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Claris Emailer 1.1v3 Dictionary

Copyright ©1995-96 Claris Corp. All rights reserved.


  1. Emailer Suite

Emailer Suite: Events specific to Claris Emailer 1.1v3


connect to: Connect to service or account and transfer mail

connect to string -- The service or account to connect to

[sending boolean] -- True to send messages to the specified service or account

[checking boolean] -- True to get messages from the specified service or account

create mail: Create new outgoing mail

create mail

[subject string] -- Subject of the message

[body string] -- Body of the message

[compress boolean] -- True to compress enclosures

[encoding small integer] -- Encoding for enclosure

[files list] -- list of files to attach

[recipients record] -- list of recipient records

[save boolean] -- true to save and schedule

transfer mail: Transfer mail to the filing cabinet

transfer mail

mailbox string -- Filing cabinet folder

[account string] -- Account '----' -- List of transfer messages

get folders: Returns the list of folders

get folders

Result: list -- List of folders

get accounts: Returns a list of accounts

get accounts

Result: list -- List of accounts

Check Mail: Marks an account for checking

Check Mail

[Account_Name string]

[Account ID string]

[Server Name string]

[Server Zone string]


Class recipient: recipient entry


name string -- name of the recipient

address string -- internet address of recipient

type small integer -- addressing type for recipient


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|| created: 4-Aug-03, 10:27 PM; updated: 4-Aug-03, 2:48 PM
|| size: 12134 bytes