Copyright ©1992-2003 Bare Bones Software, Inc.
copies integer [r/o] -- the number of copies of a document to be printed
collating boolean [r/o] -- Should printed copies be collated?
generating job copy boolean [r/o] -- Should a job copy be generated?
generating job log boolean [r/o] -- Should a job log be generated?
log folder alias [r/o] -- the folder in which the job log and copy should be created
starting page integer [r/o] -- the first page of the document to be printed
ending page integer [r/o] -- the last page of the document to be printed
pages across integer [r/o] -- number of logical pages laid across a physical page
pages down integer [r/o] -- number of logical pages laid out down a physical page
requested print time date [r/o] -- the time at which the desktop printer should print the document...
queue placement 'lwqe' [r/o] -- ... or, how the printed document should be placed into the desktop printer queue
cover page 'lwec' [r/o] -- should a cover page be generated for the job and where should it be placed
error handling 'lwee' [r/o] -- how errors are handled
printer features a list of list [r/o] -- for printer specific features
open reference -- the item(s) to open
[with properties record] -- properties to be applied to the document when opening
[stationery awareness boolean] -- honor the “Stationery” flag for documents?
[LF translation boolean] -- convert line feeds in open documents? (By Default, the preference setting.)
[read only boolean] -- open documents read-only? (By Default, the preference setting.)
[reading as auto_detect file/UTF8 file/Unicode File/Byte Swapped Unicode File] -- interpret the contents of the file in which way (By Default, auto-detect file type)
[adding to recent list boolean] -- add to the application's recent file list? (By Default, true.)
[adding to favorites list boolean] -- add to the application's favorite file list? (By Default, true.)
print reference -- the item(s) to print
[with properties print settings] -- the print settings
[print dialog boolean] -- show the print dialog?
close reference -- The window to close.
[saving yes/no/ask] -- Save the file before closing? (Defaults to “ask”.)
[saving in alias] -- If saving, this parameter specifies the file in which the closed window is to be saved. (By default, the same file it was read from.)
count reference -- the object whose elements are to be counted
each type class -- the class of the elements to be counted. Keyword 'each' is optional in AppleScript
Result: integer -- the number of elements
delete reference -- the element to delete
duplicate reference -- the object(s) to duplicate
[to location reference] -- the new location for the object(s)
Result: reference -- to the duplicated object(s)
exists reference -- the object in question
Result: boolean -- true if it exists, false if not
get reference
[as a list of type class]
Result: anything
new type class -- the class of the new element. Keyword 'new' is optional in AppleScript
[at location reference] -- the location at which to insert the element
[with properties record] -- the initial values for the properties of the element
[with data anything] -- the initial data for the element
[to reference] -- when creating an alias, the original item to create an alias to
Result: reference -- to the new object(s)
move reference -- the object(s) to move
to location reference -- the new location for the object(s)
Result: reference -- to the object(s) after they have been moved
save reference -- window to save
[to alias] -- file in which to save the window’s contents
[saving as stationery boolean] -- save the file as stationery? (By Default, false.)
[add to recent list boolean] -- add to the application's recent file list? (By Default, true.)
[add to favorites list boolean] -- add to the application's favorite file list? (By Default, true.)
set reference
to anything
copy reference -- the object to copy to the clipboard
[appending to clipboard boolean] -- append to the current clipboard? (By Default, false.) If you are going to use this from AppleScript, you'll have to use “extended copy” because it will prevent you from compiling this form.
cut reference -- the object to cut to the clipboard
[appending to clipboard boolean] -- append to the current clipboard? (By Default, false.)
extended copy reference -- the object to copy to the clipboard
[appending to clipboard boolean] -- append to the current clipboard? (By Default, false.)
paste reference
redo reference
revert reference -- the object to revert
[discarding unsaved changes yes/ask] -- Discard unsaved changes? (Defaults to yes.)
select reference -- the object to select
undo reference
ignore leading spaces boolean -- ignore leading whitespace on lines?
ignore trailing spaces boolean -- ignore trailing whitespace on lines?
ignore extra spaces boolean -- ignore whitespace runs in lines?
case sensitive boolean -- honor character case differences when comparing?
ignore curly quotes boolean -- ignore curly quotes (“, ”, ‘, ’) when comparing?
show identical files boolean -- list identical files when doing a multi-file compare?
text files only boolean -- only compare text files in a multi-file compare?
flatten folders boolean -- flatten folder hierarchies when comparing folders?
skip shielded folders boolean -- skip folders whose names are enclosed in (parentheses)?
check Projector state boolean -- check the Projector state of common files?
differences found boolean [r/o] -- were any differences found?
reason for no differences string [r/o] -- reason for there being no differences
differences window reference [r/o] -- if differences were found, refers to the resulting Differences window
file file specification [r/o] -- the disk file in which this file is stored locally
host string [r/o] -- name of the FTP server
port small integer [r/o] -- TCP connection port to the server
path string [r/o] -- path to the file on the server
user string [r/o] -- login ID for the server
password string [r/o] -- login password for the server
secure transfer boolean [r/o] -- was the file transferred securely?
binary transfer boolean [r/o] -- was the file transferred as raw binary?
passive transfer boolean [r/o] -- was the file transferred using passive FTP
URL string [r/o] -- the URL for this file on the FTP server
<inheritance> window -- (properties are also inherited from the “window” class)
status not in project/read_only/writeable/modify read_only [r/o]
revision string [r/o]
is branch boolean [r/o]
project path string [r/o]
checkout time date [r/o]
task comment string [r/o]
user string [r/o]
<inheritance> document -- (properties are also inherited from the basic “document” class)
<inheritance> window [r/o] -- (properties are also inherited from the basic “window” class)
result_kind error_kind/warning_kind/note_kind -- the type of result entry
result_file file specification
start_offset integer -- starting offset in the file
end_offset integer -- ending offset in the file
result_line integer -- line in the file (may be -1 if line information is not available)
message string -- explanatory text (line context, if it’s a search result)
message_script small integer -- if present and nonzero, message text is in a non-Roman script
found boolean [r/o] -- was a match found?
found matches a list of list [r/o] -- for a multi-file or batch search, a list of the found occurrences
found object reference [r/o] -- for a single-file search, a reference to the found text
match list window reference [r/o] -- for a multi-file or batch search, the window listing the matches
found text string [r/o] -- the found text
search mode literal/grep -- the type of search (literal search if omitted)
starting at top boolean -- start from the top of the document? (false if omitted)
wrap around boolean -- should the search wrap from the end of the document? (false if omitted)
backwards boolean -- should the search proceed backwards? (false if omitted)
case sensitive boolean -- should the search be case-sensitive? (false if omitted)
match words boolean -- should the search only find whole words? (false if omitted)
extend selection boolean -- should the selection range include the original selection start through the end of the match? (false if omitted)
returning results boolean -- if performing a batch or multi-file search, return a list of matches? (false if omitted)
showing results boolean -- if performing a batch or multi-file search, open the list of results? (true if omitted)
search string string [r/o] -- search text
replacement string string [r/o] -- replace text
search string script small integer [r/o] -- script language code of the search text
replace string script small integer [r/o] -- script language code of the search text
<inheritance> window -- (properties are also inherited from the “window” class)
window by numeric index, by name, by ID
text window by numeric index, by name, by ID
document by numeric index, by name, by ID
text document by numeric index, by name, by ID
movie document by numeric index, by name, by ID
palette by numeric index, by name, by ID
tool window by numeric index, by name, by ID
clipboard by numeric index
recent file by numeric index
recent folder by numeric index
web site by numeric index, by name, by ID
<inheritance> item
name international text [r/o] -- the name
selection reference [r/o] -- the selection visible to the user
frontmost boolean -- Is this the frontmost application?
version version [r/o] -- the version number of the application
serial number string [r/o] -- the application’s serial number
about box about_window [r/o] -- the about box
current clipboard anything -- the clipboard
current glossary set string -- the name of the active glossary set
current search options Search Options [r/o] -- search options used by the most recent search/replace operation
current search strings Search String Properties [r/o] -- search strings used by the most recent search/replace operation
clipboard window clipboard_window [r/o] -- the “Clipboard” window
plugin info plugin_info_window [r/o] -- the Plug-In Info window
plugins list palette [r/o] -- the floating window displaying installed BBEdit plug-ins
glossary list palette [r/o] -- the floating window displaying available Glossary items
window list palette [r/o] -- the floating window displaying the open windows in the application
ASCII table palette [r/o] -- the floating window displaying ASCII character and escape sequences
quick search window window [r/o] -- the “Quick Search” window
preferences window window [r/o] -- the Preferences window
scripts list palette [r/o] -- the floating window displaying available OSA scripts
stationery list palette [r/o] -- the floating window displaying available stationery items
Unix scripting tools palette palette [r/o] -- the floating window displaying tools for working with Unix scripts on Mac OS X and MacPerl scripts on Mac OS 8.6 and 9.x
Unix scripts list palette [r/o] -- the floating window displaying items in the “Unix Scripts” folder (uses “Perl Scripts” and MacPerl when running under Mac OS 8.6 and 9.x)
Unix filters list palette [r/o] -- the floating window displaying items in the “Unix Filters” folder (uses “Perl Filters” and MacPerl when running under Mac OS 8.6 and 9.x)
HTML tools palette palette [r/o] -- the main HTML tools palette
CSS palette palette [r/o] -- the main HTML tools palette
HTML block palette palette [r/o] -- the HTML block elements palette
HTML inline palette palette [r/o] -- the HTML inline elements palette
HTML table palette palette [r/o] -- the HTML table elements palette
HTML form palette palette [r/o] -- the HTML form elements palette
HTML phrase palette palette [r/o] -- the HTML phrase elements palette
HTML font palette palette [r/o] -- the HTML font elements palette
HTML utilities palette palette [r/o] -- the HTML utilities palette
HTML entities list palette [r/o] -- the list of HTML entities
HTML color picker palette [r/o] -- the web-safe color palette
default web site web site -- the current default entry in the HTML Web Site preferences
contents string -- contents of the clipboard
length integer [r/o] -- length of the clipboard text in characters
is multibyte boolean [r/o] -- does this clipboard contain multi-byte text?
index integer [r/o] -- the index of this clipboard
display font string [r/o] -- font in which text is displayed
display font size small integer [r/o] -- point size of displayed text
display font style a list of plain/bold/italic/outline/shadow/underline/condensed/extended [r/o] -- text style(s) of displayed text
<inheritance> text window -- (properties are also inherited from the “text window” class)
<inheritance> window -- (properties are also inherited from the “window” class)
<inheritance> window -- (properties are also inherited from the “window” class)
<inheritance> item
modified boolean [r/o] -- does this document have unsaved changes?
modifiable boolean [r/o] -- can this document be modified?
modification date date [r/o] -- date and time this document was last modified
on disk boolean [r/o] -- does this document exist on disk?
file alias [r/o] -- the disk file containing the document’s data
creator type type class -- the OSType identifying the application that created the item
window window [r/o] -- this document’s window
<inheritance> item
name string [r/o] -- filter name
filter_mode and_mode/or_mode [r/o] -- criteria interpretation mode
filter_terms a list of filter_term [r/o] -- filter criteria terms
field file_name/parent_name/file_type/file_creator/creation_date_only/creation_date_and_time/mod_date_only/
mod_date_and_time/file_label/file_visible/file_locked/projector_state/file_language [r/o] -- criteria match field
operator op_is_equal/op_is_not_equal/op_less_than/op_less_than_or_equal/op_greater_than/op_greater_than_or_equal/
op_matches_grep/op_does_not_match_grep/... [r/o] -- comparison operator
operand anything [r/o] -- comparison operand data
<inheritance> document -- (properties are also inherited from the basic “document” class)
<inheritance> window -- (properties are also inherited from the basic “window” class)
properties record -- all of this object’s properties
ID integer [r/o] -- object’s unique id
container reference [r/o] -- object’s container (if any)
<inheritance> document -- (properties are also inherited from the basic “document” class)
<inheritance> window [r/o] -- (properties are also inherited from the basic “window” class)
<inheritance> differences_window [r/o] -- (properties are also inherited from the “window” class)
<inheritance> window -- (properties are also inherited from the basic “window” class)
<inheritance> text window -- (properties are also inherited from the “text window” class)
<inheritance> document -- (properties are also inherited from the basic “document” class)
<inheritance> window [r/o] -- (properties are also inherited from the basic “window” class)
<inheritance> window -- (properties are also inherited from the “window” class)
<inheritance> window -- (properties are also inherited from the “window” class)
recent files
<inheritance> item [r/o] -- (properties are also inherited from the “object” class)
file file specification [r/o] -- the disk file referred to by this item
recent folders
<inheritance> recent file -- (properties are also inherited from the “recent file” class)
<inheritance> window -- (properties are also inherited from the “window” class)
<inheritance> results browser -- (properties are also inherited from the “results browser” class)
<inheritance> text document -- (properties are also inherited from the “text document” class)
<inheritance> text window -- (properties are also inherited from the “text window” class)
shell path string -- path to the Unix shell used for executing commands in this worksheet
working directory string [r/o] -- path to this worksheet’s current Unix working directory
text documents
<inheritance> document -- (properties are also inherited from the basic “document” class)
saved state none/MPW/BBEdit -- type of state information saved with the document (if any)
state modified boolean [r/o] -- has the document’s state (window position, etc) been modified?
line breaks Mac/Unix/DOS/Unicode -- type of line endings in this document
encoding string -- Internet name of the file’s character set encoding
is multibyte boolean -- does this document contain multi-byte text?
is byte swapped boolean -- if a multi-byte document, are the bytes swapped?
is UTF8 boolean -- if a multi-byte document, is it stored in UTF-8 format?
has BOM boolean -- if a multi-byte document, does it include a byte-order mark?
Projector status not in project/read_only/writeable/modify read_only -- indicates the current Projector status of the document (duh :->)
Projector info Projector state [r/o] -- Projector information for this document
is FTP boolean [r/o] -- was this document opened from (or saved to) an FTP server?
FTP info FTP Info [r/o] -- FTP information for this document
URL string [r/o] -- if on disk, the URL to this document’s location
text windows
<inheritance> window -- (properties are also inherited from the basic “window” class)
display font string -- font in which text is displayed
display font size small integer -- point size of displayed text
display font style a list of plain/bold/italic/outline/shadow/underline/condensed/extended -- text style(s) of displayed text
tab width small integer -- number of spaces per tab
auto indent boolean -- is auto-indent enabled?
auto balance boolean -- is auto-balancing enabled?
smart quotes boolean -- are smart quotes enabled?
show invisibles boolean -- are invisible characters displayed?
expand tabs boolean -- is auto-expansion of tabs enabled?
soft wrap text boolean -- is automatic text wrapping enabled?
soft wrap mode Philip bar/window width/character width -- how line breaks are computed when soft-wrapping
soft wrap width small integer -- if soft-wrapping to character width, the maximum number of characters per line
show spaces boolean -- are spaces displayed (only if “show invisibles” is true)?
show status bar boolean -- display the editor status bar in this window?
show philip bar boolean -- display the Philip bar in this window?
show tab stops boolean -- display tab stops in the window's status bar?
show cursor position boolean -- display the cursor position in this window?
show function position boolean -- display the name of the function containing the selection range?
show line numbers boolean -- display line numbers next to text in the window?
color syntax boolean -- enable syntax coloring for this window?
source language string -- name of the source language, for syntax coloring and function navigation
split proportion small integer -- vertical position of split bar, expressed as a percentage of window height
tool windows
<inheritance> palette
web sites
<inheritance> item
name string -- the name
server url string -- the server url, for example
server path string -- the server path, for example bbedit/
default file name string -- the default file used by the link checker, for example index.html
root directory file -- the folder in which your html files reside
template directory file -- the folder in which your templates reside
is default web site boolean [r/o] -- is this the current default site in the HTML Web Site preferences
text by numeric index
<inheritance> item
bounds bounding rectangle -- the boundary rectangle for the window
closeable boolean [r/o] -- Does the window have a close box?
collapsed boolean -- Is the window collapsed?
index integer -- the number of the window
modal boolean [r/o] -- Is the window modal?
file alias [r/o] -- the disk file associated with this window, if any
modified boolean [r/o] -- Has the window been modified since the last save?
name international text -- the title of the window
position point -- upper left coordinates of the window
resizable boolean [r/o] -- Is the window resizable?
selection reference -- the selection
contents anything -- contents of the window (if any)
text text -- the window's text object (if any)
titled boolean [r/o] -- Does the window have a title bar?
visible boolean [r/o] -- Is the window visible?
zoomable boolean [r/o] -- Is the window zoomable?
zoomed boolean -- Is the window zoomed?
add line breaks reference -- text to be modified
change case reference -- text to be changed
[making raise case/lower case/capitalize words/capitalize sentences/capitalize lines/form words/form sentences] -- case transformation to apply
clear undo history reference
[confirming boolean] -- ask the user to confirm the operation?
compare file specification -- the new file/folder
against file specification -- the old file/folder
[options Compare Options] -- comparison options
[filter filter] -- file filtering criteria (for multi-file compare)
[Result: Compare Results] -- information about the compare results
decrement quote level reference -- text to be processed
detab reference -- text to be changed
[tab width small integer] -- number of spaces per tab
entab reference -- text to be changed
[tab width small integer] -- number of spaces per tab
find string -- the text to search for
[searching in anything] -- where to search for the string (defaults to the tell-target of the event)
[selecting match boolean] -- select the search match if found?
[options Search Options] -- options for the search
[excluding matches boolean] -- for multi-file searches, list files that don’t match the search string?
[search script small integer] -- script language code of the search text
[filter filter] -- file filtering criteria
[recursion boolean] -- search nested folders?
[text files only boolean] -- only search text files?
[skip shielded folders boolean] -- skip folders whose names are enclosed in (parentheses)?
[search invisible folders boolean] -- search invisible folders?
[Result: Search Match] -- information about the text string found by the search
grep substitution
[of string] -- the Grep replacement pattern
[script small integer] -- script code of the replacement pattern (assumed Roman if absent)
[unicode boolean] -- return the results as Unicode text? (assumed 'true' if absent and we last searched unicode data, false otherwise)
Result: string -- the text of the substituted replacement pattern
hard wrap reference -- text to be hard-wrapped
[limit Philip bar/window width/character width] -- determines how the maximum line length is computed
[paragraph fill boolean] -- fill paragraphs to fill wrap width?
[width small integer] -- when wrapping to a character widths, specifies maximum line length in characters
[indentation none/first_line/all_lines/reverse_indent/same_as_first_line] -- indentation mode of wrapped lines.
[relative boolean] -- indent relative to first line?
increment quote level reference -- text to be processed
[quote string string] -- the quote string; if omitted, BBEdit will use the Internet Config quote string
insert glossary entry alias -- glossary entry file to be inserted
inserting file specification -- glossary entry file to be inserted - deprecated - use direct parameter
[into reference] -- reference to window into which text will be inserted (optional - target can be specified by enclosing tell block)
remove line breaks reference -- text to be modified
replace string -- the text to search for
[using string] -- the replacement string (or pattern, if using Grep)
[searching in anything] -- where to replace the string (defaults to the tell-target of the event)
[options Search Options] -- options for the search
[saving yes/no/ask] -- if a multi-file replace, save after doing the replace?
[search script small integer] -- script language code of the search text
[replace script small integer] -- script language code of the replace text
[recursion boolean] -- search nested folders?
[text files only boolean] -- only search text files?
[skip shielded folders boolean] -- skip folders whose names are enclosed in (parentheses)?
[Result: unsigned integer] -- the number of occurrences replaced
rewrap quoted text reference -- text to be modified
[paragraph fill boolean] -- fill paragraphs to fill wrap width?
[width small integer] -- when wrapping to a character widths, specifies maximum line length in characters
[indentation none/first_line/all_lines/reverse_indent/same_as_first_line] -- indentation mode of wrapped lines.
[relative boolean] -- indent relative to first line?
[removing quote spaces boolean] -- remove spaces in quote characters?
[leaving trailing quote spaces boolean] -- if removing quote spaces, leave trailing spaces after quote characters?
shift reference -- text to be modified
[direction left/right]
[shifting by spaces boolean] -- shift one space at a time?
strip quotes reference -- text to be processed
zap gremlins reference -- the text to be processed
[zap action delete_gremlin/replace_with_code/replace_with_char] -- action to be performed on gremlin characters
[zap character string] -- character to use as the replacement with “replace_with_char” is used
[nulls boolean] -- zap null (ASCII 0) characters?
[controls boolean] -- zap control characters?
[non ASCII characters boolean] -- zap non-ASCII characters?
[filter linefeeds boolean] -- convert line feeds (LF, CRLF) to Mac format (CR)?
<inheritance> text_object
<inheritance> text_object
<inheritance> text_object
<inheritance> text_object
character by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements
word by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements
line by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements
display_line by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements
insertion point before/after another element
text as a range of elements
<inheritance> text_object -- inherits all properties of the “text object” class
<inheritance> item
contents anything -- literal text contents
length integer [r/o] -- length of text object (in characters)
offset integer [r/o] -- offset of a text object from the beginning of the document (first char has offset 1)
startLine integer [r/o] -- line number of the first “hard” line containing this text object (first line has number 1)
endLine integer [r/o] -- line number of the last “hard” line containing this text object
startColumn integer [r/o] -- character column (1 is first) of the first character of the object
endColumn integer [r/o] -- character column (1 is first) of the last character of the object
startDisplayLine integer [r/o] -- line number of the first display line containing this text object (first line has number 1)
endDisplayLine integer [r/o] -- line number of the last display line containing this text object
<inheritance> text_object
lower case tags boolean -- true if you want the tools to generate lower case tags, false if you want the tools to generate uppercase tags
use source format profile boolean -- true if you wish to use the source format profile specified
source format profile file -- the file which contains the source format profile
always quote attributes boolean -- true if you want the tools to generate quotes for all attributes, false if you only want quotes generated for attributes which require them
use xml rules in unspecified documents boolean -- true if you want to use XML markup rules when the document has neither an XML declaration nor a DOCTYPE, false otherwise
server url string -- the server url, for example (deprecated - use the new “web site” element of the application)
server path string -- the server path, for example bbedit/ (deprecated - use the new “web site” element of the application)
default file name string -- the default file used by the link checker, for example index.html (deprecated - use the new “web site” element of the application)
template directory file -- the folder in which your templates reside (deprecated - use the new “web site” element of the application)
root directory file -- the folder in which your html files reside (deprecated - use the new “web site” element of the application)
preview mode use temporary file/auto save/confirm save -- the mode used to preview unsaved files
smiley face enabled boolean -- determines whether the no errors dialog for the syntax and link checker has a smiley face
name string -- the name of the tag
is close tag boolean -- true if the tag is a close tag (for example </html>)
is empty xml element boolean -- true if the tag is an empty xml element (for example <foo bar="value"/>)
start_offset integer -- starting offset in the file
end_offset integer -- ending offset in the file
attributes record -- a record containing all attributes for the tag
found tag boolean -- whether or not the tag was found
tag tag info -- the tag record of the found tag (open tag)
close tag tag info -- the tag record of the close tag of the pair
found tag boolean -- whether or not the tag was found
tag tag info -- the tag record of the found tag
GoLive cleaner
Home Page cleaner
PageMill cleaner
balance tags
Result: boolean -- true if the tags were balanced, false if they were not
check links file specification -- file/folder to check
[show results boolean] -- show a results browser instead of returning the results - default is false
[skip shielded boolean] -- Determines whether folders whose names are enclosed in (parentheses) are searched. (Only effective when checking a folder.)
[nested boolean] -- Determines whether sub-folders of the search folder are also updated.
[Result: Result Entry] -- a list of error entries
check syntax file specification -- file/folder to check
[show results boolean] -- show a results browser instead of returning the results - default is false
[skip shielded boolean] -- Determines whether folders whose names are enclosed in (parentheses) are searched. (Only effective when checking a folder.)
[nested boolean] -- Determines whether sub-folders of the search folder are also updated.
[Result: Result Entry] -- a list of error entries
find tag string -- the name of the tag to find
start_offset integer -- the character offset from the beginning of the document to start searching at
[is close tag boolean] -- are we searching for a close tag? - default is false
Result: tag result -- tag result record
mode hierarchical/gentle hierarchical/plain/compact/gentle compact/source_format_profile/document skeleton/no reorganization -- the formatting mode to use
[selection only boolean] -- operate on the selection only - default is false
[normalizing tag case boolean] -- change tag case to the preferred case - default is true
[normalizing attribute quotes boolean] -- change attribute quotes to the preferred method - default is true
[encode entities in attributes boolean] -- should entities in attribute values be encoded - default is true
generate tag text record -- the tag record
Result: string -- the generated tag text
get html preferences
Result: HTML Prefs -- the current preferences
inside open tag string -- the name of the tag to find
[start range integer] -- the start of the test range - the default is the start of the selection range
[end range integer] -- the end of the test range - the default is the end of the selection range
Result: tag result -- tag result record
inside tag
[start range integer] -- the start of the test range - the default is the start of the selection range
[end range integer] -- the end of the test range - the default is the end of the selection range
Result: tag result -- tag result record
inside tag pair string -- the name of the tag to find
[start range integer] -- the start of the test range - the default is the start of the selection range
[end range integer] -- the end of the test range - the default is the end of the selection range
Result: tag pair result -- tag pair result record
make tags lower case
make tags upper case
normalize tag case
preview as text
preview in browser
set html preferences to HTML Prefs -- the new values for the preferences
translate html to text
[entity conversion boolean] -- convert HTML entities to their textual equivalents (for example & to &) - default is false
[tag removal boolean] -- remove all html tags - default is false
[paragraph conversion boolean] -- remove html paragraphs (assumed by "tag removal true") - default is false
[create new document boolean] -- put the results into a new window - default is true
[selection only boolean] -- operate on the selection only - default is false
translate text to html
[entity conversion boolean] -- convert reserved characters to HTML entities (for example & to &) - default is false
[entity encoding method entity name value/entity decimal value/entity hex value] -- default is “entity name value”
[ignore angle brackets boolean] -- ignore < and > when translating entities - default is false
[encode all unicode characters boolean] -- encode all unicode characters - default is false
[paragraph conversion boolean] -- form html paragraphs - default is false
[create new document boolean] -- put the results into a new window - default is true
[selection only boolean] -- operate on the selection only - default is false
update file specification -- file/folder to update
[skip shielded boolean] -- Determines whether folders whose names are enclosed in (parentheses) are searched. (Only effective when updating a folder.)
[nested boolean] -- Determines whether sub-folders of the search folder are also updated.
[show results boolean] -- show a results browser instead of returning the results - default is false
update images file specification -- file/folder to update images within
[skip shielded boolean] -- Determines whether folders whose names are enclosed in (parentheses) are searched. (Only effective when updating a folder.)
[nested boolean] -- Determines whether sub-folders of the search folder are also updated.
[show results boolean] -- show a results browser instead of returning the results - default is false
run unix filter file -- the filter to run
[output STDERR to Unix script output window/new untitled window] -- the output mode to use for STDERR
[clear before writing boolean] -- clear the output window before writing
[save after writing boolean] -- save the output window after writing
[replacing selection boolean] -- does the filter output replace the selection?
run unix script a list of anything -- list of values to be passed to @ARGV
[selection only boolean] -- execute the selection as a unix script
[save before running boolean] -- save the front window before running
[use debugger boolean] -- use the perl debugger
[run in terminal boolean] -- run the script in the Terminal (uses MacPerl when running on Mac OS 8.6 and 9.x)
[chdir to script folder boolean] -- set the working directory to the script's parent folder
[output to Unix script output window/new untitled window/script log output window] -- the output mode to use
[clear before writing boolean] -- clear the output window before writing
[save after writing boolean] -- save the output window after writing
check out mode check out latest revisions/check out updating existing/check out everything -- (default is check out latest revisions)
report empty projects boolean -- (default is false)
verify contents boolean -- (default is true)
delete obsolete boolean -- (default is true)
put history in ckid boolean -- (default is false)
dont touch modification date boolean -- (default is false)
projector username string -- the user name to supply to Projector in the -u argument to commands
check out project folder alias -- the folder to be checked out
[options Check Out Folder Options] -- options for the check out operation
get Projector preferences
Result: Projector Prefs -- the current preferences
set Projector preferences to Projector Prefs -- the new values for the preferences
convert to ASCII
[selection only boolean] -- if present and TRUE, converts only the selected text. If FALSE, converts the entire document. If absent, converts the entire document if there is no selection, or the selection range only if there is.
[change in place boolean] -- if present and TRUE, replaces the selection range (or entire document) with the converted text. Otherwise, returns the converted text.
educate quotes
[selection only boolean] -- if present and TRUE, educates only the selected text. If absent or FALSE, educates the entire document.
add prefix string -- the string to be inserted. If omitted, the extension will use the last-used prefix string.
[selection only boolean] -- if present and TRUE, prefixes only the selected text. If FALSE, prefixes the entire document. If absent, prefixes the entire document if there is no selection, or the selection range only if there is.
add suffix string -- the string to be inserted. If omitted, the extension will use the last-used prefix string.
[selection only boolean] -- if present and TRUE, affects only the selected text. If FALSE, affects the entire document. If absent, affects the entire document if there is no selection, or the selection range only if there is.
remove prefix string -- the string to be removed. If omitted, the extension will use the last-used prefix string.
[selection only boolean] -- if present and TRUE, affects only the selected text. If FALSE, affects the entire document. If absent, affects the entire document if there is no selection, or the selection range only if there is.
remove suffix string -- the string to be removed. If omitted, the extension will use the last-used prefix string.
[selection only boolean] -- if present and TRUE, affects only the selected text. If FALSE, affects the entire document. If absent, affects the entire document if there is no selection, or the selection range only if there is.
matching mode matching all/leaving one -- the mode to use when marking duplicates - this is not an optional value
selection only boolean -- true if you want to sort the selected lines, false to sort the entire document - defaults to true if there is a selection
case sensitive boolean -- true if you want to match in a case sensitive fashion (also affects matches using grep) - defaults to false
ignore leading spaces boolean -- true if you want to ignore the leading whitespace on the line for matching purposes - defaults to false
match digits numerically boolean -- true if digits should match by value - defaults to false
named search pattern string -- name of a saved grep pattern to use for sorting
search pattern string -- search pattern to use for sorting - if this is specified you must also specify the match sub pattern
match sub pattern string -- sub pattern to sort on - if this is specified you must also specify the search pattern
kill matched lines boolean -- true if you want to kill the matched lines found in the source data
place matched lines on clipboard boolean -- true if you want to place the matched lines on the clipboard
place unique lines on clipboard boolean -- true if you want to place the unique lines on the clipboard
populate new window with matched lines boolean -- true if you want to make a new text window with the matched lines
populate new window with unique lines boolean -- true if you want to make a new text window with the unique lines
returning results boolean -- true if you want a copy of the result data returned
matched lines text -- the lines that were matched by the criteria
unique lines text -- the complement of the matched lines
process duplicate lines
match options Process Duplicate Lines - Match Options -- options which control how the data is sorted
[output options Process Duplicate Lines - Output Options] -- options which control how the output is generated and returned
[Result: Process Duplicates - Output Record] -- a record containing the processed data if “returning results” is true in the output options
clear lines containing string
[case sensitive boolean] -- if present and TRUE, the search is case sensitive; otherwise the search will ignore character case.
[grep boolean] -- if present and true, the search string is interpreted as a Grep pattern.
copy lines containing string
[case sensitive boolean] -- if present and TRUE, the search is case sensitive; otherwise the search will ignore character case.
[grep boolean] -- if present and true, the search string is interpreted as a Grep pattern.
Result: string -- collection of lines containing the specified string, or the empty string if no such lines were found.
cut lines containing string
[case sensitive boolean] -- if present and TRUE, the search is case sensitive; otherwise the search will ignore character case.
[grep boolean] -- if present and true, the search string is interpreted as a Grep pattern.
Result: string -- collection of lines containing the specified string, or the empty string if no such lines were found.
place on clipboard boolean -- true if you want to place the sorted data on the clipboard
populate new window boolean -- true if you want to place the sorted data in a new text window
replace selection boolean -- true if you want to replace the original data with the sorted data
returning results boolean -- true if you want a copy of the sorted lines returned
selection only boolean -- true if you want to sort the selected lines, false to sort the entire document - defaults to true if there is a selection
case sensitive boolean -- true if you want to sort in a case sensitive fashion (also affects sorts using grep) - defaults to false
ignore leading spaces boolean -- true if you want to ignore the leading whitespace on the line for sorting purposes - defaults to false
reverse sort boolean -- true if the lines should be sorted in reverse order - defaults to false
sort digits numerically boolean -- true if digits should sort numerically, that is 1 comes before 10, and 10 comes before 100 - defaults to false
named search pattern string -- name of a saved grep pattern to use for sorting. Omit this parameter if you provide a “search pattern” parameter
search pattern string -- search pattern to use for sorting - if this is specified you must also specify the sort sub pattern. Omit this parameter if you provide a “named search pattern” parameter
sort sub pattern string -- sub pattern to sort on - if this is specified you must also specify the search pattern
sort lines
[sort options Sort Lines - Sort Options] -- options which control how the data is sorted
[output options Sort Lines - Output Options] -- options which control how the output is generated and returned
[Result: text] -- a copy of the sorted lines if “returning results” is true in the output options
educate quotes
[selection only boolean] -- if present and TRUE, educates only the selected text. If FALSE, educates the entire document. If absent, educates the entire document if there is no selection, or the selection range only if there is.
|| url:
|| created: 8-Aug-04, 5:22 PM; updated: 8-Aug-04, 5:22 PM
|| size: 234295 bytes