
bounds bounding rectangle -- the smallest rectangle that contains the entire graphic object
fill color RGB color -- the fill color
fill pattern integer -- the fill pattern
fill gradient integer -- the fill gradient
fill texture integer -- the fill texture
pen color RGB color -- the pen color
pen pattern integer -- the pen pattern
pen width real -- the pen width
rotation integer -- the rotation of this object in degrees from horizontal
definition rectangle bounding rectangle -- the rectangle used to define the object; this is usually the same as the bounds except when the object is rotated
text wrap no wrap/regular wrap/irregular wrap -- the way in which text should wrap around an object
wrap gutter ruler measurement info -- the amount of space to allow between an object and the text wrapping around it
lock read only/read write -- indicates whether or not the object may be moved, deleted, or modified
user style record -- the user style (and incremental attributes) defining the object’s appearance
<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- subclass of item
end point point -- the ending point of the line
arrow style no arrow/arrow at start/arrow at end/arrow at both ends -- the arrow style
start point point -- the starting point of the line
<Inheritance> graphic object [r/o] -- subclass of graphic object
original bounds bounding rectangle -- the rectangle that bounds the object at normal size
loop none/forward/back and forth -- how the movie should loop while playing
playing boolean [r/o] -- is the movie currently playing?
rate real -- the rate at which the movie plays
direction forward/backward -- the direction the movie plays
duration real [r/o] -- the duration of the movie (at a rate of 1.0)
current time real -- the current time position within the movie
volume real -- the sound volume of the movie when playing
modified boolean -- has the movie been modified since the document was last saved?
<Inheritance> graphic object [r/o] -- subclass of graphic object
<Inheritance> graphic object [r/o] -- subclass of graphic object
paint frames
painting painting [r/o] -- the object’s painting
<Inheritance> graphic object [r/o] -- subclass of graphic object
original bounds bounding rectangle -- the rectangle that bounds the object at normal size
<Inheritance> graphic object [r/o] -- subclass of graphic object
color RGB color -- the color
pixel by numeric index, as a range of elements
<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- subclass of item
vertex by numeric index
<Inheritance> graphic object [r/o] -- subclass of graphic object
<Inheritance> graphic object [r/o] -- subclass of graphic object
rounded rectangles
corner radius small integer -- the radius of the arcs used to draw the corners
round ends boolean -- should the shorter sides of the object be drawn by a half circle? (overrides corner radius)
<Inheritance> graphic object [r/o] -- subclass of graphic object
spreadsheet frames
spreadsheet spreadsheet [r/o] -- the object’s spreadsheet
<Inheritance> graphic object [r/o] -- subclass of graphic object
text frames
text body text [r/o] -- the object’s text
<Inheritance> graphic object [r/o] -- subclass of graphic object
vertex location point -- location of the vertex
control point 1 point -- location of first control point
control point 2 point -- location of second control point
smooth boolean -- true if control points are tied together
autosmooth boolean -- true if control points are auto-generated
match connection -- the connection on which to match
with condition record -- list of conditions to match
Result: integer -- result code designating the condition matched
receive alias -- the location for the to be received
via file transfer -- the file transfer to use to receive the file(s)
send anything -- the file(s) or text to send
via document -- the communications document to use to send the text or file(s)
condition records
result code integer [r/o] -- the result code returned upon successfully matching this condition
timeout integer [r/o] -- the number of seconds of idle time to match
match text plain text [r/o] -- the text to match
<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- subclass of item
status disconnected/connected/connecting/disconnecting/waiting/answering [r/o] -- the connection’s status
name international text [r/o] -- the tool’s name
configuration international text -- the tool’s configuration
version version [r/o] -- the tool’s version number
<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- subclass of item
status idle/sending/receiving [r/o] -- the file transfer’s status
name international text [r/o] -- the tool’s name
configuration international text -- the tool’s configuration
version version [r/o] -- the tool’s version number
batch boolean [r/o] -- can this tool send multiple files?
<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- subclass of item
text body text [r/o] -- the terminal’s text
scrollback text [r/o] -- the terminal’s scrollback text
name international text [r/o] -- the tool’s name
configuration international text -- the tool’s configuration
version version [r/o] -- the tool’s version number
<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- subclass of item
|| url:
|| created: 4-Aug-03, 9:48 PM; updated: 4-Aug-03, 2:48 PM
|| size: 207399 bytes