Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1993-2002. All rights reserved.
log string
stop log
start log
Result: integer -- the number of seconds to wait for next idle event
end tell
error [anything]
[number small integer] -- an error number
[partial result list] -- any partial result occurring before the error
[from anything] -- the object that caused the error
[to anything] -- the desired class for a failed coercion
Call•subroutine [anything]
[at anything] -- a preposition
[from anything] -- a preposition
[for anything] -- a preposition
[to anything] -- a preposition
[thru anything] -- a preposition
[through anything] -- a preposition
[by anything] -- a preposition
[on anything] -- a preposition
[into anything] -- a preposition
[onto anything] -- a preposition
[between anything] -- a preposition
[against anything] -- a preposition
[out of anything] -- a preposition
[instead of anything] -- a preposition
[aside from anything] -- a preposition
[around anything] -- a preposition
[beside anything] -- a preposition
[beneath anything] -- a preposition
[under anything] -- a preposition
[over anything] -- a preposition
[above anything] -- a preposition
[below anything] -- a preposition
[apart from anything] -- a preposition
[about anything] -- a preposition
[since anything] -- a preposition
[given anything] -- parameter:value pairs, comma-separated
[with type class] -- formal parameter set to true if matching actual parameter is provided
[without type class] -- formal parameter set to false if matching actual parmeter is provided
Result: anything
= reference
Result: anything
≠ reference
Result: anything
+ reference
Result: anything
- reference
Result: anything
* reference
Result: anything
÷ reference
Result: anything
div reference
Result: anything
mod reference
Result: anything
^ reference
Result: anything
> reference
Result: anything
≥ reference
Result: anything
< reference
Result: anything
≤ reference
Result: anything
& reference
Result: anything
starts with reference
Result: anything
ends with reference
Result: anything
contains reference
Result: anything
and reference
Result: anything
or reference
Result: anything
as reference
Result: anything
not reference
Result: anything
negate reference
Result: anything
length integer [r/o] -- the length of a list
reverse list [r/o] -- the items of the list in reverse order
rest list [r/o] -- all items of the list excluding first
linked lists
length integer [r/o] -- the length of a list
length integer [r/o] -- the length of a list
id integer -- the unique ID number of this object
name string [r/o] -- the name of the script
parent script [r/o] -- its parent, i.e. the script that will handle events that this script doesn’t
reference forms
international text
styled text
styled Clipboard text
Unicode text
styled Unicode text
encoded strings
C strings
Pascal strings
text items
writing code infos
script code small integer [r/o] -- the script code for the text
language code small integer [r/o] -- the language code for the text
missing values
RGB colors
file specifications
POSIX path string [r/o] -- the POSIX path of the file
POSIX path string [r/o] -- the POSIX path of the file
key character -- the character for the key was pressed (ignoring modifiers)
modifiers a list of option down/command down/control down/shift down/caps lock down -- the modifier keys pressed in combination
key kind escape key/delete key/tab key/return key/clear key/enter key/up arrow key/down arrow key/left arrow key/right arrow key/help key/home key/page up key/page down key/forward del key/end key/F1 key/F2 key/F3 key/F4 key/F5 key/F6 key/F7 key/F8 key/F9 key/F10 key/F11 key/F12 key/F13 key/F14 key/F15 key -- the kind of key that was pressed
weekday weekday [r/o] -- the day of a week of a date
month month [r/o] -- the month of a date
day integer [r/o] -- the day of the month of a date
year integer [r/o] -- the year of a date
time integer [r/o] -- the time since midnight of a date
date string string [r/o] -- the date portion of a date-time value as text
time string string [r/o] -- the time portion of a date-time value as text
result anything [r/o] -- the last result of evaluation
space character [r/o] -- a space character
return character [r/o] -- a return character
tab character [r/o] -- a tab character
minutes integer [r/o] -- the number of seconds in a minute
hours integer [r/o] -- the number of seconds in an hour
days integer [r/o] -- the number of seconds in a day
weeks integer [r/o] -- the number of seconds in a week
pi real [r/o] -- the constant pi
print length integer [r/o] -- the maximum length to print
print depth integer [r/o] -- the maximum depth to print
text item delimiters list [r/o] -- the text item delimiters of a string
AppleScript script [r/o] -- the top-level script object
open reference -- list of objects to open
run -- no direct parameter required
reopen -- no direct parameter required
print reference -- list of objects to print
[saving yes/no/ask] -- specifies whether to save currently open documents
close reference -- the object to close
[saving yes/no/ask] -- specifies whether changes should be saved before closing
[saving in file] -- the file or alias in which to save the object
count reference -- the object whose elements are to be counted
[each type class] -- if specified, restricts counting to objects of this class
Result: integer -- the number of elements
delete reference -- the element to delete
duplicate reference -- the object(s) to duplicate
[to location reference] -- the new location for the object(s)
[with properties record] -- the initial values for properties of the new object that are to be different from the original
Result: reference -- to the duplicated object(s)
exists reference -- the object in question
Result: boolean -- true if it exists, false if not
new type class -- the class of the new element
[at location reference] -- the location at which to insert the element
[with data anything] -- the initial data for the element
[with properties record] -- the initial values for the properties of the element
Result: reference -- to the new object(s)
move reference -- the object(s) to move
to location reference -- the new location for the object(s)
Result: reference -- to the object(s) after they have been moved
save reference -- the object to save, usually a document or window
[in file] -- the file or alias in which to save the object
[as type class] -- the file type of the document in which to save the data
select reference -- the object to select
data size reference -- the object whose data size is to be returned
[as type class] -- the data type for which the size is calculated
Result: integer -- the size of the object in bytes
suite info type class -- the suite for which to return information
[in «class intl»] -- the human language and script system in which to return information
Result: a list of type suite info -- a record containing the suites and their versions
event info type class -- the event class of the Apple events for which to return information
[in «class intl»] -- the human language and script system in which to return information
Result: a list of type event info -- a record containing the events and their parameters
class info [type class] -- the object class about which information is requested
[in «class intl»] -- the human language and script system in which to return information
Result: type class info -- a record containing the object’s properties and elements
name international text [r/o] -- the name of the application
frontmost boolean [r/o] -- Is this the frontmost application?
selection selection-object -- the selection visible to the user. Use the ‘select’ command to set a new selection; use ‘contents of selection’ to get or change information in the document.
clipboard a list of anything -- the contents of the clipboard for this application
version version [r/o] -- the version of the application
modified boolean [r/o] -- Has the document been modified since the last save?
POSIX path string [r/o] -- the POSIX path of the file
POSIX path string [r/o] -- the POSIX path of the file
contents anything -- the information currently selected. Use ‘contents of selection’ to get or change information in a document.
bounds bounding rectangle -- the boundary rectangle for the window
closeable boolean [r/o] -- Does the window have a close box?
titled boolean [r/o] -- Does the window have a title bar?
index integer -- the number of the window
floating boolean [r/o] -- Does the window float?
modal boolean [r/o] -- Is the window modal?
resizable boolean [r/o] -- Is the window resizable?
zoomable boolean [r/o] -- Is the window zoomable?
zoomed boolean -- Is the window zoomed?
visible boolean -- Is the window visible?
insertion points
justification left/right/center/full -- the justification of the text
type class [r/o]
color RGB color -- the color of the first character
font text -- the name of the font of the first character
size fixed -- the size in points of the first character
writing code «class intl» [r/o] -- the script system and language
style text style info -- the text style of the first character of the first character
uniform styles text style info -- the text styles that are uniform throughout the text
quoted form text [r/o] -- the text in quoted form
character by numeric index
line by numeric index
paragraph by numeric index
text by numeric index
word by numeric index
text flows
name international text -- the name
text style infos
on styles a list of styled Clipboard text [r/o] -- the styles that are on for the text
off styles a list of styled Clipboard text [r/o] -- the styles that are off for the text
arc angle fixed -- the angle of the arc in degrees
bounds bounding rectangle -- the smallest rectangle that contains the entire arc
definition rect bounding rectangle -- the rectangle that contains the circle or oval used to define the arc
fill color RGB color -- the fill color
fill pattern pixel map -- the fill pattern
pen color RGB color -- the pen color
pen pattern pixel map -- the pen pattern
pen width small integer -- the pen width
start angle fixed -- the angle that defines the start of the arc, in degrees
transfer mode copy pixels/not copy pixels/or pixels/not or pixels/bic pixels/not bic pixels/xor pixels/not xor pixels/add over pixels/add pin pixels/sub over pixels/sub pin pixels/ad max pixels/ad min pixels/blend pixels -- the transfer mode
drawing areas
background color RGB color -- the color used to fill in unoccupied areas
background pattern pixel map -- the pattern used to fill in unoccupied areas
color table color table -- the color table
ordering a list of reference -- the ordered list of graphic objects in the drawing area
name international text -- the name
default location point -- the default location of each new graphic object
pixel depth small integer -- the number of bits per pixel
writing code «class intl» [r/o] -- the script system and language of text objects in the drawing area
text color RGB color -- the default color for text objects
default font international text -- the name of the default font for text objects
default size fixed -- the default size for text objects
style text style info -- the default text style for text objects
update on change boolean -- Redraw after each change?
graphic lines
start point point -- the starting point of the line
end point point -- the ending point of the line
dash style a list of dash style -- the dash style
arrow style no arrow/arrow at start/arrow at end/arrow at both ends -- the arrow style
graphic objects
graphic shapes
color RGB color -- the color of the first character
font text -- the name of the font of the first character
size fixed -- the size in points of the first character
uniform styles text style info -- the text styles that are uniform throughout the text
graphic groups
color RGB color -- the color
pixel maps
point list a list of point -- the list of points that define the polygon
rounded rectangles
corner curve height small integer -- the height of the oval used to define the shape of the rounded corners
corner curve width small integer -- the width of the oval used to define the shape of the rounded corners
drawing areas
rotation rotation -- the default rotation for objects in the drawing area
scale fixed -- the default scaling for objects in the drawing area
translation point -- the default repositioning for objects in the drawing area
graphic groups
formula text -- the formula of the cell
protection read only/formulas protected/read/write -- Indicates whether value or formula in the cell can be changed
name international text -- the name of the column
device specifications
properties record -- property that allows getting and setting of multiple properties
device type hard disk drive/floppy disk drive/CD ROM drive/DVD drive/storage device/keyboard/mouse/trackball/trackpad/pointing device/video monitor/LCD display/display/modem/PC card/PCI card/NuBus card/printer/speakers/microphone [r/o] -- the kind of device
device address address specification [r/o] -- the address of the device
address specifications
properties record -- property that allows getting and setting of multiple properties
conduit ADB/printer port/modem port/modem printer port/LocalTalk/Ethernet/Token Ring/SCSI/USB/FireWire/infrared/PC card/PCI bus/NuBus/PDS slot/Comm slot/monitor out/video out/video in/audio out/audio line in/audio line out/microphone -- How the addressee is physically connected
protocol serial/AppleTalk/IP/SCSI/ADB/FireWire/IrDA/IRTalk/USB/PC card/PCI bus/NuBus/bus/Macintosh video/SVGA/S video/analog audio/digital audio/PostScript -- How to talk to this addressee
ADB addresses
ID small integer -- the Apple Desktop Bus device ID
AppleTalk addresses
AppleTalk machine string -- the machine name part of the address
AppleTalk zone string -- the zone part of the address
AppleTalk type string -- the type part of the AppleTalk address
bus slots
ID small integer -- the slot number
Ethernet addresses
ID integer -- the Ethernet address
FireWire addresses
ID small integer -- the FireWire device ID
IP addresses
ID string -- the address in the form ""
DNS form string -- the address in the form ""
port string -- the port number of the service or client being addressed
LocalTalk addresses
network small integer -- the LocalTalk network number
node small integer -- the LocalTalk node number
socket small integer -- the LocalTalk socket number
SCSI addresses
SCSI bus small integer -- the SCSI bus number
ID small integer -- the SCSI ID
LUN small integer -- the SCSI logical unit number
Token Ring addresses
ID small integer -- the Token Ring ID
USB Addresses
name string -- the USB device name
|| url:
|| created: 4-Aug-03, 9:48 PM; updated: 4-Aug-03, 2:48 PM
|| size: 147267 bytes