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Akua Sweets V1.41f1 Dictionary

©1994-2000 AKUA interactive media AG. All rights reserved.


  1. Akua Sweets V1.41f1 - June 15, 2000
  2. Akua Control Panels V1.02
  3. Akua Draw Sweets V1.27
  4. Akua File Sweets V1.29
  5. Akua Folder & Disk Sweets V1.0
  6. Akua HTML Sweets V1.01
  7. Akua Interface Sweets V1.27
  8. Akua List Sweets V1.15
  9. Akua Media Sweets V1.10
  10. Akua Network Sweets V1.1
  11. Akua Resource Sweets V1.14
  12. Akua System Sweets V1.27
  13. Akua Text Sweets V1.18
  14. Akua Utility Sweets V1.16

Akua Sweets V1.41f1 - June 15, 2000:©1994-2000 AKUA interactive media AG. All rights reserved. See for info on commercial use. Send bugs or questions to


Class Progress Window Rec: A window object


window peek integer [r/o] -- A pointer to the window in memory. Do NOT change or create this!

screen location point [r/o] -- The location of the window (in case you wish to save/restore it)

window dimensions point [r/o] -- The size of the window

canceled boolean [r/o] -- If Apple-’.’ was held down, this is set to TRUE.

Class Raw AE Rec: A coercion from this record to an AppleEvent is included in Akua Sweets


aev suite id string [r/o]

aev id string [r/o]

aev direct parameter anything [r/o]

aev parameters anything [r/o] -- Any other parameters in form of «class PmID»:param

Class Trigger Rec: A timer for a trigger.


trigger key Menu Shortcut Rec -- If the trigger is activated by a keyboard combo

trigger year small integer -- The year to trigger in.

trigger month small integer -- The month to fire.

trigger day small integer -- The day to trigger.

trigger weekdays string -- The weekdays

trigger hour small integer

trigger minute small integer

trigger period small integer -- How many seconds between repetitions?

trigger repeat small integer -- How many times to repeat this trigger. -1 for infinite.

trigger idle integer -- Trigger fires after this many seconds of idle time has gone by.

trigger last date [r/o] -- The last time trigger was fired

trigger next date [r/o] -- The next time trigger will fire


Akua Sweets Version: Inquire the installed version of Akua Sweets.

Akua Sweets Version file specification -- The file (instead of Akua Sweets) from which to get the version.

[as type class] -- “as text” for the long version string or “as string” for the short string

[packaging boolean] -- Get the package version instead of the item version?

Result: string -- The short version string - or value if requested.

I will not idle: Find out if you are an applet / Scripple script - or being run from an application.

I will not idle string -- An optional extra creator type to check for.

Result: boolean -- Won’t you get an idle and quit message?

Thread Complete: Not an addition, sent to your script (if running) when a scheduled event (or script) completes with the name of the event and the result as parameters.

Thread Complete anything -- The result of the thread (if it returned one).

named string -- The name of the Thread that completed

tagged anything -- The tag if you spawned with one - else the name again.

Thread Run: Not an addition - this event is sent to a scheduled script - if the script does not handle it, then a standard “run” event is sent instead.

Thread Run 'targ' -- The application you should target any interface commands to - since you may not (will probably not) be running in its context.

automate alerts after: Time-out alerts that appear after the specified amount of seconds. If the specified amount is 0, then the alerts are never shown. If the amount is negative, then the time-out is deactivated.

automate alerts after integer -- The number of seconds after which alerts are automatically “OK”’d.

[preferring button small integer] -- Prefer this button when trying to first dismiss a dialog.

[pointer jumping boolean] -- Move the mouse to the default button?

[vertical bars boolean] -- Position the timer bars vertically?

[opposite bars boolean] -- Position time bars on the opposite side (right or bottom) of dialogs.

[movables boolean] -- Handle movable modals as well as modals.

[shortcuts boolean] -- Enable keyboard shortcuts (letters activate button with letter closest to start).

[log boolean] -- Used to disable the default logging of alert text.

[persistent log boolean] -- Log to the “Alertia Log” file?

Result: a list of string -- The accumulated alert text.

display info: Create, update and destroy information windows.

display info Progress Window Rec -- The info window returned from a previous call to display info.

[message string] -- The message(s) to display.

[at line small integer] -- The line at which to display the message.

[at column small integer] -- The column in which to display the message.

[using state Draw State Rec] -- The style you wish to use for this primitive (it sticks for future primitives until changed).

[a change of style boolean] -- Normally a style is only recorded when a line is first entered. Setting this parameter to TRUE overrides the stored style with the given parameters.

[static state boolean] -- Override the default time based static state (influences updating mechanism) for this line. The default state is based on the frequency of updates. Set this to true when updating a line repeatedly and then not for a long time after.

[located at point] -- The global location of the window - can be restored from previous r field. {-1,-1} for default, {-2,-2} to keep window invisible.

[with dimensions point] -- The size in w/h. If not provided, the maximum width of any of the strings will be used

[with borders point] -- Set the x,y borders (between cells and between edge of window and cells). Default is 2,2.

[fixed dimensions boolean] -- Fix the dimensions? - as opposed to letting them adjust to string widths and line numbers.

[removing cells a list of point] -- A list of cells to remove from the spreadsheet. Use a 0 as a cell parameter to indicate the whole line/column. Use a negative number to indicate that the cell should be completely emptied (i.e. take up no more space). Use {0,0} to cut below & right.

[returning cells a list of point] -- A list of cells to return from the spreadsheet. Use a 0 as a cell parameter to indicate the whole line/column. {0,0} to return the whole sheet.

[tasking boolean] -- Without tasking goes faster than with, but windows can not be moved.

[flotation boolean] -- Float the window above all others (use NewCServiceWindow instead of NewCWindow).

[disposal boolean] -- When you use “with disposal” - NEVER use the object returned again! The window will be deleted.

[a close box boolean] -- Create / Remove the close box by using with/without this parameter.

[a zoom box boolean] -- Create / Remove the zoom box by using with/without this parameter.

[a grow box boolean] -- Create / Remove the grow box by using with/without this parameter.

[as small integer] -- The kind of window you wish to convert it to (be careful and know what you are doing).

Result: Draw Window Rec -- The info window for future display info calls

display progress: Create, Update and Destroy progress windows

display progress Progress Window Rec -- The progress window - leave blank if creating - or optionally just give the title of the window again.

[subtitled string] -- Usually the name of what you are doing the title to. When initially created, if this is present, the window is movable modal, else just modal.

[labeled string] -- This text appears under the subtitle (or title if subtitle is absent at creation).

[maximum integer] -- The right end of the progress bar has this value.

[value integer] -- The current value of the progress bar. Use 0 to just increment the current value by 1.

[located at point] -- The global position of the window - can be restored from previous globalLoc field.

[alternate color boolean] -- Use the alternate fill colour

[tasking boolean] -- Without tasking goes faster than with, but windows can not be dragged.

[flotation boolean] -- Float the window above all others (use NewCServiceWindow instead of NewCWindow).

[disposal boolean] -- When you use “with death” - NEVER use the object returned again! The window will be deleted.

Result: Progress Window Rec -- A progress window - don’t mess with it or you may crash!

mutter: Just kidding...

mutter string -- Say what?

[as anything] -- You may request “as sound” to speak into a new sound resource or “as text” to get the text as phonemes.

[Result: anything] -- Nothing, text or a sound depending on your ‘as’

pause for: Pause for a set amount of time, giving other applications the CPU.

pause for integer -- The amount of ticks to pause or 0 to just inquire current tick count or seconds count if seconds timing is selected.

[break on key boolean] -- Exit pause if a key is pressed.

[break on button boolean] -- Exit pause if mouse button is pressed.

[seconds timing boolean] -- The amount of seconds to wait.

[eating breaks boolean] -- Uses GetNextEvent instead of EventAvail to get break events. Default is TRUE.

Result: real -- The tick counter or seconds counter if specified.

spawn: Send an event or run a script at a specified time or after a specified interval - or without a schedule, just spawn a new thread with a script / script file.

spawn file specification -- The event to send or script file to run. You can’t ‘spawn beep 2’. You can spawn a Raw AE Rec

[thread script] -- AppleScript has a problem giving scripts as direct objects, thus this is an alternate to the first parameter.

[for alias] -- An alias to the application or its creator type or process number. Default is the current “tell” application.

[at Trigger Rec] -- The record describing when and how often the event should be sent - or the amount of seconds to delay before sending the event or an absolute date/time. Defaults to 2 minutes.

[autolaunch boolean] -- Don't launch the app just to send this event. (By default, it will be launched in the background, if you specify this as true, then it will be launched in the foreground).

[from alias] -- (path to me) or your process number to receive the reply event - if you are telling someone else to do this.

[as string] -- The name of the thread to schedule. The “Thread Complete” event will be sent with this name when the action is complete.

[tagged anything] -- Will be passed to “Thread Complete” if you provide it.

Result: a list of Trigger Rec -- A list containing the current trigger table. See “Thread Complete” for the queued response from a spawned child.

the idled time: Get the number of seconds the mac has been idle.

the idled time

[as type class] -- Request “as list” to get a more detailed accounting.

Result: integer -- The number of seconds since the user has neither moved the mouse, typed a key - or the mac was busy for more than 2 seconds.


transcend string -- The eight letter suite/eventID combo to create an event with.

[to anything] -- The application (name, file, alias, process number) to send the event to.

[using data record] -- The data to send with the event

Akua Control Panels V1.02: Various osax that allow control over Akua control panels.


Class Tender is the night: Bartender settings record


menu bar boolean [r/o] -- Should the menu bar be drawn?

one screen boolean [r/o] -- Should screens other than #1 be disabled?

menu mode menus are active/menu bar area usable/menu bar drops down/menu bar drops with modifiers/menu bar deactivated/menu bar is mute/dragging impossible [r/o] -- The “area mode” for Bartender.


bartender settings: Get/Set the current Bartender mode (needs Akua’s Bartender Control Panel installed).

bartender settings Tender is the night -- The new settings for Bartender.

Result: Tender is the night -- The current settings (before application of new settings if any).

Akua Draw Sweets V1.27: This suite encompasses commands that allow you to create a window and perform drawing operations in it. The captured result can be saved to a picture file or passed to other operations as a picture.


Class Draw State Rec: A drawing state of a Draw Window.


pen size point -- The size of the pen.

transfer mode small integer -- The drawing mode of graphics borders & lines and text.

text font small integer -- The font of drawn text as a number or the name of the font.

text size small integer -- The size of text drawn.

text face small integer -- The face of the drawn text.

justification left/right/center/flush top left/flush top center/flush top right/flush center left/flush dead center/flush center right/flush bottom left/flush bottom center/flush bottom right [r/o]

pen color string -- The color of the pen in HTML 6-byte format (e.g. "BEAFED").

pen pattern string -- 16-character hex equivalent of a 8x8 bitmap (B&W) pattern.

bg color string -- The color of the background in HTML 24-bit format.

bg pattern string -- See pen pattern

Class Draw Window Rec: A window object


window peek integer [r/o] -- A pointer to the window in memory. Do NOT change or create this!

screen location point [r/o] -- The location of the window (in case you wish to save/restore it)

window dimensions point [r/o] -- The size of the window

canceled boolean [r/o] -- If Apple-’.’ was held down, this is set to TRUE.

user selection bounding rectangle [r/o] -- The selection chosen by the user.

Class Font Number: Just to coerce text to a font number. If the font is not available, you will get a 0.

Class HTML Color: Used in coercions e.g. {1000, 65535, 0} as HTML Color gives “#04FF00”.

Class Image Buffer: Faster image processing can be done by requesting an image in an image buffer.

Class Image Thumbnail: A QuickTime Thumbnail

Class Matrix: A standard QT Matrix

Class Matrix List: A matrix in a list of 3 lists of 3 values you can modify and return to the QuickTime Matrix form

Class Million Color: A thirty two bit color (for coercing “#FF00FF” as Million Color)

Class Monitor Information Rec: Information about a monitor.


name string [r/o] -- The name of the driver of the monitor

bounds bounding rectangle -- The global coordinates of the monitor.

id small integer [r/o]

bit depth small integer -- The depth of the monitor.

monitor is main boolean [r/o] -- The monitor is the main monitor.

Class Multipage Document: Just a name

Class Picture Info Rec: Information about a picture


picture bounds bounding rectangle -- The bounds of the picture.

picture size integer [r/o] -- The total data length of the picture.

picture colors integer [r/o] -- An adjusted value for “image colors” - if there are “direct pixel maps” (16/32-bit) in the picture, this will be 2^15 or 2^32 accordingly.

image colors integer [r/o] -- Number of unique colors in the color table portion of the image. This may be inacurate if direct pixel maps are in the image.

image color table a list of RGB color [r/o] -- Color table for optimal CLUT-based drawing.

picture resolution point [r/o] -- Horizontal, Vertical DPI of picture.

image grayscale boolean [r/o] -- Is the image greyscale?

image depth small integer [r/o] -- The deepest pixel encountered in the compressed pixmaps.

image pixmap depth small integer [r/o] -- The deepest pixel encountered in the (compressed) pixmaps.

picture source box bounding rectangle [r/o] -- The rectangle at the given DPI.

picture text count integer [r/o] -- The number of text objects in the picture.

picture line count integer [r/o] -- The number of vector lines in the picture.

picture rect count integer [r/o] -- The number of vector rects in the picture.

picture rounded rect count integer [r/o] -- The number of vector rounded rectangles in the picture.

picture oval count integer [r/o] -- The number of ovals in the picture.

picture arc count integer [r/o] -- The number of arcs drawn in the picture.

picture polygon count integer [r/o] -- The number of polygons drawn in the picture.

picture region count integer [r/o] -- The number of drawn regions.

picture image count integer [r/o] -- The number of images (Pixel Maps).

picture bits count integer [r/o] -- The number of bit maps in the picture (B&W Images).

picture comment count integer [r/o] -- The number of comments.

picture compressed count integer [r/o]

picture compression string [r/o] -- The last compression encountered in compressed pixmaps.

picture compressed quality small integer [r/o] -- The quality of the last encountered compressed pixmap in %.

picture fonts a list of string [r/o] -- A list of the names of the fonts encountered while parsing the picture.

Class Pixel Pattern: A pixel pattern ('ppat' resource).

Class Region Handle: Just a name for a standard object.


blue box image: Make a selected color in an image transparent.

blue box image picture -- The image to blue box.

[using key color RGB color] -- The color to key out (default is white).

[vector regions boolean] -- Use the shapes (if the input picture is created with a "drawing" application, this may produce better results and uses less RAM). Default FALSE.

Result: picture -- The modified (clipped/keyed) image. If you passed a proxy in, nothing is returned.

capture picture: Get the current picture from a window.

capture picture

[from Draw Window Rec] -- The drawing window from which you wish to take - if blank, then the screen. If {window peek:0} then the front window as pixels. If (window peek:-1} then the front window with border. Can also be name of a draw or info window.

[pixel conversion boolean] -- Grab the r as pixels instead of vectors (screen source is always pixels).

[at small integer] -- The depth of the offscreen world when grabbing pixels. (32 + x = x bit grey).

[in bounding rectangle] -- The rectangle (or region) you wish to grab (default whole window).

[dithering boolean] -- Dither when going to a lesser depth?

[proxy return boolean] -- Default FALSE - use proxy data to save memory

Result: Proxy Data -- The resulting picture - or Proxy Data if requested.

capture region: Create a region from a draw window or anywhere on the screen.

capture region

[from Draw Window Rec] -- The drawing window from which you wish to take the region - if blank, then the screen.

[pixel conversion boolean] -- Grab the region from non-white pixels instead of vectors (screen source is always pixels).

[in bounding rectangle] -- Clip region to this box.

[using key color RGB color] -- The key color to use when "as pixels" is true. Defaults to white.

[proxy return boolean] -- Default FALSE - use proxy data to save memory

Result: Region Handle -- The region captured.

display drawing: Create a new window to work in.

display drawing Draw Window Rec -- The drawing window (if any) to work with - or the title of an existing drawing window - or a new title to create a new window.

[located at point] -- The location of the window in global coordinates. Use {-1, -1} for default location or {-2,-2} to keep window invisible.

[with dimensions point] -- The size of the window to be created - if present, override picture size.

[starting with picture] -- The picture to begin with - if no dimensions are specified, the window will fit the size of this picture if available.

[flotation boolean] -- Float the window above all others (use NewCServiceWindow instead of NewCWindow).

[disposal boolean] -- Dispose of the drawing window

[a close box boolean] -- Create / Remove the close box by using with/without this parameter.

[a zoom box boolean] -- Create / Remove the zoom box by using with/without this parameter.

[a grow box boolean] -- Create / Remove the grow box by using with/without this parameter.

[as small integer] -- The kind of window you wish to convert it to (be careful and know what you are doing).

Result: Draw Window Rec -- The draw window

display setup: Get the number of attached monitors.

display setup a list of Monitor Information Rec -- The [modified] record returned from a previous call.

Result: a list of Monitor Information Rec -- A list of rectangles showing the global display bounds.

extract color: Get the color of a pixel on the screen, in a window, or in an image (or average color of a range of pixels). If no “in” and no “from”, then from the screen.

extract color

[from string] -- The name of a window.

[in picture] -- The picture (or image file) to extract the pixel from.

[at bounding rectangle] -- The point (or rectangle range) to extract a color from.

Result: RGB color -- The color

print picture: Print a picture to the currently chosen printer. The picture will be centered on the page by default. To use page and/or job setup use the “printer configuration” command.

print picture picture -- The picture to print.

[in bounding rectangle] -- The bounds you wish to print in.

[with printer config Printer Configuration Rec] -- The printer to use. (Current printer IS restored after print job is finished).

[tiling on the page boolean] -- Tile the picture as many times as fit on the page.

[scaling to page boolean] -- Scale the picture to the maximum proportions that fit on the page.

[multipage begin/iterate/finish] -- Use to start a multipage (and/or multi-image) document, do on same page or finish a multipage document respectively

[on Multipage Document] -- The port (in multipage documents, this should be passed in after the first call returns it).

Result: Multipage Document -- When printing a multipage document, this is returned and must be passed back in

quickdraw: Draw something into a Draw Window.

quickdraw a point/a line/a polygon/a box/a rounded box/an oval/an arc/a string/a text box/a picture/a region -- The object to draw

[into Draw Window Rec] -- The Draw Window (or its name) to draw into. If left off, then the first draw window found.

[in bounding rectangle] -- The parameters for the object. See the “Draw Object” enumeration to get the appropriate parameters.

[filling it with nothing/with the pen/by erasing it/by inverting it/with the pattern] -- Fill the object (if pertinent).

[at point] -- The offset to draw at

[with scale point] -- Scale the picture (x,y). Positive values zoom in, negative values zoom out. For Arcs, this is the start angle and end angle of the arc.

[with clip bounding rectangle] -- The region or rectangle you wish to limit any drawing to.

[using data anything] -- The picture, text, pattern or point list or whatever is necessary for the object.

[using state Draw State Rec] -- The style you wish to use for this primitive (it sticks for future primitives until changed).

[recording boolean] -- Default is TRUE, this parameter allows you to draw without becoming part of the picture (faster).

[refresh boolean] -- Refresh the recording - removing some extraneous style information (useful after a lot of vector drawing).

[a clear slate boolean] -- Clear the slate before drawing this object (remove all others).

rotate image: Rotate an image using QuickTime 3

rotate image picture -- The image to rotate.

[by small integer] -- T

[around point] -- The point around which to rotate the image (relative to the image). Defaults to the center.

[at small integer] -- The DPI to render the image with. Default is 72

[using key color RGB color] -- The color to key out (default is white).

[transparency boolean] -- Should the key color be made transparent (by masking it out with a region)?

Result: picture -- The image after rotation. Unless you passed a proxy in.

scale image: Scale an image to fit a certain box.

scale image picture -- The picture object, proxy or file to scale.

[to bounding rectangle] -- The box to place the image in. Can also be a point, where {0,0} is assumed to be the top left.

[expansion boolean] -- Default TRUE, without expansion, the image will remain at the upper left, its size unchanged, while the frame is changed.

[at small integer] -- The DPI to render the image with. Default is 72

[Result: picture] -- You only get the picture if you provided one. Otherwise, the file (or proxy) will have been modified.

store image: Store a picture in a PICT or other format file. Without any parameters, return a list of all possible formats as lists of {type, name, MIME type}.

store image picture -- The picture to store (can be type picture, a file with an image or a proxy data for a picture).

[in alias] -- The file to store the image in - leave out to use File Selector.

[as string] -- Defaults to Q. E.g. “JPEG”, “BMPf”, “8BPS”, “qtif”, “TPIC”, “TIFF”, “.SGI”, “PNGf”...

[with percent quality small integer] -- Percent quality from 1 to 100% where applicable (e.g. JPEG) - defaults to 75%.

[overwriting boolean] -- Replace existing file (default is false)?

[appending boolean] -- Add the image to the current picture file by extending it with the new image and adjusting its bounds to include it?

[Result: a list of string] -- A list of {type, name, MIME type} if no parameters specified.

the image from: Load a picture from a supported file (if available, through QuickTime). See “store image” to see a list of supported file types.

the image from alias -- The image file from which you wish to pull a picture.

[in bounding rectangle] -- The box you wish to scale/clip the image to.

[from bounding rectangle] -- The source bounds of the picture you wish to get.

[as bounding rectangle] -- If you set this parameter, then a lower resolution image can be gotten (e.g. to load a 20MB image into a 128x128 thumb).

[proxy return boolean] -- Default FALSE - use proxy data to save memory

Result: Proxy Data -- A proxy for the picture loaded from the file.

the image type in: Can we import a picture from the specified file?

the image type in alias -- The file you wish to check.

Result: string -- A four character ID specifying the kind of file we will convert from - or empty for no import possible through QuickTime.

the matrix made: Transform a matrix (most likely for later application to an image with convolute image).

the matrix made by offsetting/by rotating/by scaling/by skewing/by the identity -- What to do

Result: 'mtrx' -- The result

the picture info for: Get information about a picture. This is Akua's routine and returns much more exact info than the ToolBox GetPictureInfo() routine - including taking PixPats and QuickTime elements into account.

the picture info for picture -- The picture or picture file in question.

[optimized clut boolean] -- Return the parameter "image color table" in the info record? Default FALSE.

[fonts used boolean] -- Return a list of the fonts encountered in the Picture. Default FALSE.

[black and white boolean] -- Include black & white in color table and image depth (for optimal Mac drawing) - default FALSE.

Result: Picture Info Rec -- Picture info

the region made: Perform a logical function on two regions.

the region made by the offset/by the mapping/by the union/by the intersection/by the xor/by the difference -- What to do

of region Region Handle -- Region operand 1

[with region Region Handle] -- The second operand region (can be blank if you just want to offset)

[at point] -- An offset applied to the resulting region (or only operand 1 if no operand 2 is provided).

[in bounding rectangle] -- Map the region into this box.

Result: Region Handle -- The resulting region.

thumbnail image: Get/Set the thumbnail of an image file or picture.

thumbnail image

[in file specification] -- The file you wish to get the thumbnail from (or store the thumbnail in - if you provide one).

[from picture] -- The image to save into the file as its thumbnail - or the picture to create a thumbnail for if you don’t provide a file.

[proxy return boolean] -- Default FALSE - use proxy data to save memory

[Result: Proxy Data] -- A proxy for the Picture thumbnail of the file (if not setting the thumbnail with “using”). If no file, but a “using”, then of the picture in “using”

Akua File Sweets V1.29: File and alias operations.


Class Alias Info Rec: Information about an alias.


alias zone string [r/o] -- The zone (if any) of the server that holds the volume that holds the file that the alias references.

alias server string [r/o] -- The server that holds the file that the alias references.

alias volume string [r/o] -- The name of the volume on which the file resides that the alias references.

alias folder string [r/o] -- The folder (if any) that holds the file that the alias references.

name string [r/o] -- The name of the file referenced by the alias.

alias identifier string [r/o] -- The ID of the alias. Only used by some applications.

ARA number string [r/o] -- The telephone number of the remote machine (if any).

ARA user string [r/o] -- The user for the RA connection.

ARA password string [r/o] -- The password for the RA user.

Class Catalog Info Rec: Info about a file system object that you can get, change and then set.


vol ref small integer [r/o] -- The volume reference # of the volume on which the file resides.

folder ref integer [r/o] -- The reference # of the folder in which the item resides.

file type string -- The file’s type (or class).

file creator string -- The file’s creator (or order).

finder flags small integer -- Finder flags (isAlias, isStationery etc.)

finder location point -- The info.fdLocation field (Position of Icon / Folder Window)

catalog flags small integer [r/o] -- A conglomerate of the catalog flags (bitwise). Includes “catalog locked state” etc.

creation date date -- T

modification date date -- Modification date of file system object

archival date date -- Date of last backup

kind nothing/a folder/a file/an alias [r/o] -- The kind of object

name string [r/o] -- The name of the file

Class Disk Volume: Just a class to provide to “display selector” for now. By definition a folder whose parID is 2 and *name is 0.

Class Extended Info Rec: This record contains an alias to the object and extended information that may be useful.


<Inheritance> Folder Info Rec [r/o] -- The basic information.

shared status boolean -- Can item be shared over a network (multiply launched)?

initted status boolean -- Has the bundle been recorded?

custom icon status boolean -- Does the item have a custom icon?

stationery status boolean -- Is the item stationery?

locked name status boolean -- Is the name locked?

bundle status boolean [r/o] -- For files, indicates that icons for specific files are stored. For folders in MacOS 9 and later, this indicates the “package” status of the folder.

invisible status boolean -- Is the item invisible to normal viewing?

label number small integer -- The label number chosen for the file (0 to 7).

item spec alias [r/o]

parent spec alias [r/o]

vol name string [r/o] -- The name of the volume upon which the item resides.

desktop comment string -- The desktop comment for the file (if explicitly requested).

short version string [r/o] -- the version string for the file (from the Finder’s ‘Get Info’ box)

long version string [r/o] -- the long version string for the file (from the Finder’s ‘Get Info’ box)

Class FS Spec Rec: Coerce an alias or file to this to break it down.


vol ref small integer [r/o] -- The reference number of the volume (changes between mounts).

folder ref integer [r/o] -- The reference # of the folder in which the item resides.

name string [r/o] -- The name of the item

Class File Info Rec: Finder info specific to a file.


<Inheritance> Catalog Info Rec [r/o] -- The setable information.

catalog busy state boolean [r/o] -- If true, the file is open on this machine.

catalog locked state boolean -- Is the file locked?

catalog protected state boolean -- Is the file AppleShare protected?

data fork length integer [r/o] -- Length of the data fork of this file.

resource fork length integer [r/o] -- Length of the resource fork.

Class File Server Info Rec: Returned from “extended info for” when the “with server status” is addended.


fsi server info1 integer

fsi server info2 integer

fsi server info3 integer

fsi server info4 integer

fsi server data 'tdta' [r/o]

Class Folder Info Rec: Finder’s info specific to a folder.


<Inheritance> Catalog Info Rec [r/o] -- The setable information.

number of items within integer [r/o] -- The number of items inside (if a folder).

finder window box bounding rectangle -- The folder’s window bounds when opened

finder view setting small integer -- The arbitrary view setting.

finder view columns a list of Finder Column -- This is a list of the columns viewable in the finder for a given folder - ONLY RETURNED with “extended info”. You may rearrange the order and change the width or visible properties. WARNING - moving the name out of first position may make Finder display b

finder window scroll point -- The scroll setting of the window of the folder when open.

Class file specification: File / Folder specification defined here for < 8.5 systems


AkuaCopy: Copy ONE file to ONE destination.

AkuaCopy alias -- File to copy

to alias -- This may be an alias to a folder itself or a file within that folder.

[overwriting boolean] -- Overwrite existing destination file?

[resuming boolean] -- Resume a broken copy?

[alias resolution boolean] -- Resolve source file if it is an alias file? Default is FALSE.

[faster operation boolean] -- Take over the machine for the copy!

[progress display boolean] -- Show a progress window? Default TRUE.

[located at point] -- The global location of the window - can be restored from previous "screen location" of return record.

Result: point -- The location of the progress window at the end of the operation.

a new alias for: Create an alias (most likely relative to another, since coercions handle normal creation).

a new alias for file specification -- The file or folder to make the new alias for.

[from file specification] -- The file/folder to make the alias relative to.

[in file specification] -- A place to store the new alias (a new or existing alias file).

Result: alias -- The alias.

a new file: Create a new (empty) file.

a new file

[in alias] -- The folder to contain the new file. Optional - will use temp folder on volume with most free writable space if not given.

[named string] -- The file's name. Optional - will use a time/date stamp if not given.

[of type string] -- The four-character type (default is "TEXT")

[with creator string] -- A 4-character creator ID (default is "ttxt" for SimpleText).

[overwriting boolean] -- I

[resource fork boolean] -- Create a resource file?

[temporary status boolean] -- Create the file in the Temporary folder of the volume referenced by "in".

[with prompt string] -- Show a file selector and let user choose where it should go (like “Choose file”).

[navigation services boolean] -- Default is TRUE them if available

Result: file specification -- The file created.

alias info from: Get a record of information from an alias.

alias info from alias -- The alias from which the information should be extracted. (see also - load alias from)

Result: Alias Info Rec -- The alias information stored in the alias.

apply catalog info: Set the finder info for a file.

apply catalog info Catalog Info Rec -- The file/folder info (from basic or extended info for).

to file specification -- The file to which the (modified) catalog info should be applied.

basic info for: Get basic info needed to copy a file

basic info for alias -- File / Folder / List of files & folders (as alias, file, text or whatever).

Result: Catalog Info Rec -- The FInfo & Lengths for the file - the stuff you need for a copy

close fork: Close the result of “open fork from”.

close fork small integer -- The reference from “the open fork of”

[flushing boolean] -- Flush the disk’s cache after closing the file.

collate: Perform a file system action on a file

collate a list of file specification -- The file (or folder, or list of files & folders) to act on.

[by renaming it to string] -- The new name of the file.

[by moving it to file specification] -- Move the file to the same place as this file (or to this folder)

[deletion boolean] -- Delete the file.

[the trasher boolean] -- Move the file/folder to the trash.

Result: alias -- The resulting file system object.

display selector: Set the starting point for the next file selector (not Navigation Services), optionally choosing a file/folder.

display selector

[from file specification] -- The starting point for this (or the next) file selection - only in the Application told to do this.

[of type a list of list] -- restrict the files shown to only these file types (up to 4 for traditional)

[with prompt string] -- Show a file selector and let user choose where it should go (like “Choose file”, except our Nav Services is growable).

[for type class] -- What you want to choose: file/folder/volume

[multiple choices boolean] -- Allow multiple items to be selected

[navigation services boolean] -- Default is TRUE (i.e. use them if available)

[invisibles boolean] -- Should invisible files be included (default FALSE).

[Result: alias] -- The object(s) chosen if a prompt is provided.

extended info for: Get an extended file record for an alias.

extended info for alias -- File / Folder / List of files & folders

[server attributes boolean] -- Include server attributes?

[desktop comment boolean] -- Include desktop comment?

Result: Extended Info Rec -- An extended info record.

load alias from: Load the alias record from an alias file.

load alias from alias -- An alias to the alias file.

[resolving aliases boolean] -- Default is FALSE - if this parameter is set, the alias is followed one link. You give an alias, an alias is loaded from the alias file it describes. That alias is resolved once to find the file it points to.

[following aliases boolean] -- Return the non-alias file/folder? Default FALSE. This will resolve all the way to the original item - if possible.

[ever using dialogs boolean] -- Set this to FALSE to avoid a user/password dialog from ever appearing. Server aliases will fail if volumes are not mounted.

Result: alias -- The alias stored in the file.

open fork from: Open a fork of a file.

open fork from alias -- The file to open a fork of.

[write access boolean] -- Open with write access?

[resource fork boolean] -- Read the resource fork (as a data fork)

[named string] -- Create a new file with this name - if you give a folder as the direct parameter.

[extended by string] -- Create a new file by adding this extension to the name

[of type string] -- The file type to create file with if nonexistant.

[with creator string] -- The application who should own the file (if new).

[overwriting boolean] -- If the file already exists, you will get a “duplicate file name” error unless you provide this parameter which will erase the file if it exists.

Result: small integer -- The reference (> 0 for successful open fork)

read data from: Read data from a fork of a file.

read data from small integer -- File, Alias or Fork reference from “open fork from”

[at integer] -- The s into the file from which to read

[for integer] -- T

[as type class] -- Return the data as this type (instead of d) - do not fake it, or you may crash!

[from integer] -- The line number to read (from a text file).

[resource fork boolean] -- Read from the resource fork (as a data fork)

Result: anything -- The chunk of data read from the file as ‘tdta’ or text.

resolve chain: Just like resolve server alias, only here we resolve any & all aliases down the chain and return the resulting file.

resolve chain alias -- Alias File Alias

[as user name string] -- The User will be entered into the “Name” field of the “L” dialog. (Use “” for the User to login as “Guest”).

[with password string] -- The Password will be entered into the “Password” field of the “L” dialog.

[with volume password string] -- Volume password for NT servers. Untested since we don’t have an NT server.

[from file specification] -- Resolve the alias relative to this file.

[ever using dialogs boolean] -- Set this to FALSE to avoid a user/password dialog from ever appearing. Server aliases will fail if volumes are not mounted. Only for MacOS 8.5 or newer.

Result: alias -- The resulting file - may be the same as the original if the original was not an alias file.

size fork: Set/Get the length of an open fork

size fork small integer -- The reference from “open fork from”

[to integer] -- The new length of the fork (leave out or use -1 to inquire).

[reservation boolean] -- Only reserve the space, don't extend the logical length of the fork. (Allocate)

Result: integer -- The length of the fork if no parameter

the kind of entry in: Check for existence of a file or folder, optionally creating a folder.

the kind of entry in alias -- Parent folder alias

named string -- Name of object to check for

[creation boolean] -- Set this to TRUE to have a folder created if no object exists with this name.

Result: nothing/a folder/a file/an alias -- Kind of object found (or created if specified)

write data to: Write data to a fork of a file.

write data to small integer -- Alias, File, or Fork Reference from “open fork from”

from anything -- The data to write - from read b from.

[at integer] -- The b

[to integer] -- The line number to replace or create (in a text file)

[of type string] -- The file type to create file with if non-existant.

[with creator string] -- The application who should own the file (if new).

[overwriting boolean] -- When “at 0” is also used, this overwrites the fork only - otherwise the entire file is replaced.

[resource fork boolean] -- Write to the resource fork (as a data fork) - KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING!

Result: integer -- Length of file after write was done.

Akua Folder & Disk Sweets V1.0: File and alias operations.


Class Finder Column: A Finder Column display definition (System 8.5+)


view property -- What is displayed

size small integer -- The width of the column

index small integer [r/o] -- The order index of this item. I.e. #1 is first from left to right, #2 is second...

visible boolean -- Is the column shown?

Class Folder Server Info Rec:


fsi owner ID integer -- Owner ID of the folder.

fsi group ID integer -- U&G Group

fsi user rights string -- “R” for “Read”, “W” for “Write”, “S” for “Search”, “B” for “Blank”, “O” for Owner.

fsi everyone rights string -- Ditto

fsi group rights string -- Ditto

fsi owner rights string -- Ditto

fsi deny modes small integer [r/o] -- Things denied

fsi path rights small integer [r/o] -- Rights inherited.

Class Volume Info Rec:


vol ref small integer [r/o] -- The reference number of the volume (changes between mounts).

name string [r/o] -- The name of the volume.

kind HFS volume/HFS plus volume/AFP volume/FAT Volume/Unknown File System [r/o] -- The kind of this volume.

creation date date [r/o] -- The date the volume was initialized.

modification date date [r/o] -- The last time the volume was modified.

archival date date [r/o] -- The last date the volume was archived.

vol attributes small integer [r/o] -- The attribute bits of the volume.

vol device kind standard disk volume/tape volume/printer volume/processor volume/worm volume/cd volume/floppy disk volume/scanner volume/image volume/removable disk volume [r/o] -- The kind of device the volume resides on.

vol mount attributes integer [r/o] -- Mount attributes for the volume.

vol speed integer [r/o] -- The relative speed of the volume (smaller is better).

vol block size integer [r/o] -- The size of an allocation block on the volume (the size of the smallest file).

vol total blocks integer [r/o] -- The total number of blocks on the volume.

vol free blocks integer [r/o] -- The number of free blocks on the volume.

vol total bytes double integer [r/o] -- Total bytes on volume

vol free bytes double integer [r/o] -- Total free bytes on volume.

vol drive number small integer [r/o] -- The info flags together.

vol read only boolean [r/o] -- Is the volume read only?

vol busy boolean [r/o] -- Does the volume have files open?

vol removable boolean [r/o] -- Is the volume removable (i.e. Jaz, Zip, Floppy, CD, Syquest).

vol ejectable boolean [r/o] -- Not sure at the moment what the difference is between “Ejectable” and “Removable”

vol is server boolean [r/o] -- Does the volume support server attributes (like protected from extended info).

vol driver ref small integer [r/o] -- The reference number of the driver of the volume.

vol driver name string [r/o] -- The name of the driver of the volume.

vol alias alias [r/o] -- An alias to the volume's root directory.


a new folder in: Create a new folder.

a new folder in file specification -- The folder in which to make the new folder.

named string -- Create the new folder with this name.

Result: alias -- The folder created.

apply catalog info: Set the finder info for a file.

apply catalog info Catalog Info Rec -- The file/folder info (from basic or extended info for).

to file specification -- The file to which the (modified) catalog info should be applied.

default startup disk: Get/Set the startup disk. DOES NOT WORK ON “NEW WORLD (ROM in RAM)” Macs. OpenFirmware is on these and is very complicated. Apple either needs to provide an API - or I will hack the Startup Disk CP...

default startup disk a list of small integer -- A list of parameters defining the startup device.

Result: a list of small integer -- A list of 4 parameters defining the startup device. I would suggest only using something you've gotten before... {Device, Partition, Slot, Rsrc} or {Rsvd, Rsvd, ScsiRef1, ScsiRef2}

disk volume info: Get an information record for a mounted volume.

disk volume info

[for file specification] -- Anything on the volume whose info should be returned.

[volume ref small integer] -- The volume reference number (start at -1 and go down). Use > 0 for fixed drive numbers (these do not change between restarts).

[volume index small integer] -- The volume index - you can start at 1 and count up until you get an error.

[volume named string] -- The name of the volume. Returns "Duplicate File Name" if there are two volumes with the same name.

Result: Volume Info Rec -- The information record(s)

expel: Eject (and/or unmount) a disk from its drive.

expel file specification -- Any object on the volume

[volume ref small integer] -- The volume reference number - start at -1. ( > 0 will cause a mount of the drive of that "drive number").

[volume index small integer] -- The volume index - you can start at 1 and count up until you get an error.

[volume named string] -- The name of the volume. Returns "Duplicate File Name" if there are two volumes with the same name.

[physically ejecting it boolean] -- Default is true, setting it to false will keep the disk in the drive.

[unmounting it boolean] -- Remove the desktop icon? (Default is true).

the entries in: Like “list folder” with criteria matching.

the entries in file specification -- The folder to list.

[from point] -- The start and count to return (if memory is low, maybe you want to get 20 at a time in a loop). E.g. from {1,20}, then from {21, 20}, {41,20} etc. Negation does NOT apply. Use a negative {-1, 20} for a random entry. {-1, 0} for any random entry.

[whose types are in a list of string] -- The four letter types that the items must match (use “fold” for folders).

[whose creators are in a list of string] -- The four letter application ID that the items must have.

[whose labels are in a list of small integer] -- A list of labels to match. No label is 0.

[that were created after date] -- Creation date is on or after this date

[that were created before date] -- Ditto for before

[that were modified after date] -- Items whose modification date is on or after this date.

[that were modified before date] -- Ditto for before

[that were archived after date] -- Items who backed up on or after this date.

[that were archived before date] -- Ditto for before

[whose names match string] -- A regular expression (see “collect lines”) restricting names.

[whose kinds are nothing/a folder/a file/an alias] -- Only return items if they are this kind (a file, an alias, a folder).

[visibility boolean] -- Limit results to only those items whose visibility is as specified. (As opposed to including both with the "invisibles" option.)

[resolving aliases boolean] -- Default is TRUE - this determines whether or not alias files should be listed instead of the entries they refer to. Only available for “as file” or “as alias”.

[following aliases boolean] -- Follow aliases to folders into them when going deep. Default FALSE.

[ever using dialogs boolean] -- Set this to FALSE to avoid a user/password dialog from ever appearing. Server aliases will fail if volumes are not mounted.

[invisibles boolean] -- Should invisible files be included (default FALSE).

[busy files boolean] -- Include busy files? Default is TRUE.

[locked files boolean] -- Include locked files (default TRUE).

[to a depth of small integer] -- Follow subfolders up to this many levels deep. Default is 0, -1 uses the maximum.

[as type class] -- The kind of items returned. Default is string. You can optionally request alias or file items.

[negation boolean] -- Return the opposite (the items that don't match). Does NOT apply to the “from” range.

[tasking boolean] -- Without tasking goes faster than with, but windows can not be moved. Default FALSE.

[for script] -- Instead of returning them, process each item with this script.

Result: a list of string -- A list of the names of items that match the query.

the files in use: Get a list of files that are open.

the files in use

[on alias] -- The volume (or anything on the volume) you wish to restrict the list to.

[on volume ref small integer] -- The volume reference number - start at -1. ( > 0 will cause a mount of the drive of that "drive number").

[on volume index small integer] -- The volume index - you can start at 1 and count up until you get an error.

[on volume named string] -- The name of the volume. Returns "Duplicate File Name" if there are two volumes with the same name.

Result: a list of file specification -- A list of the matching files.

verify path: Walk down the path, creating folders as necessary.

verify path string -- The path string.

[to string] -- The four character identifier of a folder (e.g. path to) on the startup volume (or the “in” volume if given). Special code “/tmp” for temp items folder on disk with most space available.

[in alias] -- The file/folder from which to start a path if its first character is a ":" (or not a "/" in unix mode).

[unix delimiters boolean] -- (Default false) The path is Unix-Style ("/MyDIsk/MyFold1/etc/") instead of Mac-Style ("MyDisk:MyFold1:etc:").

Result: alias -- An alias to the lowest folder in the hierarchy.

Akua HTML Sweets V1.01: The HTML Sweets are additions that aid in processing HTML formatted text.


Class HTML Table Rec: An HTML table


HTT rows integer [r/o]

HTT columns integer [r/o]

HTT '????' [r/o]

Class Path URL: Just used for coercion between a file/alias and its file:// equivalent.


add table: Add a row/column or set a cell's contents in a parsed ML table.

add table row/column/cell -- What to add

[at point] -- The coordinates of the cell (if appropriate).

[using data string] -- The data to add in the cell (if appropriate).

[to HTML Table Rec] -- The table to modify. Leave empty to create a new table with coordinates in "at". E.g set newTbl to (add table cell at {3, 10})

Result: HTML Table Rec -- The changed table.

compile ML: Compile "parse ML" list into HTML text.

compile ML a list of string -- The parsed ML list.

[unix line breaks boolean] -- Use unix line feeds to break lines.

[mac line breaks boolean] -- Use "return" to break lines. (Use unix and mac for DOS LF/CR line breaks).

Result: string -- The new HTML text.

compile table: Compile a table back into its ML list.

compile table HTML Table Rec -- The table to compile.

[into a list of string] -- The parsed ML into which to compile the table.

compile tag: Compile "parsed tag" list into text.

compile tag a list of string -- The parsed ML list.

Result: string -- The new HTML tag.

compile tag val: Put a tag/val back together (see parse tag val).

compile tag val a list of string -- A 2-item list (see parse tag val).

parse ML: Parse HTML code into a list of tags and text.

parse ML string -- The HTML text to parse.

Result: a list of string -- List of {"<A", "H", "</HTML>"…

parse table: Extract an HTML table from a parsed ML list.

parse table string -- The NAME tag of the table you wish to parse.

Result: HTML Table Rec -- The table.

parse tag: Parse an HTML tag & parms into a list

parse tag string -- The HTML text to parse.

Result: a list of string -- List of {"<A", "HREF=url"} etc. (1 list for each tag)

parse tag val: Return the value of the tag=val item.

parse tag val string -- The "Tag=Val" item.

[tag item boolean] -- Return {tag, value} as a list.

Result: anything -- May return an integer (if all digits) or a string or a list if "with tag item" is specified.

resolve SRC tag: Resolve a "SRC=..." tag to a file using Unix conventions. Alias aware. If it is not found in a directory, any aliases named "*0" through "*9" will be searched for and their folders searched for the file. (Use for <!--#include..> files.)

resolve SRC tag string -- The "SRC=../../x/myFile.jpg" tag.

[relative to file file specification] -- The file to start the search from (i.e. the HTML source file from which the tag comes). If the path starts with "/", then this is ignored.

Result: file specification -- The file found.

Akua Interface Sweets V1.27: Various additions dealing with user events, menus, windows and controls.


Class Collection Rec: A collection (a group of disjunct data items).


name string [r/o] -- I hope I’m not walking on toes with this element...

collapse on double boolean [r/o] -- WindowShade on title-double-click?

desktop picture files a list of alias -- Optional desktop picture(s) - always a list of pictures for each monitor.

desktop picture alignment a list of integer -- How to align picture (arbitrary constant from alignment menu in Appearance CP).

theme hilite color RGB color -- Nuff said.

theme large system font string -- ditto

theme desktop pattern name string -- …

theme desktop pattern Pixel Pattern -- …

theme scroll options small integer -- I’m guessing.

theme shade options small integer -- Guessing again.

theme smooth fonts boolean -- obvious

theme smooth size small integer -- Smallest font size to smooth

theme small system font string -- …

theme sounds mask integer -- 32-bits, flags indicating which actions are given sounds (-1 for all).

theme sounds boolean -- Sounds on/off.

theme soundscape string -- The “sound theme” used.

theme base file name string -- On which base theme is this theme based :)

Class Control Rec: A control


kind button control/scroll control/custom control [r/o] -- The kind of the control.

name string -- The name of the control

enabled boolean -- Active?

control value small integer -- Current value.

control minimum small integer -- The minimum value

control maximum small integer -- Hmmm

bounds bounding rectangle -- The bounds in local coordinates

owner integer [r/o] -- The window the control resides in.

Class Form Item Rec: An object placed on a form (a dialog box item).


bounds bounding rectangle -- The bounds of the item

name string -- The name/title of the item

kind 'FmEn' [r/o] -- The kind of element

Class Input State Rec: The current state of the keyboard(s) and pointer(s).


kind button down event/button up event/key down event [r/o] -- The kind of event (only if sent to you).

conglomerate integer [r/o] -- A mix of all the values (to see if something has changed).

pointer location point -- Global coordinates of the pointer.

modifier keys string

transient keys string

button down boolean

caps locked boolean

raw keys down string [r/o] -- The keys currently down ignoring shift, option & caps lock.

window under mouse string [r/o] -- The window (if any) under the mouse

window coordinates point [r/o] -- The location of the mouse relative to the above window’s top-left.

window part under mouse small integer [r/o]

<Inheritance> Menu Shortcut Rec -- Individual Transient Modifier Keys

Class Menu Item State Rec:


name string [r/o] -- The name of the menu item.

menu item mark boolean [r/o] -- Is the item marked? If not, this is an empty string.

menu item icon Icon Suite [r/o] -- The item’s icon or 0 if none.

Class Menu Shortcut Rec: A menu item's shortcut.


keys down string [r/o] -- The non-modifier keys currently down

command key bit boolean [r/o]

option key bit boolean [r/o]

control key bit boolean [r/o]

shift key bit boolean [r/o]

fn key bit boolean [r/o] -- Only on some funky powerbooks.


Menu Selection: Not a Scripting Additon, this allows syntax like: “on Menu Selection myItem” when an “insert menu” based menu item is chosen. To pass the item back to the application, use “puppet menu” with the incoming list.

Menu Selection a list of string -- A list containing {MenuTitle, MenuItemHit, InputStateAtHit, {itemNum, menuID}}.

Window Action: Not a scripting addition - a handler you provide when you “display interface” to receive the actions.

Window Action a list of string -- A {window title, action, object} pair to indicate which action was activated. If class of action is string, then it was a window part like “Close” or “Zoom” - or a “Key” - or a “Drag”

click on control: Simulate a mouse click on a control

click on control Control Rec -- The control (or name of the control) to click on.

[of string] -- The title of the window the control resides in - if you pass a Control Rec from “the controls of window”, this is not necessary.

[at point] -- Offset the click by this coordinate.

Result: Control Rec -- The resulting control.

edit menu: Edit a menu, renaming adding or removing items.

edit menu string -- The title of the menu to modify

[adding a list of string] -- Items to add to the menu

[at string] -- The name/number of the item after which to add the items.

[removing a list of string] -- The item(s) to remove from the menu (don’t remove items from apps or the items below may no longer work - disable them instead).

[setting the state of a list of string] -- The items to disable/enable - use “without enabling” or “with enabling” in addition to this parameter.

[enabling boolean] -- Enable the state (with enabling) or disable (without enabling).

[setting the mark of a list of string] -- Set the mark of the item(s) - use the “to” parameter to choose which mark.

[renaming string] -- The name or number of the item to rename. Use 0 or “*” for the title of the menu.

[to string] -- The name to change the item to - or the mark to use when marking. Leave off for unmarking (or use “”), use “*” for a checkmark, “^” for a diamond.

[shortcutting string] -- The name/number of the item to add a shortcut to.

[by Menu Shortcut Rec] -- The Keyboard equivalent for the “shortcut item”.

[removal boolean] -- Remove the p

[disposal boolean] -- Dispose of the menu (clear from RAM) - IT BETTER BE YOURS!

[depending on boolean] -- Set the mark to the first character if TRUE, else second character - or if only one character mark, then clear if FALSE - else set.

[controlled by script] -- Send events generated by the menu (item) to this process or script. If editing another app, you must use (frontmost process with currency) or (path to me) or a scripts object’s name or a compiled script file here.

Result: point -- The number of the menu & the number of the last item touched - or {0,0} if item(s) not found.

input state: Get/Set the input state (state of keys, mouse and button).

input state Input State Rec -- The input you wish to post as if user input (if any). Use a Rect instead of a point as the location (with button:down) to drag a box (or double click if the top-left and bottom-right are the same). Use button:false to click at the location given (instead

[background check boolean] -- Defaults to TRUE, this ignores modifier keys when in the background.

Result: Input State Rec -- The current state of affairs.

insert menu: Insert a menu (and take control of menus if we don’t have it). The script should accept events of type: on Menu Item Selection myHit - where myHit is {menuTitle, menuItem, userState}

insert menu string -- The title of the menu to insert. An “Icon Suite” (or a picture that will be coerced) can be used instead to have an icon as the title.

[with items string] -- The menu items (return or semi-colon separated) to add to menu. Use /X in the text of an item to add a command key X. Use "®XXXX" for a resource menu (e.g. ®FONT" for a fonts menu).

[controlled by script] -- Send events generated by the menu to this process or script. If inserting in another app, you must use (frontmost process with currency) or (path to me) or a script object’s name or a compiled script file here.

[total control boolean] -- Send all menu selections (except System Menus and Apple Menu > 1) to the controlling process.

[system menus boolean] -- Add the menu to the right in all applications.

[expression evaluation boolean] -- Ignore formatting parse (e.g. if you got your items from file names or something where you don’t know what the text may contain and don’t want “/X” to be Cmd-X or “<B” to indicate bold etc.)

[Result: small integer] -- The menu number of the created menu.

puppet menu: Simulate the choosing of a menu item. Make sure you “activate” the application first, otherwise you will get an error, since menus can not be chosen if the application is not in front.

puppet menu a list of string -- The {title, item} of the menu to pull. EIther or both may be numbers if you wish to have the script work internationally.

reposition window: Move/Resize/Select a window

reposition window string -- The name of the window to move. You can also pass a number here for the index of the window from front to back (e.g. 1 is front window). Use -1 for ALL windows (e.g. collapsing).

[to point] -- The location you want to move it to (or pass a rectangle to resize as well).

[activation boolean] -- Activate the window (bringing it to the front and highlighting it)?

[a close box boolean] -- Create / Remove the close box by using with/without this parameter.

[a zoom box boolean] -- Create / Remove the zoom box by using with/without this parameter.

[a grow box boolean] -- Create / Remove the grow box by using with/without this parameter.

[collapsing boolean] -- Collapse (or expand) a window (under Appearance Manager, not System 7).

[as small integer] -- The kind of window you wish to convert it to (be careful and know what you are doing).

[titled string] -- A new name for the window (if any).

Result: bounding rectangle -- The new bounds of the window.

set menu bar visibility to: Hide/Show the menu bar (under MacOS 8.5 or later only - otherwise just beep).

set menu bar visibility to boolean -- TRUE to show it, FALSE to hide it.

Result: boolean -- What to restore the state to when done.

the active menus: Get menus from the current application.

the active menus

[named string] -- Only if the title of the menu is this.

[numbered small integer] -- Only if the ID of the menu is this.

[item names boolean] -- Include the items with each title?

[numbers boolean] -- Include the ID of the menus and the index with each item?

[hierarchal menus boolean] -- Include hierarchal menus?

[system menus boolean] -- A

[item status boolean] -- Return the item status?

Result: a list of string -- A list of the menus currently in the menu bar.

the controls of window: Get the names, bounds and types of the controls of the specified window.

the controls of window string -- The title of the window whose controls you wish to list.

[named string] -- The name of the control you want.

Result: a list of Control Rec -- A list of the controls

the current theme: Get/Set the current Appearance theme. (Needs Appearance 1.1) If your machine crashes when calling this, throw away “Mac OS Preferences” from your Preferences folder.

the current theme

[should be set to Collection Rec] -- The theme to use.

[pattern data boolean] -- Include desktop pattern data?

Result: Collection Rec -- The current theme.

the open windows: Return a list of all windows.

the open windows

[named string] -- Limit to windows who are named this.

[invisibles boolean] -- Include invisible windows?

[flotation boolean] -- Search the windows floating above all others as well.

Result: a list of string -- The titles of the windows.

use cursor: Take control of the cursor (in an applet).

use cursor anything -- The cursor to use. Accepts bit-text, number, picture, ‘crsr’, ‘CURS’

Result: string -- The current cursor in bit-text form.

Akua List Sweets V1.15: Functions performed on lists.


Class sortable number: Only provided as a parameter to “the ordered list” - means anything numerical


collect items of: Get item offsets and contents that match an expression.

collect items of a list of string -- A list of text items to search.

that match string -- A string (or list of strings to be “OR’d”) that defines what to find.
% Toggles case
$ Toggles early-end-allow
+ Any one character
*c n chars until c
/c Absolute c comparison
(cde) Any of c, d or e
&xcyd Where x & y are one of (>,<,=,#) matches range e.g.

[in position small integer] -- In a list of lists, this causes a search of the specified sublist item.

[in subfield anything] -- The property you wish to search in subrecords.

[in user property string] -- The name of the field you wish to search in subrecords.

[from point] -- The first/last items to be searched. Default is {1, -1}.

[item contents boolean] -- Return a list of {{item Number, item Data}...} instead of just item numbers.

[just contents boolean] -- Return only the item contents, no reference to position.

[negation boolean] -- Return the opposite (the items that don't match).

[expression evaluation boolean] -- I

Result: a list of integer -- List of item numbers that matched.

compile list: Turn a list into a TAB & CR based chunk of text. A CR is added when an item is processed. A TAB is placed between items of a sub list.

compile list a list of list -- e.g. {1,2,”Test”} goes to “1\t2\tTest”, {{1,2,3},{4,5,6}} goes to “1\t2\t3\r4\t5\t6\r”. If the first item is not a list, the list is assumed to be one dimensional.

[using string] -- A list of up to four strings marking the delimiters of columns, rows, (3rd or deeper) sublist begin and sublist end respectively. Default is {tab, return, “{“, “}”}.

Result: string -- The compiled list.

edit list: Perform deletion/insertion on items in a list. (Hint: Deletion is quicker and uses less RAM than insertion).

edit list a list of anything -- The list to edit

[with edits a list of integer] -- The edits. A positive integer inserts an item before that item in the list. A negative integer removes that item # from the list. The edits are processed in reverse order, so deletions can occur correctly in a sorted list.

[removal of items boolean] -- Remove the positive integers (e.g. the return from "collect items of") instead of inserting after them. Negatives are ignored.

[using insertion anything] -- The item (or list of sequential items) to insert (instead of 0) as "empty" items in the list.

[with extraction of a list of type class] -- A list of types to extract from the list - e.g. {integer} or {integer, string}

[with extraction of items a list of small integer] -- Pull out these items and return only them. E.g. {1,3,5} will return a list of 1st, 3rd and 5th items.

Result: list -- The result.

order list: Sort a list (or lines of text), optionally removing duplicates. All parameters are valid for list sorts, only the parameters from “as” on are for text sorts.

order list a list of anything -- A list of text items, numbers or just text with lines to sort.

[synchronizing a list of list] -- A list of lists that should be kept in the same order. They must be EXACTLY the same length as the source list. Sublists are not synchronized.

[with class order a list of type class] -- A list of the ordering of classes you prefer. E.g. {integer, real, string} to sort integers at head of list.

[with recursion depth small integer] -- The maximum depth to recurse into sub-lists.

[with sublist weight a list of small integer] -- A list that determines how sublists are sorted in their parent. E.g. {3,4,1} will sort on the 3rd item of sublists, then the 4th, then the first. Default is {1,2,3…}

[removal of duplicates boolean] -- Remove equal items? Default is FALSE.

[with sublist description a list of list] -- For complex sorts - a list of lists in the form of each sublist of the master list to be sorted, containing {weights, itemDesc, itemDesc...}. Each itemDesc can be another sublist description, or {as, in language, case sense} to define how the field shou

[as type class] -- The class to coerce all items to when sorting. Default is natural class (e.g. numbers ahead of strings). For text sorts, only one type is allowed. The text found will be coerced to this type. e.g. as integer will sort on values.

[by string] -- The delimeters to skip to the item to sort by. E.g. "1,2,3,4" by ",," will sort on the third item (two commas are passed). ‘by 8’ will sort from 8th character on.

skipping string -- Things to be skipped before looking for an End-Of-Line (i.e. If you have tab delimited text, and some fields are multiple lines, include the number of fields per record as tabs - e.g. tab & tab & tab for 4 fields) Of course this won’t work if the last fie

[in language point] -- Use international text comparison {Script, Language} instead of default ASCII - use {0,0} to avoid ASCII sort and use System’s International Sort.

[case sensitivity boolean] -- Should upper/lower be different? Default is FALSE.

[reversal boolean] -- Reverse order?

[within range point] -- The first/last items to be sorted. Default is {1, -1}.

Result: anything -- The list (or text) now sorted.

recompose list: Recompose multiple lists.

recompose list a list of list -- A list of lists to recompose. E.g {{1,2,3,4},{5,6,7,8}} will return {{1,5},{2,6}…} which back in would return the first list.

[extracting item small integer] -- Return only the nth item of each list in the master list.

Result: a list of list -- The recomposed lists.

the list made: Perform a set operation on two lists. (“offset” has no meaning here).

the list made by the offset/by the mapping/by the union/by the intersection/by the xor/by the difference -- How to combine the lists.

of list list -- The first operand.

[with list list] -- The second operand (e.g. “b” in a - b).

[to type class] -- The class to coerce all elements of the source list to (mapping).

Result: list -- The resulting list

the statistical: Perform a statistics function on a list of numbers.

the statistical list average/list standard deviation/list sum/decremental offset -- What to compute

from list -- A list of numbers.

[in small integer] -- Use this column (in a list of lists) for computation.

[using integer] -- Some operations need something else to work - e.g. decremental offset needs a number to decrement while iterating along the list.

[as type class] -- By default, everything is treated as the same type as “using” if it is given, or else the first item of the list - if you have a list {1, 1.5} then use “as real”.

Result: real -- Some number. If you give only integers, you’ll get only integers. Merge the list with some real number if you want one.

Akua Media Sweets V1.10: Additions that have to do with time based media.


Class QuickTime Handle: A movie loaded from a movie file and storable as a resource or other block data format.

Class QuickTime Movie: A reference to an active movie

Class Sound Command: One sound command


snd command small integer -- What to do

snd param1 small integer -- How to do it

snd param2 integer -- Do it to what - or for how long

Class Sound Modifier: One sound modifier


snd mod number small integer

snd mod init integer

Class Sound Resource: An audio resource as a record - can be coerced to and from a ‘sound’ (‘snd ‘ resource).


snd format small integer -- The format - usually 1

snd modifiers a list of Sound Modifier -- A list of modifiers

snd commands Sound Command [r/o] -- The commands that produce the sound

snd data 'tdta' [r/o] -- The data used for commands the require it (e.g. digitized sound)


compress picture: Compress a picture with a QuickTime codec.

compress picture picture -- The picture to compress. Provide a file to compress in place.

[as string] -- Defaults to QuickTime’s choice. This is the codecType - e.g. “jpeg”, “png “, “fire” etc. - Not “JPEG”.

[with percent quality small integer] -- Percent quality from 1 to 100% where applicable (e.g. JPEG) - defaults to 75%.

[at small integer] -- The depth of the video (0,1,2,4,16,32). For grey scale, add 32.

[as difference to picture] -- The picture to compress the differences of.

Result: picture

play audio:

play audio sound -- The sound to play by number, by name or as resource.

[in file specification] -- The file containing the AIFF or ‘snd ‘ resource to play.

[waiting until done boolean] -- Default is FALSE, specifies whether the return should occur immediately or after the sound is finished.

the frame from: Get a frame from a movie

the frame from 'mooV' -- The movie (or movie file) to load the frame from

[at double integer] -- The time (position) in the move to load the frame from.

[track integer] -- The index (or ID) of the track you wish to restrict the picture to.

[timescale adjustment boolean] -- Adjust the “at” parameter based on the timescale of the movie (e.g. if the movie is 30fps, and you give an “at 100”, then you’ll get the frame at 3.33 secs - or the 100th frame of the movie.

Result: picture -- The frame as a picture

Akua Network Sweets V1.1: Osax that deal with communication on a LAN.


Class Server Process: A Server Process (see the server processes).


name string [r/o] -- The name of the process.

proc mac string [r/o] -- The name of the mac on which the process runs.

proc zone string [r/o] -- The zone the mac is in.

proc creator string [r/o] -- The creator ID of the process.

proc type string [r/o] -- Type of net entry (usually epnn where nn is the instance #).

proc socket string [r/o] -- The socket type (usually PPCToolBox unless you request otherwise).


AT configuration: Get/Set the AppleTalk configuration. You must shutoff and turn-on AppleTalk afterwards (or restart) for the changes to take effect.

AT configuration string -- The name of the config to use from now on…

Result: string -- The current (previous if you are setting a new one) AppleTalk configuration.

AT configurations: Get a list of saved AppleTalk configurations.

AT configurations

[whose drivers are string] -- The driver in question (e.g. EtherNet, Printer Port etc.)

Result: a list of string -- A list of the configuration names.

RA configuration: Get/Set the current Remote Access configuration

RA configuration string -- The name of the new configuration to use.

[number to dial string] -- Set the number of the current config to this parameter (if given).

Result: string -- The current (previous if you are setting a new one) ARA configuration.

RA configurations: Get a list of all saved Remote Access configurations.

RA configurations

[whose numbers are string] -- Restrict to those configurations whose telephone numbers are this.

[whose users are string] -- Restrict to those configurations who have this as their user.

Result: a list of string -- A list of the configuration names and their numbers.

default ethernet address: Get the hardware ethernet address for this mac.

default ethernet address

[as type class] -- You may request as integer or as string.

Result: string -- Default return as text string

modem configuration: Get/Set the current Modem configuration

modem configuration string -- The name of the new configuration to use.

Result: string -- Tne current (previous if you are setting a new one) ARA configuration.

modem configurations: Get a list of all saved Modem configurations.

modem configurations

[whose ccls are string] -- Restrict to those configurations whose telephone numbers are this.

Result: a list of string -- A list of the configuration names and their ccl names.

mount server volume: Mount a volume from a remote machine.

mount server volume string -- The volume name.

[on server string] -- The name of the remote mac

[in AppleTalk zone string] -- The zone if any.

[as user name string] -- The User with sharing privelages on the server.

[with password string] -- The Password of the corresponding user.

[with volume password string] -- Volume password for NT servers.

[using authorization method small integer] -- The arbitrary authorization type. If you don’t know what this is, don’t use it.

[using nbp interval small integer] -- The NBP Retransmission Interval in ticks (0-255). if you don’t know what this is, don’t use it.

[using nbp count small integer] -- The NBP Retransmission Count (0-255). If you don’t know what this is, don’t use it.

Result: small integer -- An reference number for the volume (can be passed to "the volume info of").

probe socket: Check for a socket on the net. (Less traffic than getting "the servers" and checking for it).

probe socket point -- A {Network #, Node number} from "the network...". Default is the node on which the script is running.

[in AppleTalk zone string] -- The zone the socket lies in (leave blank for no zones or use "*").

[of socket type string] -- The socket type (e.g. "PPCToolBox" for linking).

[with socket number small integer] -- The socket number from "the network… with socket numbers" (if you don't specify "of socket type").

[on server string] -- Search on the server whose name is this. Default is the server on which the script is running.

[checking all macs/all file sharing macs/all linking enabled macs/all sockets/all desktop macs/all notebook macs] -- The kind of socket you want listed (alternative to "of socket type"). Defaults to "all macs" if no socket type specified.

[the silencer boolean] -- Remove the specified socket from the names table? (can kill network copy protection?)

[using nbp interval small integer] -- The NBP Retransmission Interval in ticks (0-255). if you don’t know what this is, don’t use it. Default is 3.

[using nbp count small integer] -- The NBP Retransmission Count (0-255). If you don’t know what this is, don’t use it. Default is 3.

Result: boolean -- Was the "ping" successful?

resolve server alias: Resolves an alias file, providing the user and password for the silly (for friendly nets) dialog that was only cured with PowerTalk which is now obsolete.

resolve server alias alias -- Alias File Alias

[as user name string] -- The User will be entered into the “Name” field of the “Mount Server” dialog. (Use “” for the User to login as “Guest”).

[with password string] -- The Password will be entered into the “Password” field of the “Mount Server” dialog.

[with volume password string] -- The volume password for NT servers. Untested - send comments

Result: small integer -- The reply is the return from ResolveAliasFile(), 0 if no error.

talk as user: Set the default user/password for “tell” commands to remote macs.

talk as user string -- The user name to use. Empty for guest. Non-existant for default.

[with password string] -- The password to use with the given user.

[on server string] -- The machine to use this user/password with.

[in AppleTalk zone string] -- Use this user/pass for this zone (or for the machine in this zone) if specified.

[asynchronous operation boolean] -- Default is TRUE, this probably goes a tick slower when the network is fast, but gives some time to other applications when the network is slow.

[ever using dialogs boolean] -- Set this to FALSE to avoid a user/password dialog from ever appearing.

Result: integer -- The user reference number created or existing for this user/password.

tcpip configuration: Get/Set the current TCP/IP configuration

tcpip configuration string -- The name of the new configuration to use.

Result: string -- Tne current (previous if you are setting a new one) TCP/IP configuration.

tcpip configurations: Get a list of all saved TCP/IP configurations.

tcpip configurations

[whose drivers are string] -- Restrict to those configurations whose drivers are this (e.g. PPP, Ethernet).

[whose DNS addresses include string] -- An IP number to look for in the DNS field of the configuration(s).

Result: a list of string -- A list of the configuration names and their ports.

the network: Get a list of available zones and/or servers. (Standard wildcards are "=" for all, "’" for partial completion).

the network zone name/zone names/server/server names/node -- The objects to list.

[in AppleTalk zone string] -- The zone to search. Use "*" for local zone. These parameters are ONLY for "the network server names". If you do not specify a zone, the wildcard will be used.

[of socket type string] -- Specify the socket type for a “node” search if you wish to limit it.

[on server string] -- Limit the search to the server whose name is this.

[of node point] -- {Network #, Node #} as a Point (like return of "the network node").

[listing all macs/all file sharing macs/all linking enabled macs/all sockets/all desktop macs/all notebook macs] -- The kind of socket you want listed (alternative to "of socket type"). Defaults to "all macs" if no socket type specified.

[a basic listing boolean] -- List simply {{zone,mac,sockType,sockAdr},{zone,mac,sT,sA}...}

[node numbers boolean] -- Include socket node #'s (default false). Needed for "probe socket" if you want to keep watch of a socket with low network traffic.

[a WAN search boolean] -- Include the wide area network? (Default is true.)

[my own sockets boolean] -- Include this machine in search (use together with "the silencer" option of "probe socket" to cloak your own software from the net).

[using nbp interval small integer] -- The NBP Retransmission Interval in ticks (0-255). if you don’t know what this is, don’t use it.

[using nbp count small integer] -- The NBP Retransmission Count (0-255). If you don’t know what this is, don’t use it.

Result: a list of list -- A list. {{zone, {machine, {sock1..., sock2...}, mac2, {}...},{zone2, {..}}} - or if zone is provided only item 2 of item 1 of the above, or if zone and type are provided, only a list of macs, or if a mac is provided, only a list of socks.

the server processes: Search for (or let a user choose) a process in the network. (Like "choose application", but more options).

the server processes

[named string] -- The name of the process your looking for (leave blank for all).

[on server string] -- Limit choice to this machine if provided.

[in AppleTalk zone string] -- Limit zone to this zone if provided.

[whose creators are string] -- The four character ID you wish to limit the list to (e.g. "MACS" for Finder).

[of type string] -- The "socket type" provided by the process.

[application label string] -- A prompt shown above the list of applications

[with prompt string] -- Show this text at the top of the dialog box the user sees.

[as user name string] -- The User will be entered into the “Name” field of the “Link to App” dialog. (Use “” for the User to login as “Guest”, don't provide to skip auto-link).

[with password string] -- The Password will be entered into the “Password” field of the “Link to App” dialog.

[as type class] -- Override default return of records / strings / targets. Default is application.

Result: a list of anything -- A list of the processes (or Server Process Records) that match the given criteria - or were chosen as the case may be.

Akua Resource Sweets V1.14: Resource operations.


Class Apple Event Term Raw:

Class Icon Family: A list of individual Icon Suite members

Class Icon Suite: An “IconFamilyHandle” - i.e. ‘icns’ resource

Class colour icon:

Class large color icon:

Class large eight bit icon:

Class large four bit icon:

Class large one bit icon:

Class mini eight bit icon:

Class mini four bit icon:

Class mini one bit icon:

Class resource string: A pascal style string (max 255 chars).

Class resource strings: A pascal style string list (max 255 chars per string, 32000 strings).

Class small color icon:

Class small eight bit icon:

Class small four bit icon:

Class small one bit icon:


record resource misses for: Record resource errors for an application while caps lock is down.

record resource misses for string -- The name of the application to record or empty to disable. Use “*” for all applications or “” to disable.

[break when missing boolean] -- Break into the debugger if a resource miss occurs (unless it is to be ignored).

[except when flavour is one of a list of string] -- Don’t break when debugger breaks is set and the resource type is one of these.

[breaking when flavour is one of a list of string] -- Break into debugger when a miss occurs on one of these four-character resource types.

[error watching boolean] -- Only record resource misses that generate an error.

Result: a list of string -- A list of accumulated resource misses.

save clipping: Save an object as a clipping.

save clipping anything -- The object(s) to save in the file.

in file specification -- The file to save the picture in.

[overwriting boolean] -- Clear other items from the file if it exists. Default is FALSE.

[of type string] -- The type of the file (override 'clpt'/'clpp'). Defaults to 'clp' + lowercase of first letter of type of first object.

save resource: Save an object as a resource in a file.

save resource anything -- The resource you wish to save

[from anything] -- You can not give “script objects” as direct parameters - thus this is an alternate to the direct parameter.

[in file specification] -- Save an object as a resource in a file. Leave this parameter out to replace a System file resource (CAREFUL!!)

[as type class] -- Override the default type (the object class) with this type.

[of type string] -- The four character type code (if you don't specify a class code in "as" and don't want the default) for the resource.

[named string] -- The name to use for identifying the resource.

[numbered small integer] -- Override default # 128 with this number.

[with resource attributes small integer] -- The attributes (most likely those returned from "the resource").

set the custom icon of: Set the custom icon of a file

set the custom icon of file specification -- The file whose icon you wish to customize.

[to Icon Suite] -- The custom icon to apply to the file. Use 0 or nothing to remove it.

[its standard boolean] -- Remove any custom icon from the file or folder.

[compatibility boolean] -- Set a MacOS 8.1 or lower icon if this system is 8.5, or a system 8.5 icon if this system is 8.1 or lower. Default is FALSE.

the clipping from: Load an object from a clipping file.

the clipping from file specification

[only returning the type class] -- The flavour to load (e.g. text - since most text clippings also include style records, they will be in the returned list unless you set this parameter).

[available flavors boolean] -- Just return the available items from the clipping file.

[as type class] -- You can request “as proxy data” to save application RAM - but you need to dispose of it later.

Result: anything -- The object(s) from the clipping file.

the icon for: Get the icon for a file.

the icon for file specification -- The file whose icon you wish to get.

Result: Icon Suite -- The icon data from the file or desktop database - or a picture thereof if requested.

the number of resources: Get the number of resources (or types if no type specified) in a file.

the number of resources

[in file specification] -- The file to load from (leave blank for current resource chain).

[of type string] -- The type of resource (and of data if not seperately specified)

[named string] -- The name to use for identifying the resource.

[numbered small integer] -- Override default # 128 with this number.

[with index small integer] -- Get the resource with this index (from 1).

[their info boolean] -- Return a list {Name, Num, Attr} instead of just count?

Result: small integer -- The number of resources - or a list that depends on the input parameters if they are not specified and "with resource info" is specified.

the resource of type: Load a resource from a file. (Default is first of its kind).

the resource of type string -- The kind of resource to get as a four letter string or a class.

[in file specification] -- The file to load from (leave blank for current resource chain).

[named string] -- The name to use for identifying the resource.

[numbered small integer] -- Override default # 128 with this number.

[with index small integer] -- Get the resource with this index (from 1). Use 0 for a random pick.

[its info boolean] -- Return a list {Name, Num, Data, Attributes} instead of just Data? Use “with removal without its info” to remove a resource without reading it.

[as type class] -- You can request “as proxy data” to save application RAM - but you need to dispose of it later. Or you can override the default returned type (equal to resource type) with something you know better.

[removal boolean] -- Remove the resource from the file? CAUTION!!!!! Overrides “protected” attribute.

Result: anything -- The resource - type depends on the type of resource.

Akua System Sweets V1.27: Deep stuff. Additions that work with the Toolbox at a low level.


Class Date Record: A date with individual fields.


date era small integer -- The era of the date.

date year small integer -- The year of the date

date month small integer

date day small integer

date hour small integer

date minute small integer

date second small integer

date weekday small integer [r/o]

date yearday small integer [r/o]

date yearweek small integer [r/o]

date month name string [r/o] -- The name of the month

date weekday name string [r/o] -- The name of the day

Class Geographic Location Rec: Why isn't this predefined?


latitude integer -- A "Fract" value. To convert to degrees, see example script.

longitude integer -- A "Fract" value. To convert to degrees, see example script.

daylight savings boolean -- Is daylight savings time activated?

GMT delta integer -- The delta seconds to GMT time.

Class Page Style Rec: Information about the paper from Page Setup.


page style ref small integer [r/o] -- The reference number for this style.

page layout small integer [r/o] -- The page layout info. (Portrait, Landscape, Zoomed etc.)

page height small integer [r/o] -- The height of the page in 1/120th of inches (I didn't make that up).

page width small integer [r/o] -- The width of the page.

page feed port small integer [r/o] -- I don't know what this means.

page feed type small integer [r/o] -- 0 = cut, 1 = fanfold, 2 = mech cut, 3 = other

Class Printer Configuration Rec: A printer driver and its setup.


name string -- The name of the printer on the desktop (if any or GX is active).

desktop printer alias [r/o] -- The folder used for spooling - or 0 if DtP is not active.

desktop icon Icon Suite [r/o] -- The icon for the printer.

desktop data 'KNOT' [r/o] -- Other data from a desktop printer.

LAN printer name string -- The name of the printer on the network.

LAN printer type string -- The type of printer (e.g. LaserWriter).

LAN printer zone string -- The zone the printer is located in.

print driver name string -- The driver name (the name of the file).

print driver alias alias -- An alias to the driver in your Extensions folder.

print driver version small integer [r/o] -- The version of the driver.

paper area bounding rectangle [r/o] -- The page rectangle in this setup.

printer info Printer Info Rec -- The device, resolution and printable area of the printer as seen by QuickDraw.

printer device info Printer Info Rec -- The raw resolution and printable area of the printer.

paper style Page Style Rec [r/o] -- The page setup information.

print job Printer Job Rec -- The job information from the "Print…" dialog.

driver papa 'PAPA' -- A driver specific resource (contains the zone etc. of the printer).

driver extra data 'KNOT' -- A collection of resources found to contain configuration information. May or may not work with your printer - send a copy of two differently configured drivers if it doesn’t work for you.

driver setup data 'PREC' -- The page setup / job specification.

background printing boolean -- Tested only on LaserWriter, Epson SC 800, DW 600, DJ 800

printing port string [r/o] -- The port used for printing - tested only on HP DW 600.

Class Printer Info Rec: Device information for the printer.


printer device small integer [r/o] -- The device code for the printer.

printer vres small integer [r/o] -- The printer's vertical DPI.

printer hres small integer [r/o] -- The horizontal resolution of the printer in DPI.

printable area bounding rectangle [r/o] -- The printable area of the page (not physical page size).

Class Printer Job Rec: Job information setup in the "Print…" dialog.


first job page small integer -- The first page to print.

last job page small integer -- The last page to print.

job copies small integer -- The copies to print.

job method small integer -- The method of the job (0=draft,1=spooled).

Class Zone State Rec: A THz


zone size integer [r/o]

zone bytes free integer [r/o] -- The free bytes in the zone.

zone max block integer [r/o] -- The maximum chunk allocatable

zone can grow boolean [r/o] -- Can the heap grow? If non-zero, then maybe.

Class date: Missing from System? Shows in Emailer?!? A 64-bit second count since 1904.

Class high version: Only for “system value” - returns only the major/minor portion of the version.

Class low version: Only for “system value” command - use e.g. for gestalt “apvr” before using “current theme”.

Class process: A process running on this computer


name string [r/o] -- the name of the process

file reference [r/o] -- the file from which the process was launched

file type type class [r/o] -- the OSType of the file type of the process

creator type type class [r/o] -- the OSType of the creator of the process (the signature)

intensity integer [r/o] -- The seconds of CPU used by the application

partition size integer [r/o] -- the size of the partition with which the process was launched

partition space used integer [r/o] -- the number of bytes currently used in the process' partition

process number integer [r/o]

launch date date [r/o] -- The time the app was launched

launcher integer [r/o] -- The process that started this one

mode integer [r/o] -- Process mode flags

visible boolean -- Is the process' layer visible?

background only boolean [r/o]

accepts high level events boolean [r/o] -- Is the process high-level event aware (accepts open application, open document, print document, and quit)?

accepts remote events boolean [r/o] -- Does the process accept remote events?


MacsBug: Call DebugStr() with the parameter.

MacsBug string -- The string to pass as MacsBugs commands.

[log boolean] -- Return a log? Default TRUE.

[persistence boolean] -- Stay in Debugger - default FALSE.

[Result: string] -- The log - unless you’ve shut it off using “without log”

PRAM data: Get/Set PRAM data

PRAM data

[at point] -- The offset into PRAM to read/write the data. Default is 0.

[with length small integer] -- The length of the data you wish returned.

[from anything] -- Store this data into the PRAM chip at the specified offset.

[as type class] -- The type of data to read / the type to coerce the buffer to before writing. Default is WYGIWYG.

Result: 'tdta' -- The data stored in the given chunk.

abort immediately: Abort the current script (or application) and exit to the Finder without saving any changes.

abort immediately

[pesticide boolean] -- Kill the process hogging the foreground with a dialog box.

adjust the clock: Get location and/or set the macintosh date to a new value relative to the current date or absolute.

adjust the clock

[to date] -- The absolute date you wish to place in the system’s clock.

[delta integer] -- Add this value to the current date - use negative values to subtract from current date. Defaults to seconds.

[minute units boolean] -- The delta is in minutes.

[hour units boolean] -- The delta is in hour units.

[at geoposition Geographic Location Rec] -- The machine location you wish to set.

Result: Geographic Location Rec -- The machine location before any adjustment was done.

all processes: Check for a running process by name or creator - or get a list of all processes.

all processes

[named string] -- Filter processes with this name.

[whose creators are string] -- Four letter creator

[background only boolean] -- Include background (default is TRUE). Specify TRUE to get only background apps.

[pending notifications boolean] -- Only return process with a notification pending.

[as type class] -- The kind of result you want. You can use string (names of apps), integer (process numbers), file (paths to the apps), aliases (ditto), applications or Process Infos.

[currency boolean] -- Just return the current process.

Result: a list of string -- A list of processes that match your criteria.

arouse: Open a document (or application) with its owner or your provided application - now or later.

arouse alias -- The file(s) or application(s) to open.

[using alias] -- The application file (or the creator of an application - if not the creator of the document) that should open the document. Defaults to the document’s owner.

[suicide boolean] -- Suicide yourself after launch?

[bringing to front boolean] -- Launch in the front (default FALSE).

[Monica Lewinsky boolean] -- Just joking :)

clip: Place an object on the clipboard.

clip anything -- The object you wish to place in the system's clipboard if any. If this parameter is missing, the current clipboard contents are returned.

[current contents boolean] -- Do not zero the scrap before adding (e.g. add text and picture together).

[content flavors boolean] -- Return a list of the current available types of data on the clipboard. Semi-sorted by String, Picture or Sound as available.

[flavor string] -- Get only this 4-character flavor - otherwise first flavor available will be clipped.

[Result: anything] -- The clipboard contents if the parameter is missing.

frontmost process: Get/Set the frontmost process. Use to get and restore around idle actions.

frontmost process integer -- The process you wish to bring to front - leave blank to just inquire. Can be PSN, Name or application file.

[comparison to me boolean] -- With this option, a 0 value is returned if you are not the front process - else your process number is returned.

[currency boolean] -- Just return t process.

Result: integer -- The front most process number.

notify: Post or remove a notification. (Using this also clears any dangling notifications from scripts that ended without a corresponding "is done" call).

notify integer -- The notification to remove (if any).

[with alert string] -- The string you wish to have posted in an immediate alert.

[with sound sound] -- A sound loaded from a file.

[with sound named string] -- The name of the sound you wish to play.

[with icon small integer] -- The number of the icon you wish to flash in the menu. Use 150 for the default script application icon.

[markation boolean] -- Mark app in menu.

[removal boolean] -- Remove the notification.

Result: integer -- The notification. Don't change it! You must use the "with removal" option at a later time to remove the notification from the queue.

path to creator: Get an application by creator code.

path to creator string -- The four character creator code of the app you wish to locate.

[on file specification] -- The volume from which you want to get the app.

Result: file specification -- The application file.

power down: Shutdown or restart the mac, NOW!

power down

[restart boolean] -- Restart?

[ROM jump boolean] -- Jump to the appropriate ROM jump, overriding all driver closing and other clean-up routines. i.e. Act like the reset button.

printer configuration: Get/Set the current printer setup. (I removed GX support at the last moment - when mapping GX constants to traditional constants. Let me know if you need it.)

printer configuration Printer Configuration Rec -- The printer setup you wish to use - leave blank if just inquiring.

[user setup boolean] -- Let the user process the “Page Setup” dialogs.

[user job boolean] -- Let the user process the “Print Job” dialogs.

[using gx job name string] -- QuickDraw GX supports a name for print dialog. Use this parameter to set the title of the print job window.

[saving as default boolean] -- Save the setup (after user setup/user job) as the default page setup for the printer.

[restoring factory default boolean] -- When saved as default, the original default is preserved. Using this option will restore the preserved defaults of the printer driver.

Result: Printer Configuration Rec -- The current printer configuration (before setting it to your supplied config).

system value: Get/Set a low memory global (crash MacOS X). Enums can be added as needed with XYYY where YYY is the low memory hex value and X is the format to return.

system value lm system version/lm button up/lm key map/lm mouse/lm icon use QD/lm current font/lm current font size/lm current font face/lm file select volume/lm file select directory/lm top of memory/lm screen V res/lm screen H res/lm system event mask/... -- The global you wish to access.

[at address string] -- The hex address of the location you wish to access.

[from gestalt string] -- The four-character Gestalt code to inquire

[bit small integer] -- The bit to test (and return a boolean).

[set with anything] -- The value you wish to replace it with.

[as type class] -- The type of return (and length of data to set/get) to use. (When using “at address”, Akua Sweets won’t know how to format the data - so this is necessary and defaults to short integer.)

[dereferencing boolean] -- The contents are the address of the real thing you want - sanity checking is performed and will return a “parameter error” if the value is crazy.

Result: anything -- The value from the low memory global.

the clock: Get a textual date in various formats.

the clock in sortable form/in extended sortable form/in super sortable form/in daily sortable form/in offset form/in difference form -- The format you want

[from date] -- optionally convert this date to the date format.

[using format integer] -- Format date using this value. See example script for formats.

[using nth bounding rectangle] -- Use {1,1,1,99} for first Monday of Jan 99; {1, 2,1,1999} for first Tuesday; {3,7…} for third Sunday etc. (Two digit years are taken to be within 50 years of the current date). You can use -1 for last of month, -2 for second to last etc.

[using form string] -- A text string where: (%%=%,%c=century,%y=year,%m=month,%nm=month,%d=day,%e=weekday #,%wd=3-char-weekday,%h=hour,%i=minute,%s=second,%k=wknum)

[using system form string] -- A format using system routines where (%%=%, %D=long date, %d=short date, %e=abbr date, %T=time w/seconds, %t=time w/o seconds).

Result: string -- The requested string (or number).

the installed coercions: Get a list of the currently installed coercions.

the installed coercions of the system/of the application -- From which table? (The Application overrides the system).

[from type class] -- The type to limit the list to.

[to type class] -- The destination type to limit the list to.

[wildcards boolean] -- When limiting to a class, do you want the wildcards listed as well? (Default FALSE).

Result: a list of list -- A list of {FromClass, ToClass, Tag, Flags, TakesDescriptors, HashID} lists. ProcPtr will indicate if it is a CSDS or a CSPT coercion.

the installed osaxen: Get a list of installed event handlers.

the installed osaxen of the system/of the application -- Which table?

[from suite string] -- The suite code (4-characters) to limit result to.

[with event ID string] -- The four letter event ID to limit search to.

Result: a list of list -- A list of {"EventClass", Tag, ProcPtr, hashID)

the zone state: Return the current state of the application, system and temp heaps. (The max block of the temp heap is actually the stack space.)

the zone state

[heap compaction boolean] -- Compact and purge unused areas from the heaps?

Result: a list of Zone State Rec -- The heap.

Akua Text Sweets V1.18: The Text Sweets are additions that aid in processing text.


collect lines of: Do a “grep” on the text, finding lines that match an expression.

collect lines of string -- The text to sift.

that match string -- A string that defines what to find.
% Toggles case
$ Toggles early-end-allow
+ Any one character
*c n chars until c
/c Absolute c comparison
(cde) Any of c, d or e
&xcyd Where x & y are one of (>,<,=,#) matches range e.g. digit is &>0<9

Result: string -- The matching lines (or “” if no matches).

decompose: Breakdown text. Use ‘by “%< “‘ to break tab/return tables into rows in a list. ‘by’ parameter may have extended parsing commands - see docs.

decompose string -- The text to breakdown. Can also be a list of text items where each member will be broken down into a sublist.

[by string] -- The delimiter(s) to use when breaking it down. Special codes: "%[c[[[x]c]x]%]" where c is <,≤,>,≥,% or word to break on. Default is ",;:%< ", digits would be "≥0≤9".

[empties boolean] -- Ignore empty items (e.g. empty lines when breaking by return).

[sublists boolean] -- Create a sublist on a line break?

[record support boolean] -- Support «class xxxx»:parm and myProp:myParm format fields by creating records (see output of “compile list”)

[in ranges a list of point] -- A list of ranges {{1, 5}, {8, 10}…} or {0,2,4,9…} that break lines of text into list items. First form is off 1, second is off zero.

[as type class] -- Coerce each item decomposed to this type (default is text)

Result: a list of string -- The text (items) broken down into a list of (lists of) text items.

munge: Search/Replace/Insert/Delete text in a text block.

munge string -- The text to work with

from string -- The text to search for (use “” to insert) - can be a list of items to replace with a corresponding (or single) item in “to” parameter.

to string -- The text to replace the search string with (use “” to delete it).

[starting at offset integer] -- The starting point of the operation (default 0).

[ending at integer] -- The ending point for the operation (default whole text).

[repetition boolean] -- Repeat operation through whole text. (Defaults to true, unless search string inserting).

Result: string -- The resulting text after the operation.

recompose: Pad text or format numbers in kilo/megabytes.

recompose string -- A number or text to recompose.

[padded to small integer] -- The length of the resulting string (spaces may be added). Use a negative number to have extra spaces added in front (right justified).

[kilomegs boolean] -- Format the number as MB/KB if necessary?

[percentage boolean] -- Format a real number as a percentage

[out to small integer] -- The number of decimals to use (default is 2).

[trimming boolean] -- Remove white space (any character < ' ') from the item before processing.

[trimming to string] -- One character minimum to trim to - or two characters to trim between. e.g. "09" to trim to digits or "AZ" to trim to Upper Case.

[up to string] -- The decimal character (or other character you wish to truncate at). This defaults to the decimal character for ‘kilomegs’.

Result: string -- The resulting string.

sniff encoding: Ask the Text Encoding Converter what the text smells like.

sniff encoding string -- The text to smell.

Result: string -- Hopefully it doesn't reek :)

transcode: Convert text from one script to another with the Text Encoding Converter V1.4

transcode string -- The text to transcode.

[from string] -- The name of the encoding the text is currently in. If left blank, it will be "sniffed".

[to string] -- The script to encode it in.

[from codes a list of small integer] -- Direct parameters using {Encoding, Variant, Format} (from TextCommon.h)

[to codes a list of small integer] -- The codes of the resulting encoding.

Result: string -- The transcoded text.

transcribe: Change text case and/or script.

transcribe string -- The text to transliterate.

[to Roman Set/Native Set/Ascii1Byte Set/Ascii2Byte Set/Katakana1Byte Set/Katakana2Byte Set/Hiragana2Byte Set/Hangul2Byte Set/Jomo2Byte Set/Bopomofo2Byte Set] -- The character set you wish to convert the text to.

[as lower cased/upper cased/opposite cased] -- Change the case

[masking Roman Set/Native Set/Ascii1Byte Set/Ascii2Byte Set/Katakana1Byte Set/Katakana2Byte Set/Hiragana2Byte Set/Hangul2Byte Set/Jomo2Byte Set/Bopomofo2Byte Set] -- Only convert characters that match this mask (default is all characters).

[in Roman Script/Japanese Script/Traditional Chinese Script/Korean Script/Arabic Script/Hebrew Script/Simplified Chinese Script/Vietnamese Script] -- Corresponds to "script code". If you need one that's missing, add it as TsNN, where NN is the script code in decimal - or let me know and I'll add it.

Result: string -- The mutated text.

Akua Utility Sweets V1.16: The Utility Sweets is an odds and ends collection. Some members may eventually be grouped together to create another suite.


Class Cloned Proxy Data: Use to create a copy of proxy data in a new proxy. E.g. ‘set myCopy to myProxy as Cloned Proxy Data’

Class Detached Proxy Data: You can convert proxy data into detached proxy data which will give you the original object and dispose of the proxy.

Class Proxy Data: Y

Class encrypted data: Data encrypted


dispose proxy data: Pull the representative out of the House of Commons and return his data.

dispose proxy data Proxy Data -- The proxy - after disposal you can no longer retrieve it!!

encode: Perform various data operations on text.

encode anything -- The data (or file/alias whose data fork) to encode.

[thread script] -- Can’t give a script object as the direct object

[in hexadecimal/lexadecimal/hex dump/binhex/uu format/MIME format/checksum 32/checksum 16/checkpos/CRC 16] -- The format to encode into.

[from hexadecimal/lexadecimal/hex dump/binhex/uu format/MIME format/checksum 32/checksum 16/checkpos/CRC 16] -- The format to decode - checksums & CRC’s not allowed.

[as type class] -- The type to set the (decoded) data to. Encoded data is always text - or integer for checksum/CRC.

[to file specification] -- Store the resulting data in this output file instead of returning it

[Result: anything] -- Depends what you provide. For “in” encodings, this will be text (except for checksums). For “from” encodings, it will most likely be raw data.

encrypt: Encrypt/Decrypt text or data with a password. If the text or data is encrypted, it will be decrypted if the password is correct. The encryption used is probably crackable by the CIA - but not by a hacker - AND NOT BY ME.


[the text string] -- The text to encrypt.

[the data anything] -- The data to encrypt.

[with password string] -- The password to use in encryption. Empty password does not encrypt.

[breaking lines longer than small integer] -- Break text lines that are longer than this amount. ( avoid weird breaks when encrypting E-mail that is not yet broken - i.e. not yet sent).

Result: anything -- The modified text or data.

hex: Perform various hexadecimal operations...

hex convert/bit negate/bit xor/bit and/bit or/math add/math sub -- Operation to be performed.

[source value integer] -- The source value for the operation (if it is decimal).

[source string] -- The source value if it is a hex string.

[operand value integer] -- The operand value if it is an integer.

[operand null] -- The operand if it is a hex string.

[directhex boolean] -- Use the letters “@ABCDEFGHIJLMNO” instead of “0123456789ABCDEF” for hex digits. (Use the low nibble of input values).

[integer return boolean] -- Return an integer instead of a hex string.

Result: anything -- The value or string created by the requested operation.

replace data in: Replace a chunk of data (e.g. text) with something else. (e.g. replace data in "Greg" at 1 using "ory" gives "Gory" :)

replace data in anything -- The object to replace something in.

at integer -- The offset in the input object at which to start replacing. NOTE: The first character of text is at 0.

using anything -- The data to replace the chunk of the input object with.

Result: anything -- The input object changed.

save preference: Save an object to the preferences.

save preference anything -- The object to save as a preference.

from anything -- You can not give targets or scripts as direct parameters - thus this is an alternate (preferred) syntax.

named string -- The name to use for identifying the preference.

[of type string] -- The four-character owner you want to use for your scripts.

[in string] -- If you wish to have your own preference file, use its name here. If this name is not specifified, your pref is stored in “AppleScripts Preferences”. You can use "MyFold:MyName" to use a subfolder of the prefs folder.

the data length of: Get the amount of bytes used by any object's data.

the data length of anything -- The object to check.

[thread script] -- Can’t give a script object as the direct object

Result: integer -- The amount.

the preference: Load an object from a preferences file.

the preference

named string -- The name to use for identifying the preference.

[of type string] -- The four-character owner you want to use for your script.

[in string] -- If you have your own preference file, use its name here. If this name is not specified, your pref is loaded from “AppleScripts Preferences”.

Result: anything -- The preference object loaded.

the same data is in: Compare for equality of objects (AppleScript can't do > 32K, this can).

the same data is in anything -- One object to compare.

[thread script] -- Can’t give a script object as the direct object

as in anything -- The object to compare to.

Result: boolean -- Are they the same? (only data compared, not type).

universal: Get/Set/Replace the value of a universal property. A universal property is available to all scripts on the same machine and persists unless explicitly removed or the Mac is restart.

universal string -- The name of the global to set.

[set with anything] -- The object/value/string to save in the system global.

[removal boolean] -- Remove the variable from the global table.

Result: anything -- The value of the universal property.


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|| created: 4-Aug-03, 10:04 PM; updated: 4-Aug-03, 10:04 PM
|| size: 440876 bytes